So yesterday was a VERY interesting day for me. Most of my days interest me, but yesterday was an especially unique one. I woke up at 3 am, a little earlier than usual, with a lot on my mind. I spent time writing my blog and that helped calm me. Then I got ready to set out from my house, not really knowing what the rest of the day would bring. All I knew was I would be doing something totally different than most of my previous Mondays.
Wearing one shirt, and carrying another (more on that later), I set out for the Federal Court House downtown. I was one of 50 people that were called to be part of a Jury Selection Pool. I was having mixed emotions about the experience. I actually would not have minded sitting on a jury but this week was not the best for our family's schedule. The morning started off with all 50 of us trying to fit into a small room with only about 55 chairs in it. Lets just say we were all real cozy by the time we were called into the court room.
Once in the court room I was one of 30 people that were called to be part of the initial selection process. It took a long time as the judge gave us directions, asked us lots of group questions, and then we went into the personal narrative portion. We passed around a microphone and a piece of paper that told us the information we had to share. It was actually a little like watching reality T.V., as each person shared their vital stats, background, and activities/interests/hobbies; we even had to tell what bumper stickers, if any, were on our car.
When I was about three people away from my turn I stopped focusing on the person talking and began to wonder what I would say. Of course it was all information of fact but what parts of myself would I put out there for a room of strangers to know about me. What are the essential elements about me that make me, me?
Up to that point no one had shared anything about their faith as being such a significant part of their life that they felt compelled to say anything about it. For me, my faith is not just something, it is everything! So of course I would have to share it. But then I thought, how should I share it so that I did not come across as the Bible thumping, Jesus ranting, crazed lunatic that many non-believers see us Christians to be.
I decided to not make it a "thing" like saying one of the books I read is the Bible or one of the organizations I belong to is my church. I decided to speak my Faith Out Loud by letting it fill every part of my story. I spoke from the heart, was whimsical (garnered a few laughs), shared my love for my family, my job, my future direction in life. I shared that I read books and listen to music and watch movies that help me remain close to my Christian beliefs. I was honest, warm, polite, articulate, even engaging; so many of the attributes Christ calls us to be to the broken world around us.
After I was done and we moved on to the others after me I did hear a few of them share that they belonged to a church or that their interests included other Christ-centered activities. There was even a Pastor in the group and He really spoke to living his Faith Out Loud. It was comforting to know that in this world of "political correctness" and a "keep it to yourself" mentality that there are a few that are willing to stand and be counted as followers of Christ.
As it ended up I was not selected. I was near the end of the group that was excused and for a while I thought I might be selected. Through the process I actually came to the acceptance that if this was where God needed me then I would serve with a willing and open heart. Driving home I thought about how that experience changed me, how God used it to stretch my thinking about the others living around me and the impact I can have on their lives, even if it is in small ways.
When I got back home I actually had to go to work. You see yesterday was also the first day for me at my new job. I had missed the All-District morning session but I was getting back just in time to meet with the staff at the elementary school where I am going to be a Special Ed Assistant Teacher. We have new shirts we all wore yesterday and are going to wear tomorrow, on the first day of school (oh that reminds me I have to do laundry). So when I arrived I had to run into the bathroom and change real quick. When I left in the morning I was not sure if I would be selected for a jury or not so I decided to play it safe and bring my school shirt along with me so that if I was able to make it in the afternoon I would fit in with the rest of the staff.
And as if designed by God (of course it was) there was about 15 minutes before our afternoon session started. I was able to talk with the team I am going to be working with. These are all ladies I have known before, so it was really a catching up, but I was also able to share my story about how and why I am making this transition in my life and about what I believe the future holds for me. I told them about going back to school myself for Ministry and Leadership. They were all amazed, but not surprised.
I can not wait to continue to share my Faith Out Loud over the course of this next school year. I know that God will use me in big and small ways to make a difference in the lives of those I will share time with. I know that by living out my faith I will be able to be a better example of God's Love than if I would try and "convert" them with daunting tasks or strong words. The slow conversion of a heart that is nurtured and supported is the fertile ground where God can plant and cultivate many seeds of Faith.
So HOW and WHERE can YOU share your Faith Out Loud today? What impact can you make on the lives around you by softly but boldly letting others know about the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ. Share your personal story, your journey, your struggles. Let others know that God works in your life in big and small ways everyday. Go on, be brave, take a chance. Even if the ground seems rocky, like in a court room at the Federal Court House.
My prayer for you today is that you are so filled with the Love of God that you can not help but to share it. I pray that whatever is holding you back from sharing it with that one person you know God is calling you to reach out to, that whatever that thing is, it is removed from your mind and you go for it. I pray that you feel the Holy Spirit come over you as you begin to speak, that His wisdom and Glory are passed through you to someone that really needs to hear the message, as only you can share it.
Maybe today is the day you invite a friend to the coffee house, or for coffee at your house and together you both Step out in FAITH...with Coffee.
Until We Meet Again,
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Why Am I Always Amazed?
No really, I want to know?! Why am I always amazed? Because by now you would think I would be used to the fact that God will take care of me, provide for me, and generally look out for my best interests. And you would think I would not be surprised when it happens. But here I sit, yet again, absolutely amazed at how much God loves me, and how He provides for my every need.
As I have shared in previous posts, I am in the middle of a BIG life transition. It is a transition that I am super excited about but still a little cautious as to how it will all turn out. I have been praying a lot for God's clear direction, His loving guidance, His peaceful presence to be evident in my life. And guess what? He has provided!
I was teaching in our children's ministry at church yesterday morning and was with an older age group than I am normally with. It was the last week of our summer curriculum and I was expecting to be doing a lot of wrap-up and review. But God had a gift planned for the children, and for me. It came in the way of His Holy Word, specifically from the book of Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9. It read like this:
"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (NLT)
Can you believe that!?!? God knew exactly what I needed to hear! You see yesterday was my last day on staff, after 2 & 1/2 years in the children's ministry, at my church. I am going back to school for Ministry and Leadership but I had to make a tough choice to leave my part-time, ministry related position at church in order to find a full time job that will help me pay for returning to school.
I have Full Faith that this is God's plan and I am being obedient to His calling for my life. But I am human and I am prone to doubt and wonder. I wonder if things will be easy or challenging. I wonder if the people in my world will understand or will I be constantly trying to explain it to them. I wonder if I am mentally ready to return to a rigorous academic setting or has my brain gone to mush.
Then I am reminded, right there in the middle of my Sunday morning, surrounded by 1st through 5th graders, that God is with me wherever I go! It took me a moment, after I read the verse, to catch my breath. (That happens to me a lot, when I realize that God is talking directly to me.) But I take my moment, gain my composure and dive into this verse with the students.
I have been in early and mid childhood education for the past 20 years and God has taught me so much during the moments I am teaching children, and this time was no exception. As I stopped and thought about the group of students sitting around the circle with me I realized that they are going through the exact same thing as I am! They are leaving their current season of life, summer and all the fun and relaxation it brings, and moving into a season of education and personal growth. They are leaving the old and the familiar to move into the unknown and the challenging too.
In that moment, those children and I bonded in a way that I will always remember. We dug into that verse in Joshua. We took it piece by piece and talked about what it means and how at the beginning of the verse it says "This is my command..." It did not say, 'this is a suggestion...' or 'this is something good to consider...' It said "This is my COMMAND..." A command is something you are expected to follow, and follow without question. And here God is commanding us to:
"Be strong and courageous!"
"Do not be afraid or discouraged."
And know that "the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Well, ok then! I guess I have my direction, my guidance, my peaceful presence that is evident in my life. And God, in His loving wisdom, used one of the ways He knows I connect with Him, through children, in order to share His message with me. How lucky am I?! How lucky are each one of us, to have a God that knows us, and respects us, and treasures us so much that He will come into our lives in ways that make sense to US. In ways that WE can understand and relate to.
Think about that today. Think about how God makes every effort to relate to you, to make clear to you the things He wants to share with you. Maybe He is bringing you comfort. Maybe He is bringing you a challenge. Maybe He is bringing you new insights and deeper personal growth. Whatever He is bringing you know that He is doing it because He loves you. He is doing it because He wants whats best for you and He wants to be in a closer relationship with you. He wants you to know that He "is with you wherever you go."
My prayer for you today is that you feel God with you as you move through your day. I pray that you stop and realize that He is always with you. I pray that when you slow down enough to be aware of His presence that you are BLOWN AWAY by His strength and AMAZED by His love for you.
Until We Meet Again,
p.s., If you have a student in your life that will be returning to school this week, or maybe they did last week, share this with them. Remind them that God is always with them. Remind them that He calls us to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or discouraged. And then let them know that YOU will always be there for them as well. Move your Faith Into Action and make a difference in the life of a student this week!
As I have shared in previous posts, I am in the middle of a BIG life transition. It is a transition that I am super excited about but still a little cautious as to how it will all turn out. I have been praying a lot for God's clear direction, His loving guidance, His peaceful presence to be evident in my life. And guess what? He has provided!
I was teaching in our children's ministry at church yesterday morning and was with an older age group than I am normally with. It was the last week of our summer curriculum and I was expecting to be doing a lot of wrap-up and review. But God had a gift planned for the children, and for me. It came in the way of His Holy Word, specifically from the book of Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9. It read like this:
"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (NLT)
Can you believe that!?!? God knew exactly what I needed to hear! You see yesterday was my last day on staff, after 2 & 1/2 years in the children's ministry, at my church. I am going back to school for Ministry and Leadership but I had to make a tough choice to leave my part-time, ministry related position at church in order to find a full time job that will help me pay for returning to school.
I have Full Faith that this is God's plan and I am being obedient to His calling for my life. But I am human and I am prone to doubt and wonder. I wonder if things will be easy or challenging. I wonder if the people in my world will understand or will I be constantly trying to explain it to them. I wonder if I am mentally ready to return to a rigorous academic setting or has my brain gone to mush.
Then I am reminded, right there in the middle of my Sunday morning, surrounded by 1st through 5th graders, that God is with me wherever I go! It took me a moment, after I read the verse, to catch my breath. (That happens to me a lot, when I realize that God is talking directly to me.) But I take my moment, gain my composure and dive into this verse with the students.
I have been in early and mid childhood education for the past 20 years and God has taught me so much during the moments I am teaching children, and this time was no exception. As I stopped and thought about the group of students sitting around the circle with me I realized that they are going through the exact same thing as I am! They are leaving their current season of life, summer and all the fun and relaxation it brings, and moving into a season of education and personal growth. They are leaving the old and the familiar to move into the unknown and the challenging too.
In that moment, those children and I bonded in a way that I will always remember. We dug into that verse in Joshua. We took it piece by piece and talked about what it means and how at the beginning of the verse it says "This is my command..." It did not say, 'this is a suggestion...' or 'this is something good to consider...' It said "This is my COMMAND..." A command is something you are expected to follow, and follow without question. And here God is commanding us to:
"Be strong and courageous!"
"Do not be afraid or discouraged."
And know that "the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Well, ok then! I guess I have my direction, my guidance, my peaceful presence that is evident in my life. And God, in His loving wisdom, used one of the ways He knows I connect with Him, through children, in order to share His message with me. How lucky am I?! How lucky are each one of us, to have a God that knows us, and respects us, and treasures us so much that He will come into our lives in ways that make sense to US. In ways that WE can understand and relate to.
Think about that today. Think about how God makes every effort to relate to you, to make clear to you the things He wants to share with you. Maybe He is bringing you comfort. Maybe He is bringing you a challenge. Maybe He is bringing you new insights and deeper personal growth. Whatever He is bringing you know that He is doing it because He loves you. He is doing it because He wants whats best for you and He wants to be in a closer relationship with you. He wants you to know that He "is with you wherever you go."
My prayer for you today is that you feel God with you as you move through your day. I pray that you stop and realize that He is always with you. I pray that when you slow down enough to be aware of His presence that you are BLOWN AWAY by His strength and AMAZED by His love for you.
Until We Meet Again,
p.s., If you have a student in your life that will be returning to school this week, or maybe they did last week, share this with them. Remind them that God is always with them. Remind them that He calls us to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or discouraged. And then let them know that YOU will always be there for them as well. Move your Faith Into Action and make a difference in the life of a student this week!
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Office Coffee
You can tell a lot about a work place by the coffee in the break/work room.
Sometimes it is the instant variety you mix with hot water (seriously?!). Sometimes it is made from grounds that have been sitting in a plastic jug for months (why?!). Sometimes it is fresh ground and so aromatic you can smell it from down the hall (yes!!).
Then there is the method of delivery: Sometimes its a small, stained pot that has been around since the Hoover Administration. Other times its a tall slender warming carafe that sucks the flavor out as it reheats the liquid every half hour. But if your lucky you can have one of those machines that makes one, individual cup, just for YOU.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the eye opening revelations you can have by examining the coffee cups of the employees (that is a separate post all of its own!).
But you really CAN tell a lot about the value people place on life by the value they place on their coffee. Now, I understand that not everyone is a coffee drinker (and I forgive you for that) but I am talking to those of us that understand the value of a really good cup of coffee. Those of us that that need some additional help to get through the day, in the form of warm, flavorful, aromatic joy that fills our cups with love (ok, that's a little dramatic, but now you can understand the passion with which I enjoy my coffee).
So I am in this transitional place in my life, and I am thinking about the place I am leaving and wondering about the place I am going. Because the world can be an overwhelming place I try and make sense of it in ways that comfort me, like through my coffee. So here are some things I learned about my last "office" based on the coffee they served there:
* They Value Individuality - They have a one cup coffee maker. I did not have to share the same pot with 10 other people.
* They Value Originality - I had my own box of single cup packets, of MY favorite flavor, to keep in my office. I did not have to compromise and suffer through my coworkers favorite flavor, which by the way was way too weak for my taste, and in turn they did not have to deal with my nutty delight.
* They Value Creativity - There was an entire shelf above the coffee maker that was filled with every type of coffee enhancer you could think of. Many different varieties of creamer, which would change seasonally. Sweeteners in all different shapes and sizes, depending on if your a purist or an artificial type.
* They Value Beauty - The disposable cups available would change constantly. The patterns were always different and they were well insulated (which is a thing of beauty, to not have your hand burned as you enjoy your warm tastiness).
* They Value People - By making all of this available they showed how much they care for each employee. They put thought and effort into creating an environment where each person can thrive and have the resources they need in order to work effectively.
What does your work environment say to you? How do YOU contribute to the Individuality, the Originality, the Beauty, the People Pleasing atmosphere of the world you work in?
Coffee, really good coffee, can change a persons day. An attitude can also change a persons day. Think about the attitude you bring to the people around you. You can be a warm, soothing cup of coffee or you can be a lukewarm, tasteless cup 'o joe. It is all in what YOU value and what YOU bring to the table. Make sure your cup is beautiful and filled with aromatic life. Be intentional about sharing it with others. Be considerate that someone might want a different flavor than you and be willing to dump out the cup and start fresh, if that's what is needed.
Make it a GREAT day! Share your richness with others and see how their worlds are affected. And I'm guessing yours will be enhanced as well.
Until We Meet Again,
Sometimes it is the instant variety you mix with hot water (seriously?!). Sometimes it is made from grounds that have been sitting in a plastic jug for months (why?!). Sometimes it is fresh ground and so aromatic you can smell it from down the hall (yes!!).
Then there is the method of delivery: Sometimes its a small, stained pot that has been around since the Hoover Administration. Other times its a tall slender warming carafe that sucks the flavor out as it reheats the liquid every half hour. But if your lucky you can have one of those machines that makes one, individual cup, just for YOU.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the eye opening revelations you can have by examining the coffee cups of the employees (that is a separate post all of its own!).
But you really CAN tell a lot about the value people place on life by the value they place on their coffee. Now, I understand that not everyone is a coffee drinker (and I forgive you for that) but I am talking to those of us that understand the value of a really good cup of coffee. Those of us that that need some additional help to get through the day, in the form of warm, flavorful, aromatic joy that fills our cups with love (ok, that's a little dramatic, but now you can understand the passion with which I enjoy my coffee).
So I am in this transitional place in my life, and I am thinking about the place I am leaving and wondering about the place I am going. Because the world can be an overwhelming place I try and make sense of it in ways that comfort me, like through my coffee. So here are some things I learned about my last "office" based on the coffee they served there:
* They Value Individuality - They have a one cup coffee maker. I did not have to share the same pot with 10 other people.
* They Value Originality - I had my own box of single cup packets, of MY favorite flavor, to keep in my office. I did not have to compromise and suffer through my coworkers favorite flavor, which by the way was way too weak for my taste, and in turn they did not have to deal with my nutty delight.
* They Value Creativity - There was an entire shelf above the coffee maker that was filled with every type of coffee enhancer you could think of. Many different varieties of creamer, which would change seasonally. Sweeteners in all different shapes and sizes, depending on if your a purist or an artificial type.
* They Value Beauty - The disposable cups available would change constantly. The patterns were always different and they were well insulated (which is a thing of beauty, to not have your hand burned as you enjoy your warm tastiness).
* They Value People - By making all of this available they showed how much they care for each employee. They put thought and effort into creating an environment where each person can thrive and have the resources they need in order to work effectively.
What does your work environment say to you? How do YOU contribute to the Individuality, the Originality, the Beauty, the People Pleasing atmosphere of the world you work in?
Coffee, really good coffee, can change a persons day. An attitude can also change a persons day. Think about the attitude you bring to the people around you. You can be a warm, soothing cup of coffee or you can be a lukewarm, tasteless cup 'o joe. It is all in what YOU value and what YOU bring to the table. Make sure your cup is beautiful and filled with aromatic life. Be intentional about sharing it with others. Be considerate that someone might want a different flavor than you and be willing to dump out the cup and start fresh, if that's what is needed.
Make it a GREAT day! Share your richness with others and see how their worlds are affected. And I'm guessing yours will be enhanced as well.
Until We Meet Again,
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Breathing in the Fresh Air
I had a late meeting last night and as I drove home I rolled my windows down and took a deep breath of the cool night air. I was near some corn fields and the dew had already begun to form on the leaves of the stalks. I thought to myself, this is what "refreshing" smells like. Refreshing, like renewing and revitalizing, is an active thing. It is a change from something old to something new. Refreshing is also something that makes us feel better. There is a comfort or a peace that comes along with being refreshed.
Fresh air has a way of clearing our heads. It can re-energize us and give us a new focus. Fresh air is not always missed until you come upon it again. But then that first blast makes you realize how long you have been without it. You begin to crave it again and want to breath in as much as you can, as fast as you can. Pretty soon you are light headed, unbalanced. You need to take a seat and catch your breath.
Our relationship with Christ is like a Breath of Fresh Air. Sometimes we get so busy with the day-to-day business of life that we forget about making time and space for Him. We can go days, weeks, months, years even without realizing that we are not letting Him in. Then something happens, something unexpected and startling. It may be something big or it may be something very small but it shakes you to your core. You instantly realize that the way you have been living your life needs to change. You need to hit the "refresh" button. And when you do, when you actually take a moment to breath, to let the healthy, life giving air of Christ into your life, you are blown away by it's power to change everything.
Suddenly you can not believe you have lived without Him for so long. Suddenly you begin to crave Him again, you can't get enough of Him and you surround yourself in His presence. You begin to get a little light headed and you need to take a seat and catch your breath! And then you hear His quiet whisper calling out to you in the night "Be still my child and know that I am with you. I have always been here, and I will continue to be."
You see, the thing with Re-Freshing Air is that you need a balance. There is a necessary process of "out with the old, in with the new." Fresh air can only be of benefit if you release the stale air you are holding inside. Your relationship with Christ can only be refreshing if you let go of the pain and the hurt, the disappointments, the struggles, the need to control, the anger, the pride. When your lungs are filled with dirty air they begin to wither and die. When your heart is filled with suffering and resentment it too will begin to wither and die.
What are you holding on to? What do you need to let out in a rush of stale air? What do you need to release in order to let in the Fresh Air of Christ? Go ahead, close your eyes, think for a moment, it will come to you, I promise. We all KNOW exactly what it is, we just need to admit it to ourselves and give ourselves permission to let it out. And when we do, Christ will rush in like a breath of fresh air. He will fill our lungs, our minds, and our hearts with something that we didn't even realize we were missing.
My prayer for you today is that you stop, you reflect, you realize and then you act. Our lives are meant to be lived in the presence of the Holy One. I pray that you sit still long enough to feel the presence of God surround you. I pray that you invite Him into a closer relationship with you. When you do He will Refresh you heart, Renew your mind and Revitalize your life.
Until We Meet Again,
p.s. - In order for this to be a supportive community of Christ-followers we need to be willing to share our experiences. Please take a moment to comment on what you are feeling, what you are dealing with, what you are changing in your life. This is a safe place and God surrounds all we say here.
Fresh air has a way of clearing our heads. It can re-energize us and give us a new focus. Fresh air is not always missed until you come upon it again. But then that first blast makes you realize how long you have been without it. You begin to crave it again and want to breath in as much as you can, as fast as you can. Pretty soon you are light headed, unbalanced. You need to take a seat and catch your breath.
Our relationship with Christ is like a Breath of Fresh Air. Sometimes we get so busy with the day-to-day business of life that we forget about making time and space for Him. We can go days, weeks, months, years even without realizing that we are not letting Him in. Then something happens, something unexpected and startling. It may be something big or it may be something very small but it shakes you to your core. You instantly realize that the way you have been living your life needs to change. You need to hit the "refresh" button. And when you do, when you actually take a moment to breath, to let the healthy, life giving air of Christ into your life, you are blown away by it's power to change everything.
Suddenly you can not believe you have lived without Him for so long. Suddenly you begin to crave Him again, you can't get enough of Him and you surround yourself in His presence. You begin to get a little light headed and you need to take a seat and catch your breath! And then you hear His quiet whisper calling out to you in the night "Be still my child and know that I am with you. I have always been here, and I will continue to be."
You see, the thing with Re-Freshing Air is that you need a balance. There is a necessary process of "out with the old, in with the new." Fresh air can only be of benefit if you release the stale air you are holding inside. Your relationship with Christ can only be refreshing if you let go of the pain and the hurt, the disappointments, the struggles, the need to control, the anger, the pride. When your lungs are filled with dirty air they begin to wither and die. When your heart is filled with suffering and resentment it too will begin to wither and die.
What are you holding on to? What do you need to let out in a rush of stale air? What do you need to release in order to let in the Fresh Air of Christ? Go ahead, close your eyes, think for a moment, it will come to you, I promise. We all KNOW exactly what it is, we just need to admit it to ourselves and give ourselves permission to let it out. And when we do, Christ will rush in like a breath of fresh air. He will fill our lungs, our minds, and our hearts with something that we didn't even realize we were missing.
My prayer for you today is that you stop, you reflect, you realize and then you act. Our lives are meant to be lived in the presence of the Holy One. I pray that you sit still long enough to feel the presence of God surround you. I pray that you invite Him into a closer relationship with you. When you do He will Refresh you heart, Renew your mind and Revitalize your life.
Until We Meet Again,
p.s. - In order for this to be a supportive community of Christ-followers we need to be willing to share our experiences. Please take a moment to comment on what you are feeling, what you are dealing with, what you are changing in your life. This is a safe place and God surrounds all we say here.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
YOU are the Light of the World
Yesterday I was enjoying a book "Reading Jesus" by Mary Gordon when I came across this scripture passage:
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:14-16
This time the passage struck me in a different way than it has in the past. Typically I have taken its "advice" in a more passive tone. Light is such a common thing, like air and water, that I have easily made the justification to simplify what is being said here. But this time I heard it! I heard the immediate, and very active call, to LIVE OUT these verses.
"YOU are the Light of the World."
Light is an essential part of life. To scientists it is a key component to growth; for plants, animals and humans. To Christian we call Jesus 'The Truth, the Way, and the LIGHT.' So clearly we all agree on the importance and significance of light. And then here in this passage we are told, you and me, that WE are the Light of the World! We have an essential role to play in the growth of life.
Jesus goes on to say that we should not try and hide our ability to make a significant impact on our world. You can not hide a city or a lamp, and you should not try to. It is not wise to waste your energy on such foolish ventures. Instead we need to embrace the purpose of the lamp, the light it gives to others.
" gives LIGHT to everyone in the house."
In this verse Jesus is saying that as the Light of the World we all have a responsibility to share ourselves with others. For many of us, we have a family, a group of people that live in the same house with us. We share time and space with other people that either receive a benefit or a detriment from spending time with us.
A lamp is a useful thing. WE are called to be useful to others. We are CALLED to share our light with others. We are called TO BE mindful of our impact on others. As we move in and out of our houses, as we live life with the people around us, we are reminded that we give off energy, light, that spills out onto others. It covers them. Are we giving off the kind of light that Jesus would?
"...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
We are called to do good deeds. Not to earn our way into heaven, not to prove that we are worthy, but rather as a response to the Light Jesus has given to us. And in turn we do not do good works in order to receive praise from others, or from Christ, but rather to bring praise to our Father in heaven. All things are from Him, all things return to Him.
We did not ignite our own light. We are not the source. We can not take credit for its power or significance. We are merely the lamp, the vessel of delivery. Sure, we play a vital role but it is not a solo role, we do not stand alone in our action of bringing light to the world. We are useful and significant because of the power Christ Jesus gives us. Through the Light He shares with us we are able to share that same Light with others.
So, I ask you...How are YOU going to be the Light of the World to someone today? How are you going to make an impact on another life today? How are you going to bring Glory to God through your deeds today?
I am taking my son to his 1st grade visitation at school today. He is nervous. I am going to be his light by walking side by side with him into the school, talking with him as he meets his new teacher, helping him put his supplies in his desk, and taking him out for ice cream after he has taken this big step in maturity.
I am the Light of the World. I am an essential part of the life that grows in my house. I make a significant impact on the people that share life with me. My light does not always have to be the blinding, spotlight style of light. Sometimes it needs to be the small and comforting nightlight style of light.
My prayer for each of you today is that you may know your value, your place, your impact in the world around you. I pray that you discover your inner light and that you are able to let it shine for others. I pray that through your actions you bring Glory to God and that the people around you come to know more about Christ's saving Grace through the illumination you bring to their lives.
Until We Meet Again,
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:14-16
This time the passage struck me in a different way than it has in the past. Typically I have taken its "advice" in a more passive tone. Light is such a common thing, like air and water, that I have easily made the justification to simplify what is being said here. But this time I heard it! I heard the immediate, and very active call, to LIVE OUT these verses.
"YOU are the Light of the World."
Light is an essential part of life. To scientists it is a key component to growth; for plants, animals and humans. To Christian we call Jesus 'The Truth, the Way, and the LIGHT.' So clearly we all agree on the importance and significance of light. And then here in this passage we are told, you and me, that WE are the Light of the World! We have an essential role to play in the growth of life.
Jesus goes on to say that we should not try and hide our ability to make a significant impact on our world. You can not hide a city or a lamp, and you should not try to. It is not wise to waste your energy on such foolish ventures. Instead we need to embrace the purpose of the lamp, the light it gives to others.
" gives LIGHT to everyone in the house."
In this verse Jesus is saying that as the Light of the World we all have a responsibility to share ourselves with others. For many of us, we have a family, a group of people that live in the same house with us. We share time and space with other people that either receive a benefit or a detriment from spending time with us.
A lamp is a useful thing. WE are called to be useful to others. We are CALLED to share our light with others. We are called TO BE mindful of our impact on others. As we move in and out of our houses, as we live life with the people around us, we are reminded that we give off energy, light, that spills out onto others. It covers them. Are we giving off the kind of light that Jesus would?
"...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
We are called to do good deeds. Not to earn our way into heaven, not to prove that we are worthy, but rather as a response to the Light Jesus has given to us. And in turn we do not do good works in order to receive praise from others, or from Christ, but rather to bring praise to our Father in heaven. All things are from Him, all things return to Him.
We did not ignite our own light. We are not the source. We can not take credit for its power or significance. We are merely the lamp, the vessel of delivery. Sure, we play a vital role but it is not a solo role, we do not stand alone in our action of bringing light to the world. We are useful and significant because of the power Christ Jesus gives us. Through the Light He shares with us we are able to share that same Light with others.
So, I ask you...How are YOU going to be the Light of the World to someone today? How are you going to make an impact on another life today? How are you going to bring Glory to God through your deeds today?
I am taking my son to his 1st grade visitation at school today. He is nervous. I am going to be his light by walking side by side with him into the school, talking with him as he meets his new teacher, helping him put his supplies in his desk, and taking him out for ice cream after he has taken this big step in maturity.
I am the Light of the World. I am an essential part of the life that grows in my house. I make a significant impact on the people that share life with me. My light does not always have to be the blinding, spotlight style of light. Sometimes it needs to be the small and comforting nightlight style of light.
My prayer for each of you today is that you may know your value, your place, your impact in the world around you. I pray that you discover your inner light and that you are able to let it shine for others. I pray that through your actions you bring Glory to God and that the people around you come to know more about Christ's saving Grace through the illumination you bring to their lives.
Until We Meet Again,
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Creation of Inspiration
Today started at 4:36 am! God has always enjoyed our early morning talks, sometimes more than I do. But today I was excited to hear from Him.
Over the next few days I am trying to get my body ready to hit the gym for my pre-sunrise workout. I have taken a long vacation from them and now a good friend and I are going to start back up, going three days a week. I want to be awake by 4:45 am each day so that I can get ready and out the door by 5:10. We are kicking off this fun-ride of physical exertion on Wednesday this week, so I am preparing myself today and tomorrow.
God being the amazing provider He is of course knew this and woke me up early today so that I could spend some time with Him before I began to plan out my week. It's funny how I can make my plans and forget to include The One that makes all these plans possible. Thankfully He does not forget me. Thankfully He is willing to meet me where I am, get in my face and remind me what is important.
What was important today you might ask? Well a little thing called Inspiration. God is good at that. He is an endless supply of inspiration for the imagination. And this morning, at 4:36 am, He wanted to share it with me.
It took me a few minute to realize He meant business today. This was not going to be our run of the mill conversation. I was not going to get away with drifting in and out of consciousness, as He sometimes allows me to do in the wee small hours of the morning. Today was a day of purpose. It was time to make good on the promises I made yesterday of creating an online community for women of faith.
And so He began, sharing His inspiration with me: Blog Topics. 217 of them to be exact! You see yesterday I had been nervous, wondering if I would really be able to share thoughts that might be interesting to others. How on earth would I be able to keep up with the demands of my life and be creative and witty all at the same time.
I have checked out other blogs and am reading a few books on blogging but nothing can really prepare you for deciding to open up your heart and your mind for interpretation and comment from other people. But in His wisdom, God brought me to Galatians. In chapter 5 verse 6(b) Paul says, "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." And then in chapter 6 verse 10, "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
Those words, paired with the 217 topic ideas, have given me the strength, the courage, the passion of the Holy Spirit to move forward. To put one word after the other. To be brave in sharing the thoughts God challenges me with, and to do it on a daily basis.
I pray that you will find these thoughts interesting. I pray they challenge you to build on your relationship with God. I pray that you will grow with me as we mature in our faith and create a supportive community. A Community of Faith. A community that is willing to Step out in Faith...with Coffee. I know I am going to need a BIG cup tomorrow. It will take some serious caffeine to get me moving at 4:45 every morning!
Until Tomorrow - God Bless,
Over the next few days I am trying to get my body ready to hit the gym for my pre-sunrise workout. I have taken a long vacation from them and now a good friend and I are going to start back up, going three days a week. I want to be awake by 4:45 am each day so that I can get ready and out the door by 5:10. We are kicking off this fun-ride of physical exertion on Wednesday this week, so I am preparing myself today and tomorrow.
God being the amazing provider He is of course knew this and woke me up early today so that I could spend some time with Him before I began to plan out my week. It's funny how I can make my plans and forget to include The One that makes all these plans possible. Thankfully He does not forget me. Thankfully He is willing to meet me where I am, get in my face and remind me what is important.
What was important today you might ask? Well a little thing called Inspiration. God is good at that. He is an endless supply of inspiration for the imagination. And this morning, at 4:36 am, He wanted to share it with me.
It took me a few minute to realize He meant business today. This was not going to be our run of the mill conversation. I was not going to get away with drifting in and out of consciousness, as He sometimes allows me to do in the wee small hours of the morning. Today was a day of purpose. It was time to make good on the promises I made yesterday of creating an online community for women of faith.
And so He began, sharing His inspiration with me: Blog Topics. 217 of them to be exact! You see yesterday I had been nervous, wondering if I would really be able to share thoughts that might be interesting to others. How on earth would I be able to keep up with the demands of my life and be creative and witty all at the same time.
I have checked out other blogs and am reading a few books on blogging but nothing can really prepare you for deciding to open up your heart and your mind for interpretation and comment from other people. But in His wisdom, God brought me to Galatians. In chapter 5 verse 6(b) Paul says, "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." And then in chapter 6 verse 10, "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
Those words, paired with the 217 topic ideas, have given me the strength, the courage, the passion of the Holy Spirit to move forward. To put one word after the other. To be brave in sharing the thoughts God challenges me with, and to do it on a daily basis.
I pray that you will find these thoughts interesting. I pray they challenge you to build on your relationship with God. I pray that you will grow with me as we mature in our faith and create a supportive community. A Community of Faith. A community that is willing to Step out in Faith...with Coffee. I know I am going to need a BIG cup tomorrow. It will take some serious caffeine to get me moving at 4:45 every morning!
Until Tomorrow - God Bless,
Sunday, August 22, 2010
For All Things There is a Beginning
Ok, so here's the thing, my life has been on this slow trajectory of transformation, a course of change, a path of purpose and all of a sudden it has been made clear. Like an arrow to the heart, like a pin falling in the dark my new truth, my new reality, came to me in a simple sentence, in a still, small voice.
Ya know how "they" say that your life has meaning, that you make ripples and in many instances you may never know the impact you will make on another life. Well, I just had one of those experiences except in the reverse order of how you would expect.
My new revelation came in the thoughts of Liz Gilbert, in the voice of Julia Roberts. It sprang from the imagination of Ryan Murphy. All of these had a hand in the creation of the movie "eat."
I did not walk into the theater looking to leave a different person. I do not give such power to "entertainment," to media. But this experience was different. It came on me quietly, unassuming, and quite naturally. I almost missed it, but there was a higher power at work in that moment and He would not let this pass.
About a third of the way through the movie, as Liz is reflecting on her time in India, she shares her thoughts on how she is changed and what she now believes to be true about herself and this life around her. In a way only Julia could poignantly, softly, respectfully speak another's most intimate feelings, she relayed one simple sentence that has forever changed my life.
"God lives in me, as me."
Six simple words. One concise thought. No ornamentation. No explanation needed. Only pure truth. Pure revelation. Pure calling.
"God lives in me, as me." Can you imagine!? At first it did not register. I heard the words but I was captivated by the sights and sounds that Ryan so skillfully used to recreate the world Liz had lived in that year of her self-rediscovery.
But as with all things of God, He waits for the right moment to share with us a closer glimpse of His Glory. For me, it was about two minutes after my original experience. It took a bit for my brain to transition, to be open to something more than the images on the screen. But then in a moment, like a bolt of lightening, it crashed into my world so clearly, so unmistakeably, I was powerless to stop it. It was a thing of beauty, of majesty, of the Holy Spirit.
Again I ask, can you imagine?! Do you know what this means?! Can you grasp the greatness and yet the simplicity of that statement?!
I tried to focus on the rest of the movie, as it turned out I really enjoyed it, but I was distracted by this thought. I was reeling from this idea that God CHOOSES to live as ME. The God of the universe actually submits Himself to live my life. To be subjected to my pain and my anger and my fears and my shortcomings.
My God loves me so much that He walks with me daily, hourly, moment by moment, in order to be close to me. He lives in me in order to encourage me, strengthen me, sustain me, grow me. ME. Temperamental, emotional, outspoken, challenging, demanding little old me.
I have been contemplating lately on starting a blog. My life is in major transition right now and I need some way to process and share my experience. I kept talking myself out of it figuring I didn't have time to add another "thing" into my already busy schedule. Besides, who might want to read what I had to say.
And then I thought back to an interview I saw with Liz Gilbert on Oprah. Liz told O that she was amazed at how "eat. pray. love.," the book, took on a life of its own. How it became this popular, viral, living thing all of its own. She said she had a hard time understanding how other people would and could relate to her personal journey.
Liz said she had a hard time understanding, that is until she saw it on the big screen for the first time. As she heard Julia speak her most intimate thoughts and feelings into life she realized her story could be anyone's story. She felt a peace and an understanding of how her story, and the fact that she was willing to share it, had become a safe harbor for others traveling in the same storm.
And that got me thinking. I know there are more women out in the world that are going through a season of change in their life right now. Women of Faith that might need to know they are not the only ones faced with the challenge of being a child of God and living in a world that seems so far away from Him.
For me, each day is a new challenge. One that I face with the Faith that the Holy Spirit has gifted me with. One where I also need my daily dose of coffee, the one thing the world has gifted me with in order to with IT.
And with that, a blog was born: "in Faith...with Coffee." My hope, my prayer for this blog is that it will be a place where we can join as a community to share experiences, give encouragement, find strength, and be challenged to grow in our faith and our understanding of the very powerful truth that "God lives in me, as me."
May God bless our journey and may He reveal to us the Depth of the Love He has for us, the Width of His Wisdom, and the Strength of His Power to transform our lives.
Please stop back often, to read, to share, to be filled and to overflow onto others. Be a part of the Christ-filled experience this blog can be to so many others as they walk through life "in Faith...with Coffee."
Until We Meet Again,
Ya know how "they" say that your life has meaning, that you make ripples and in many instances you may never know the impact you will make on another life. Well, I just had one of those experiences except in the reverse order of how you would expect.
My new revelation came in the thoughts of Liz Gilbert, in the voice of Julia Roberts. It sprang from the imagination of Ryan Murphy. All of these had a hand in the creation of the movie "eat."
I did not walk into the theater looking to leave a different person. I do not give such power to "entertainment," to media. But this experience was different. It came on me quietly, unassuming, and quite naturally. I almost missed it, but there was a higher power at work in that moment and He would not let this pass.
About a third of the way through the movie, as Liz is reflecting on her time in India, she shares her thoughts on how she is changed and what she now believes to be true about herself and this life around her. In a way only Julia could poignantly, softly, respectfully speak another's most intimate feelings, she relayed one simple sentence that has forever changed my life.
"God lives in me, as me."
Six simple words. One concise thought. No ornamentation. No explanation needed. Only pure truth. Pure revelation. Pure calling.
"God lives in me, as me." Can you imagine!? At first it did not register. I heard the words but I was captivated by the sights and sounds that Ryan so skillfully used to recreate the world Liz had lived in that year of her self-rediscovery.
But as with all things of God, He waits for the right moment to share with us a closer glimpse of His Glory. For me, it was about two minutes after my original experience. It took a bit for my brain to transition, to be open to something more than the images on the screen. But then in a moment, like a bolt of lightening, it crashed into my world so clearly, so unmistakeably, I was powerless to stop it. It was a thing of beauty, of majesty, of the Holy Spirit.
Again I ask, can you imagine?! Do you know what this means?! Can you grasp the greatness and yet the simplicity of that statement?!
I tried to focus on the rest of the movie, as it turned out I really enjoyed it, but I was distracted by this thought. I was reeling from this idea that God CHOOSES to live as ME. The God of the universe actually submits Himself to live my life. To be subjected to my pain and my anger and my fears and my shortcomings.
My God loves me so much that He walks with me daily, hourly, moment by moment, in order to be close to me. He lives in me in order to encourage me, strengthen me, sustain me, grow me. ME. Temperamental, emotional, outspoken, challenging, demanding little old me.
I have been contemplating lately on starting a blog. My life is in major transition right now and I need some way to process and share my experience. I kept talking myself out of it figuring I didn't have time to add another "thing" into my already busy schedule. Besides, who might want to read what I had to say.
And then I thought back to an interview I saw with Liz Gilbert on Oprah. Liz told O that she was amazed at how "eat. pray. love.," the book, took on a life of its own. How it became this popular, viral, living thing all of its own. She said she had a hard time understanding how other people would and could relate to her personal journey.
Liz said she had a hard time understanding, that is until she saw it on the big screen for the first time. As she heard Julia speak her most intimate thoughts and feelings into life she realized her story could be anyone's story. She felt a peace and an understanding of how her story, and the fact that she was willing to share it, had become a safe harbor for others traveling in the same storm.
And that got me thinking. I know there are more women out in the world that are going through a season of change in their life right now. Women of Faith that might need to know they are not the only ones faced with the challenge of being a child of God and living in a world that seems so far away from Him.
For me, each day is a new challenge. One that I face with the Faith that the Holy Spirit has gifted me with. One where I also need my daily dose of coffee, the one thing the world has gifted me with in order to with IT.
And with that, a blog was born: "in Faith...with Coffee." My hope, my prayer for this blog is that it will be a place where we can join as a community to share experiences, give encouragement, find strength, and be challenged to grow in our faith and our understanding of the very powerful truth that "God lives in me, as me."
May God bless our journey and may He reveal to us the Depth of the Love He has for us, the Width of His Wisdom, and the Strength of His Power to transform our lives.
Please stop back often, to read, to share, to be filled and to overflow onto others. Be a part of the Christ-filled experience this blog can be to so many others as they walk through life "in Faith...with Coffee."
Until We Meet Again,
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