Monday, November 29, 2010
Reconnecting and The Power of Prayer
It feels so good to Reconnect!
A quick update on Mom:
Mom is doing better, although she did fall in her apartment yesterday, she is feeling stronger every day. When I posted last I explained that she had been readmitted to the hospital. There was nothing "new" going on, they simply had released her too soon the first time. She needed more time to heal and recover. She spent three more days in the hospital and then came home. She is not a very good patient, so slowing down is not easy for her (guess I know where I get it from). I have been visiting her daily and she and I are enjoying our chance to reconnect and strengthen our relationship. Please continue to pray for her health and stamina. I firmly believe it was the collective hearts offered up in prayer that has helped Mom through the trials of the past month.
Speaking of the Power of Prayer... I am constantly amazed, never surprised, but deeply amazed at the overwhelming power that prayer can have in our lives. When we fully open our hearts to the loving hands of God, offer up our struggles and our joys, and humbly lay our lives at the feet of Jesus, the comfort and encouragement that are offered to us through prayer is outstanding!
I personally have been spending hours in prayer each day for the past few weeks. Praying for my Mother, my marriage, my children, my friends, my co-workers, for our community and our world. And each time I make the time to stop "thinking" and start praying about a situation, it makes all the difference. My perspective is altered, my mind is eased, and my heart is relieved. We all carry so much stress and anxiety over issues that we can not control. But when we are able to take those burdens off ourselves and give them over to God, really and truly offer them up to Him through prayer, then we finally release Him to work in our lives.
God is always there, ready and waiting to help us, provide for us, and comfort us. It is us, you and me, that get in the way and try to "fix" things ourselves, and usually end up making a bigger mess of it anyway. When we finally stop, drop to our knees (either literally or figuratively) and ask Christ to intercede in our lives, then the real work can begin. When we step aside and let the Power of the Trinity; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, take hold of our lives then we are able to release our frail and flawed grip on whatever is happening in our world.
Reconnecting and the Power of Prayer go hand in hand. When we are not in communication with God then we are typically not offering our struggles up to Him. When we are not offering our struggles up to Him then we are stuck in our own muck, trying to figure it out for ourselves. When we rely on ourselves then we almost always make a mess of things. And if things get bad enough, maybe we cry out for help. But... when we are in communication with God, we realize our inability to handle all the challenges in life. We know that we can not make this journey on our own, and we enjoy the company of our spiritual companion. And when you enjoy someones company, you usually want to spend more time with them. And when we spend more time with our Heavenly Father, we are blessed in so many ways.
So..... How do you stay connected with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit? Do you daily offer up your struggles AND your joys through prayer? Do you spend time in prayer for the other people that come in and out of your world? Do you believe that God works through and honors the humble requests we offer to Him through prayer? Is there something that you are trying to control that you need to release and offer up to Him right now?
My prayer for today is that we will know and experience God's presence in our lives. I pray that we stay connected with Him through prayer. I pray that we stay connected to each other by sharing our lives and offering each other up in prayer. I pray that God will rush in and radically change your heart and mind so that you can see and feel the love He has for you. I pray that when life gets overwhelming, we immediately ask for prayer. I pray that when life is good, we immediately offer up a prayer of thanksgiving. I pray that when we don't know what to make out of life, we immediately turn to Christ Jesus and ask for His intercession and love. I pray that today will be a day of peace and joy for you!
Until We Meet Again,
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My Mom was released from the hospital last Friday, only to be readmitted on Sunday evening. The Drs are running all kinds of tests to see what is going on so I am heading off to the hospital again early this morning to see what the results are.
God shows up in the time and space that we give Him, and my drives back and forth from the hospital have always been fruitful time between Him and I. Sometimes I spend my time in prayer, sometimes I listen to Life 102.5, sometimes I am talking with a friend. But no matter what I am doing, God shows up to provide me with encouragement, strength and love.
Now sure, there have been times when my own exhaustion or frustration have closed me off to what God is wanting to send me, but thankfully He loves me enough to push through my junk and get His message across.
Are there times when all you really needed was a dose of Jesus? Have you felt like the world is just too much and all you need is a Savior that can take it all from you? Do you sometimes wish your best friend was right next to you so you could laugh, scream, cry or just talk with them? I feel like that a lot!
So..... How can you make time for Jesus today? How can you be open, give Him the time and the space, to enter into whatever it is you have going on in your life? How can you surrender your "issues" to Him and let Him take care of you? How can you show Him that you trust Him with all that you have?
My prayer for today is that we all realize our need for a Savior, The Savior, and take the time to make Him Our Savior. I pray that whatever we are going through; the good, the bad and the ugly, that we are able to lay it down at His feet and honestly let Him take it for us. I pray that we are all open to God's healing Grace and His unending Love.
Until We Meet Again,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I appreciate the prayers that so many of you have shared. It is a blessing to know that God has placed so many wonderful people into my life.
I pray that you have a healthy relationship with your parents. I know my Mom and I have not always been in such a good place. I pray that if you are hurting or struggling in a relationship, that you turn to God and your support network for strength, healing and encouragement. I know I would not have made it through this week with out God or my friends!
Please know that even though life has me otherwise occupied this week, you are all still in my thoughts and prayers and I can not wait to return next week with a renewed spirit and willingness to share our experiences together.
Until We Meet Again,
Monday, November 8, 2010
It All Comes Back To Love
I am always up for a good challenge and when I am able to learn something from my experience I am a happy girl but I have been struggling with what God wants me to learn in this season of my life. I have been feeling like I am doing a lot of giving and not a lot of getting. And in classic Drea form when I feel this way I tend to shut down and retreat into my quiet place.
Thankfully God loves me so much that He reaches down and pulls me out of the darkness of my hiding and uses the very people that I am challenged by to shine a light into my life. Over the past three days I have been having some very God directed conversations and hearing some very God delivered messages (I love my church) and have been surrounded by and filled with some very God derived love.
The challenges I face have not been removed but my understanding of them has been changed. The positive challenges make more sense. I have a new game plan for the frustrating challenges. I am learning how to reach out and ask for support with the emotional challenges. And in all of this, through all of this, because of all of this I am developing a deeper understanding of what Christ Jesus means when He says “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ ; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” Luke 10:27.
I love myself a lot and so I can imagine what that means to love someone as I love myself. I am not always good at doing that but it is a wonderful model to work towards. When I remember that everyone around me deserves as much love and compassion, grace and mercy, time and attention as I feel I do, then I am released from my need to make sure I get my tank filled before anyone else does. It strips away my selfish tendencies to "get mine" first and it brings me to a place where It All Comes Back To Love.
The love God has for me. The love Christ showed for me. The love I have for others. The love others show me. Love is THE most powerful thing I know. When it is missing it can feel like a barren desert with no one around. When it is present it can change the course of a life, fill the empty voids, run over and out to others. It can bring peace and healing. I, for one, would rather live in, and with, and through love than to be without it.
So..... Who in your world is in need of some love? What challenges do you face and how could a little love help the situation? Have you acknowledged the people that love you and let them know how much you value and appreciate them? Who are you afraid to confront because you think the love is gone? Do you trust God enough to show up and do a work, through love, in your life and your relationships?
My prayer for today is that we all remember the Great Commission and "Love your neighbor as yourself." I pray that we will find healing and restoration in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. I pray that we are able to improve our relationships through love. I pray that we will reach out for help when needed and offer help when asked. I pray that when others look at us they can see the Love of God flowing through us and out to a hurting and desperate world.
Until We Meet Again,
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Beatitudes
God has been doing a work in me over the past few days as I was preparing my message for the high school students at Delta/Engage last night. We are currently in a series called "Upside Down" and we are talking about how living the life Jesus calls us to, invites us to, is foreign or upside down to the way the world around us lives.
Last week we began our discussion by identifying the fact that we actually live in two kingdoms. First there is the Kingdom of Me, the one we live in most of the time. Then there is the Kingdom of God, the one we strive to achieve someday but don't always believe we can or desire to do so. But Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom of God is here with us NOW. It is not a 'something' to be aspiring to reach 'someday.' And before we can even recognize that and be willing to live in the Kingdom of God, we have to admit that there is a Kingdom of Me, a place where we rule and make all the choices. And, we have to be willing to surrender our kingdom to God before we can fully live in His.
When we left our discussion last week everyone was feeling a little disoriented and troubled. And guess what, that was exactly what God was hoping for. It is in those moments of doubt and transparency that God can help us see what is truly in our hearts and He can help ease our pain and suffering, if only we let Him. When we picked up our message again this week we began to look at what the Kingdom of God is really like and what Jesus is inviting us to join him in.
We looked at some of my favorite verses last night. They can be found in Matthew, chapter 5. They are The Beatitudes. Now for those of you that don't know me as well as others, I love to read different translations of the Bible whenever I am digging into a text. I love to see how different words help my understanding grow and develop, and once again I was richly rewarded.
I first began in the NIV:
Matthew 5:1-10 (New International Version)
Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
1 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them.
The Beatitudes
He said: 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
This is the text that I am most familiar with. It is the one that I grew up with. After reading it I felt the urge to pull out my Parallel Bible, which has four translations side-by-side on each page, and see what words the other versions used.
What I found in the NLT brought a few things into focus:
Matthew 5:1-10 (New Living Translation)
The Sermon on the Mount
1 One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, 2 and he began to teach them.The Beatitudes
3 “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him,a]">[a]for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
4 God blesses those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 God blesses those who are humble,
for they will inherit the whole earth.
6 God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,b]">[b]
for they will be satisfied.
7 God blesses those who are merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
for they will see God.
9 God blesses those who work for peace,
for they will be called the children of God.
10 God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Pretty similar, right? But did you catch the differences in verses 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10. Not huge, message altering changes, but rather simply different words that help our understanding grow and develop as we strive to discover the meaning of what Jesus is trying to teach us. I, for one, can understand that I "have a need for Him" maybe a little easier than I know what "poor in spirit" means.
Humble is a word I am more familiar with than meek. Justice is something I can grasp maybe more fully than righteousness. I know what a peacemaker is but I love the mental imagery of "those who work for peace." And again in verse 10, righteousness is one of those "big words" that can sometimes take me out of the flow when I am reading because I have to stop and think about what it really means. For some reason my brain can process "those who are persecuted for doing right" a little easier.
Whichever version speaks to you, you have to admit that what Jesus is calling us to is "Upside Down" to the way the world around us works. The world values our personal strength, power, and independence. But Jesus is inviting to share a life with Him that turns all those things on their heads and shows us that by living a life that is weak, and meek, and humble, and peaceful, one that allows us to mourn and show mercy, is actually the way to need to live in order to be living in the Kingdom, the Will of God.
Now, I can already hear that voice in your head saying "well sure Drea that is good and all but I don't know if I can do that." And let me say back to you, "Yes you can, all you have to do is try." Slowly, day by day, lay down the things you feel the need to control and surrender them to Jesus. When you pick them back up again, and you will, stop, remember the peace that Jesus offers, and lay them down again. Eventually you will be free of your burdens, one at a time.
So..... What are the things that you are trying to keep control of? What does the Kingdom of You look like? What would you love to lay down at the feet of Jesus and not have to carry any further? How can you begin to slowly unload the life you have created for yourself and walk towards the life Jesus is inviting you to? Are you ready to be humble, merciful, hungry for justice, to be comforted, pure of heart, work for peace, and persecuted for doing what is right? Maybe not ALL-at-Once, but are you willing to see where you are walking in the opposite direction, stop and turn toward these ideas and actions?
My prayer for today is that we are all able to recognize where the Kingdom of Me and the Kingdom of God are in conflict. I pray that we are brave enough to lay down the things that we are holding tight and begin to surrender our control over to The One that can rescue us. I pray that we begin to hunger for justice, work for peace, and realize our need for God. I pray that our lives are radically transformed, from the inside out, as we work to turn ourselves upside down and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Until We Meet Again,
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Value of Quality
Quality is something we have grown to expect from others but rarely do we think about our own level of quality. Do we offer quality service to others in our home and community? Do we offer quality products at work or for organizations we volunteer for? Do we offer quality time to our loved ones?
Quality is something that can change the game. It can turn a ho-hum experience into a memorable one. It can make a dreaded event one that has people talking long after it is over. It can keep a relationship alive long after it's self-life may have otherwise expired. Quality can brighten someone's day. It can turn a doubter into a believer. It can bring people closer.
Quality can mean different things to different people. Quality can be expressed in various ways. Quality can be easy to achieve and it can be difficult to attain, it depends on your perspective. The common thread of quality is that is announces to the world that you are a caring, thoughtful person that pays attention, looks for ways to make a difference, and then most importantly, you act upon that.
So..... How can you show that you value quality today? Not just in what you expect from others but more importantly in how you treat others. How can you change someone's day by providing them with a quality service, product or time? Are you ready to have YOUR life transformed by putting your best foot forward and providing quality experiences to those around you?
My prayer for today is that we all value someone else more than ourselves. I pray that we want better for them than we do for ourselves. I pray that we strive to put quality out into the world in such a way that it can not help but make things better. I pray that we grow in our understanding and appreciation for things of quality so that we can recognize when someone loves us enough to offer it to us. I pray that all that quality bouncing around will make a positive impact and show Christ's love to a waiting world.
Until We Meet Again,
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Pleasure of Pressing PAUSE
This past weekend I exercised my right to press the "PAUSE" button on my life. I have to say, the pleasure was the same! The kids and I were off of school on Thursday and Friday so we had a four day weekend! On Wednesday afternoon we all went into "vaca-mode." Everyone slept in on Thursday morning and by mid-day my sister-in-law had picked up all three kids for a sleepover. John and I started a long overdue deep discussion and then ended up going out for a late-night date-night.
Friday morning was another "catch-up on sleep" session then lunch with one of my best friends! The kids were home by 6 pm but Evan and I ditched the girls in favor of a B-day party for one of his best friends. The party was at the home of one of my best, best friends so of course I "had" to stay and help her test a bottle of wine while the kids played.
Saturday morning, more sleeping in, by now we were starting to get used to it. Saturday was an official jammie day but Em and I did venture out to do grocery shopping, 4 days home will put a huge dent in your reserves! By Saturday night we were ready for some fun! All five of us went to a costume party and had a blast. Evan even won a ribbon for Most Original Costume. He was a vampire with his own set of fangs (he has lost his two front teeth on top and two bottom teeth on either side of his front ones - he either had to be a vampire or a jack-o-lantern and "j-o-ls are too babyish mom.").
Sunday morning was a bit of a return to a normal schedule. We had church and I was scheduled to do Worship and Bree was doing tech in Carbon, our 4th and 5th grade ministry. After that we dropped Bree off at a friend's house for a party and the rest of us went to my in-laws for the the Packer game and to watch the race. Emily and Evan were antsy all afternoon, waiting "for-ev-er" to go trick-or-treating. Finally time came for John and I to walk them around for one of the most bizarre but sweet holiday traditions we have in this country.
We all arrived back home by 8:30 pm. Emily and Evan spread out their candy and made the all important trades. Bree had already done that with her friends so she began to pack for her Mackenzie Nature Center overnight fieldtrip (she goes to school this morning and I won't see her again until tomorrow afternoon). And by 9 pm the pause button was pressed again and we were back in full-speed of life mode once more.
As I sit here this morning with the comforting scent of Highlander Grogg filling my kitchen I am ready to jump into life again. It was a pleasure and a joy to slow down, take a break, and enjoy the simple things in life when I pressed "pause" on my world for just a little while. We all need to remember to move back and breath before we get ready to move ahead. November and December promise to be just as busy, if not more so, than September and October so I am thankful that God offered me a little respite in the journey.
So..... Are you in need of a "PAUSE" button moment? How can you find a way to take a break from your busy life? Who do you need to pause with? Are you just in need of a quick "time-out" or do you need an extended "caution flag?" Be prepared and plan ahead so you can maximize your minimized schedule. The pleasure you will experience from pressing "PAUSE" will out-weigh any frustrations you may have to deal with when you return to full-speed. Trust me! A refreshed you is far more capable of handling life than a worn-out, worn-down you. Start planning now for your "PAUSE" moment in the VERY near future.
My prayer for today is that we are all able to recognize when we NEED to press the "PAUSE" button on our life. I pray that we take time for ourselves and time to be alone with God. I pray that we allow Him to do a work in us and heal us from the inside out. I pray that we take time and make time to be with the special people in our lives. I pray that we remember what is truly important and allow the things of this world to melt away.
Until We Meet Again,