So yesterday was a VERY interesting day for me. Most of my days interest me, but yesterday was an especially unique one. I woke up at 3 am, a little earlier than usual, with a lot on my mind. I spent time writing my blog and that helped calm me. Then I got ready to set out from my house, not really knowing what the rest of the day would bring. All I knew was I would be doing something totally different than most of my previous Mondays.
Wearing one shirt, and carrying another (more on that later), I set out for the Federal Court House downtown. I was one of 50 people that were called to be part of a Jury Selection Pool. I was having mixed emotions about the experience. I actually would not have minded sitting on a jury but this week was not the best for our family's schedule. The morning started off with all 50 of us trying to fit into a small room with only about 55 chairs in it. Lets just say we were all real cozy by the time we were called into the court room.
Once in the court room I was one of 30 people that were called to be part of the initial selection process. It took a long time as the judge gave us directions, asked us lots of group questions, and then we went into the personal narrative portion. We passed around a microphone and a piece of paper that told us the information we had to share. It was actually a little like watching reality T.V., as each person shared their vital stats, background, and activities/interests/hobbies; we even had to tell what bumper stickers, if any, were on our car.
When I was about three people away from my turn I stopped focusing on the person talking and began to wonder what I would say. Of course it was all information of fact but what parts of myself would I put out there for a room of strangers to know about me. What are the essential elements about me that make me, me?
Up to that point no one had shared anything about their faith as being such a significant part of their life that they felt compelled to say anything about it. For me, my faith is not just something, it is everything! So of course I would have to share it. But then I thought, how should I share it so that I did not come across as the Bible thumping, Jesus ranting, crazed lunatic that many non-believers see us Christians to be.
I decided to not make it a "thing" like saying one of the books I read is the Bible or one of the organizations I belong to is my church. I decided to speak my Faith Out Loud by letting it fill every part of my story. I spoke from the heart, was whimsical (garnered a few laughs), shared my love for my family, my job, my future direction in life. I shared that I read books and listen to music and watch movies that help me remain close to my Christian beliefs. I was honest, warm, polite, articulate, even engaging; so many of the attributes Christ calls us to be to the broken world around us.
After I was done and we moved on to the others after me I did hear a few of them share that they belonged to a church or that their interests included other Christ-centered activities. There was even a Pastor in the group and He really spoke to living his Faith Out Loud. It was comforting to know that in this world of "political correctness" and a "keep it to yourself" mentality that there are a few that are willing to stand and be counted as followers of Christ.
As it ended up I was not selected. I was near the end of the group that was excused and for a while I thought I might be selected. Through the process I actually came to the acceptance that if this was where God needed me then I would serve with a willing and open heart. Driving home I thought about how that experience changed me, how God used it to stretch my thinking about the others living around me and the impact I can have on their lives, even if it is in small ways.
When I got back home I actually had to go to work. You see yesterday was also the first day for me at my new job. I had missed the All-District morning session but I was getting back just in time to meet with the staff at the elementary school where I am going to be a Special Ed Assistant Teacher. We have new shirts we all wore yesterday and are going to wear tomorrow, on the first day of school (oh that reminds me I have to do laundry). So when I arrived I had to run into the bathroom and change real quick. When I left in the morning I was not sure if I would be selected for a jury or not so I decided to play it safe and bring my school shirt along with me so that if I was able to make it in the afternoon I would fit in with the rest of the staff.
And as if designed by God (of course it was) there was about 15 minutes before our afternoon session started. I was able to talk with the team I am going to be working with. These are all ladies I have known before, so it was really a catching up, but I was also able to share my story about how and why I am making this transition in my life and about what I believe the future holds for me. I told them about going back to school myself for Ministry and Leadership. They were all amazed, but not surprised.
I can not wait to continue to share my Faith Out Loud over the course of this next school year. I know that God will use me in big and small ways to make a difference in the lives of those I will share time with. I know that by living out my faith I will be able to be a better example of God's Love than if I would try and "convert" them with daunting tasks or strong words. The slow conversion of a heart that is nurtured and supported is the fertile ground where God can plant and cultivate many seeds of Faith.
So HOW and WHERE can YOU share your Faith Out Loud today? What impact can you make on the lives around you by softly but boldly letting others know about the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ. Share your personal story, your journey, your struggles. Let others know that God works in your life in big and small ways everyday. Go on, be brave, take a chance. Even if the ground seems rocky, like in a court room at the Federal Court House.
My prayer for you today is that you are so filled with the Love of God that you can not help but to share it. I pray that whatever is holding you back from sharing it with that one person you know God is calling you to reach out to, that whatever that thing is, it is removed from your mind and you go for it. I pray that you feel the Holy Spirit come over you as you begin to speak, that His wisdom and Glory are passed through you to someone that really needs to hear the message, as only you can share it.
Maybe today is the day you invite a friend to the coffee house, or for coffee at your house and together you both Step out in FAITH...with Coffee.
Until We Meet Again,
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