Thursday, December 2, 2010

Take the Time To Look Around

Last night I had the awesome privilege of speaking to our middle and high school students at church. The message was on taking time to PAUSE and BREATHE. God was all over the evening and many of us, students and adults alike, felt His presence and peace with us. What a Blessing!

Once I was home and snuggled in my bed I began to think back over some of the highlights of my day. The joy expressed by the kids as they watched the first snow of the season fall. The spark of learning ignited in a 2nd grader at school. The peace and quiet of my Mother's house when I visited her in the afternoon. The honest and courageous friendships shared by so many at student ministries. Being on the receiving end of multiple acts of kindness throughout the day. The tasty stuffed green olives and delicious fudge on the staff treat table at work.

As I sat there thinking I realized that in the moment I had breezed passed each of these events and did not acknowledge their significance or importance in my life. I had appreciated them and enjoyed them but I was not present in each of the moments to the degree that I allowed them to change my life.

Even as I was in the midst of praying throughout my day about my message for the students, I was still missing the point. I was too busy thinking forward and looking backward to be aware of my need to Look Around Me. How often do we live past events over and over in our mind? How often do we prepare and plan for what is going to happen next? We spend so much of our time in the past and in the future that we totally forget to LIVE IN THE MOMENT.

This is a hard concept any time of year, but it seems especially hard during the busy holiday season. This time of year is supposed to be about showing love to those you care about and remembering the sacrificial love of our One True God, who sent His Only Son so that we may have Life in Him. And here we are rushing through our day; busy at work, quick stop at the mall, dinner on the fly, drop one kid off at the library and pick another one up from practice, make an appearance at that holiday party, rush through your greeting cards so you can get them in the mail, and finally drop into bed, exhausted, thinking about what needs to be done tomorrow.

But what if we pushed the PAUSE button and soaked in the beauty and the majesty of each of those moments? What if we slowed down and noticed the stressed co-worker next to us and were able to talk and pray with them about the struggle they are facing right now. What if we were the pleasant customer and made the sales clerk smile as we made our purchases. What if we sat as a family around the dinner table and shared our highs and lows from the day. What if we took those ten minutes in the car, as we shuttle them from place to place, to talk to our children, really find out how they are doing and what they are dealing with (before they get so overwhelmed that they think about taking it out on their classmates and teachers). What if we said "no" to a few of the party invitations we receive and select only a few to attend so that we can enjoy the true blessing of spending time with friends and family. What if we took the time to put a personal, handwritten message of gratitude and love in each of our holiday cards, letting the recipient know how much they mean to us. What if we fell into bed and praised God for having a roof over us and a soft place to lay our head.

So..... What moments have you been missing? How is life passing you by? How can you slow down and be fully present in each moment? What do you need to give up in order to be able to focus? Who do you need to tell that you appreciate and love them? When are you going to make time and space for God today?

My prayer for today is that we all stop looking ahead or behind us but instead spend time looking around us. I pray that when we pause we are able to see what Christ sees, a world that is broken and in need of love. I pray that we can find the joy and the serenity in each small moment we are a part of. I pray that through our obedience and faithfulness God is able to reveal new and wonderful things about Himself to us. I pray that each new experience will bring us closer to being the person Christ calls us to be.

Until We Meet Again,


Monday, November 29, 2010

Reconnecting and The Power of Prayer

WOW! Has it really been two weeks since I posted last?! Ya know, it has! I can tell. Life has been such a whirl-wind that I felt like I was not able to make time for this and I am sorry for that. I am sorry because this blog is one of the key ways that God helps me process what is going on in my life. He communicates with me and does a work in me as I share my thoughts and feelings. I am sorry I let "life" take over and allowed my connection with Him to be diminished.

It feels so good to Reconnect!

A quick update on Mom:
Mom is doing better, although she did fall in her apartment yesterday, she is feeling stronger every day. When I posted last I explained that she had been readmitted to the hospital. There was nothing "new" going on, they simply had released her too soon the first time. She needed more time to heal and recover. She spent three more days in the hospital and then came home. She is not a very good patient, so slowing down is not easy for her (guess I know where I get it from). I have been visiting her daily and she and I are enjoying our chance to reconnect and strengthen our relationship. Please continue to pray for her health and stamina. I firmly believe it was the collective hearts offered up in prayer that has helped Mom through the trials of the past month.

Speaking of the Power of Prayer... I am constantly amazed, never surprised, but deeply amazed at the overwhelming power that prayer can have in our lives. When we fully open our hearts to the loving hands of God, offer up our struggles and our joys, and humbly lay our lives at the feet of Jesus, the comfort and encouragement that are offered to us through prayer is outstanding!

I personally have been spending hours in prayer each day for the past few weeks. Praying for my Mother, my marriage, my children, my friends, my co-workers, for our community and our world. And each time I make the time to stop "thinking" and start praying about a situation, it makes all the difference. My perspective is altered, my mind is eased, and my heart is relieved. We all carry so much stress and anxiety over issues that we can not control. But when we are able to take those burdens off ourselves and give them over to God, really and truly offer them up to Him through prayer, then we finally release Him to work in our lives.

God is always there, ready and waiting to help us, provide for us, and comfort us. It is us, you and me, that get in the way and try to "fix" things ourselves, and usually end up making a bigger mess of it anyway. When we finally stop, drop to our knees (either literally or figuratively) and ask Christ to intercede in our lives, then the real work can begin. When we step aside and let the Power of the Trinity; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, take hold of our lives then we are able to release our frail and flawed grip on whatever is happening in our world.

Reconnecting and the Power of Prayer go hand in hand. When we are not in communication with God then we are typically not offering our struggles up to Him. When we are not offering our struggles up to Him then we are stuck in our own muck, trying to figure it out for ourselves. When we rely on ourselves then we almost always make a mess of things. And if things get bad enough, maybe we cry out for help. But... when we are in communication with God, we realize our inability to handle all the challenges in life. We know that we can not make this journey on our own, and we enjoy the company of our spiritual companion. And when you enjoy someones company, you usually want to spend more time with them. And when we spend more time with our Heavenly Father, we are blessed in so many ways.

So..... How do you stay connected with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit? Do you daily offer up your struggles AND your joys through prayer? Do you spend time in prayer for the other people that come in and out of your world? Do you believe that God works through and honors the humble requests we offer to Him through prayer? Is there something that you are trying to control that you need to release and offer up to Him right now?

My prayer for today is that we will know and experience God's presence in our lives. I pray that we stay connected with Him through prayer. I pray that we stay connected to each other by sharing our lives and offering each other up in prayer. I pray that God will rush in and radically change your heart and mind so that you can see and feel the love He has for you. I pray that when life gets overwhelming, we immediately ask for prayer. I pray that when life is good, we immediately offer up a prayer of thanksgiving. I pray that when we don't know what to make out of life, we immediately turn to Christ Jesus and ask for His intercession and love. I pray that today will be a day of peace and joy for you!

Until We Meet Again,


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Well, my life as an only child continues to be an interesting one ;)

My Mom was released from the hospital last Friday, only to be readmitted on Sunday evening. The Drs are running all kinds of tests to see what is going on so I am heading off to the hospital again early this morning to see what the results are.

God shows up in the time and space that we give Him, and my drives back and forth from the hospital have always been fruitful time between Him and I. Sometimes I spend my time in prayer, sometimes I listen to Life 102.5, sometimes I am talking with a friend. But no matter what I am doing, God shows up to provide me with encouragement, strength and love.

Now sure, there have been times when my own exhaustion or frustration have closed me off to what God is wanting to send me, but thankfully He loves me enough to push through my junk and get His message across.

Are there times when all you really needed was a dose of Jesus? Have you felt like the world is just too much and all you need is a Savior that can take it all from you? Do you sometimes wish your best friend was right next to you so you could laugh, scream, cry or just talk with them? I feel like that a lot!

So..... How can you make time for Jesus today? How can you be open, give Him the time and the space, to enter into whatever it is you have going on in your life? How can you surrender your "issues" to Him and let Him take care of you? How can you show Him that you trust Him with all that you have?

My prayer for today is that we all realize our need for a Savior, The Savior, and take the time to make Him Our Savior. I pray that whatever we are going through; the good, the bad and the ugly, that we are able to lay it down at His feet and honestly let Him take it for us. I pray that we are all open to God's healing Grace and His unending Love.

Until We Meet Again,


Thursday, November 11, 2010


Sorry I have been Missing In Action this week. My Mother has been in the hospital and being an only child of a single mother that means I have been up there a lot.

I appreciate the prayers that so many of you have shared. It is a blessing to know that God has placed so many wonderful people into my life.

I pray that you have a healthy relationship with your parents. I know my Mom and I have not always been in such a good place. I pray that if you are hurting or struggling in a relationship, that you turn to God and your support network for strength, healing and encouragement. I know I would not have made it through this week with out God or my friends!

Please know that even though life has me otherwise occupied this week, you are all still in my thoughts and prayers and I can not wait to return next week with a renewed spirit and willingness to share our experiences together.

Until We Meet Again,


Monday, November 8, 2010

It All Comes Back To Love

I am a highly relational person and lately my relationships have been challenging. Some have been a positive challenge where other people are encouraging me to grow and be a better person. Some have been frustratingly challenging where I feel like I am walking into a brick wall over and over again. Some have been emotionally challenging because they require a sacrifice or an element of care taking on my part.

I am always up for a good challenge and when I am able to learn something from my experience I am a happy girl but I have been struggling with what God wants me to learn in this season of my life. I have been feeling like I am doing a lot of giving and not a lot of getting. And in classic Drea form when I feel this way I tend to shut down and retreat into my quiet place.

Thankfully God loves me so much that He reaches down and pulls me out of the darkness of my hiding and uses the very people that I am challenged by to shine a light into my life. Over the past three days I have been having some very God directed conversations and hearing some very God delivered messages (I love my church) and have been surrounded by and filled with some very God derived love.

The challenges I face have not been removed but my understanding of them has been changed. The positive challenges make more sense. I have a new game plan for the frustrating challenges. I am learning how to reach out and ask for support with the emotional challenges. And in all of this, through all of this, because of all of this I am developing a deeper understanding of what Christ Jesus means when He says “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ ; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” Luke 10:27.

I love myself a lot and so I can imagine what that means to love someone as I love myself. I am not always good at doing that but it is a wonderful model to work towards. When I remember that everyone around me deserves as much love and compassion, grace and mercy, time and attention as I feel I do, then I am released from my need to make sure I get my tank filled before anyone else does. It strips away my selfish tendencies to "get mine" first and it brings me to a place where It All Comes Back To Love.

The love God has for me. The love Christ showed for me. The love I have for others. The love others show me. Love is THE most powerful thing I know. When it is missing it can feel like a barren desert with no one around. When it is present it can change the course of a life, fill the empty voids, run over and out to others. It can bring peace and healing. I, for one, would rather live in, and with, and through love than to be without it.

So..... Who in your world is in need of some love? What challenges do you face and how could a little love help the situation? Have you acknowledged the people that love you and let them know how much you value and appreciate them? Who are you afraid to confront because you think the love is gone? Do you trust God enough to show up and do a work, through love, in your life and your relationships?

My prayer for today is that we all remember the Great Commission and "Love your neighbor as yourself." I pray that we will find healing and restoration in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. I pray that we are able to improve our relationships through love. I pray that we will reach out for help when needed and offer help when asked. I pray that when others look at us they can see the Love of God flowing through us and out to a hurting and desperate world.

Until We Meet Again,


Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Beatitudes

Ok, this is a biggie. Fill up your cup with fresh, hot coffee and get settled in a comfy chair, AND be open to what God is ready to do in your heart.

God has been doing a work in me over the past few days as I was preparing my message for the high school students at Delta/Engage last night. We are currently in a series called "Upside Down" and we are talking about how living the life Jesus calls us to, invites us to, is foreign or upside down to the way the world around us lives.

Last week we began our discussion by identifying the fact that we actually live in two kingdoms. First there is the Kingdom of Me, the one we live in most of the time. Then there is the Kingdom of God, the one we strive to achieve someday but don't always believe we can or desire to do so. But Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom of God is here with us NOW. It is not a 'something' to be aspiring to reach 'someday.' And before we can even recognize that and be willing to live in the Kingdom of God, we have to admit that there is a Kingdom of Me, a place where we rule and make all the choices. And, we have to be willing to surrender our kingdom to God before we can fully live in His.

When we left our discussion last week everyone was feeling a little disoriented and troubled. And guess what, that was exactly what God was hoping for. It is in those moments of doubt and transparency that God can help us see what is truly in our hearts and He can help ease our pain and suffering, if only we let Him. When we picked up our message again this week we began to look at what the Kingdom of God is really like and what Jesus is inviting us to join him in.

We looked at some of my favorite verses last night. They can be found in Matthew, chapter 5. They are The Beatitudes. Now for those of you that don't know me as well as others, I love to read different translations of the Bible whenever I am digging into a text. I love to see how different words help my understanding grow and develop, and once again I was richly rewarded.

I first began in the NIV:

Matthew 5:1-10 (New International Version)
Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
1 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them.
The Beatitudes
He said:

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

This is the text that I am most familiar with. It is the one that I grew up with. After reading it I felt the urge to pull out my Parallel Bible, which has four translations side-by-side on each page, and see what words the other versions used.

What I found in the NLT brought a few things into focus:

Matthew 5:1-10 (New Living Translation)

The Sermon on the Mount
1 One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, 2 and he began to teach them.
The Beatitudes
3 “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him,a]">[a]
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
4 God blesses those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 God blesses those who are humble,
for they will inherit the whole earth.
6 God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,b]">[b]
for they will be satisfied.
7 God blesses those who are merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
for they will see God.
9 God blesses those who work for peace,
for they will be called the children of God.
10 God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

Pretty similar, right? But did you catch the differences in verses 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10. Not huge, message altering changes, but rather simply different words that help our understanding grow and develop as we strive to discover the meaning of what Jesus is trying to teach us. I, for one, can understand that I "have a need for Him" maybe a little easier than I know what "poor in spirit" means.

Humble is a word I am more familiar with than meek. Justice is something I can grasp maybe more fully than
righteousness. I know what a peacemaker is but I love the mental imagery of "those who work for peace." And again in verse 10, righteousness is one of those "big words" that can sometimes take me out of the flow when I am reading because I have to stop and think about what it really means. For some reason my brain can process "those who are persecuted for doing right" a little easier.

Whichever version speaks to you, you have to admit that what Jesus is calling us to is "Upside Down" to the way the world around us works. The world values our personal strength, power, and independence. But Jesus is inviting to share a life with Him that turns all those things on their heads and shows us that by living a life that is weak, and meek, and humble, and peaceful, one that allows us to mourn and show mercy, is actually the way to need to live in order to be living in the Kingdom, the Will of God.

Now, I can already hear that voice in your head saying "well sure Drea that is good and all but I don't know if I can do that." And let me say back to you, "Yes you can, all you have to do is try." Slowly, day by day, lay down the things you feel the need to control and surrender them to Jesus. When you pick them back up again, and you will, stop, remember the peace that Jesus offers, and lay them down again. Eventually you will be free of your burdens, one at a time.

So..... What are the things that you are trying to keep control of? What does the Kingdom of You look like? What would you love to lay down at the feet of Jesus and not have to carry any further? How can you begin to slowly unload the life you have created for yourself and walk towards the life Jesus is inviting you to? Are you ready to be humble, merciful, hungry for justice, to be comforted, pure of heart, work for peace, and persecuted for doing what is right? Maybe not ALL-at-Once, but are you willing to see where you are walking in the opposite direction, stop and turn toward these ideas and actions?

My prayer for today is that we are all able to recognize where the Kingdom of Me and the Kingdom of God are in conflict. I pray that we are brave enough to lay down the things that we are holding tight and begin to surrender our control over to The One that can rescue us. I pray that we begin to hunger for justice, work for peace, and realize our need for God. I pray that our lives are radically transformed, from the inside out, as we work to turn ourselves upside down and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Value of Quality

Quality is an advertising buzz-word. It is meant to convey a level of service or craftsmanship that exceeds minimal standards. You can get a "quality assurance" or a product can have a "quality guarantee" but in my experience it has been the unspoken intentional attention to quality that has earned my respect and trust.

Quality is something we have grown to expect from others but rarely do we think about our own level of quality. Do we offer quality service to others in our home and community? Do we offer quality products at work or for organizations we volunteer for? Do we offer quality time to our loved ones?

Quality is something that can change the game. It can turn a ho-hum experience into a memorable one. It can make a dreaded event one that has people talking long after it is over. It can keep a relationship alive long after it's self-life may have otherwise expired. Quality can brighten someone's day. It can turn a doubter into a believer. It can bring people closer.

Quality can mean different things to different people. Quality can be expressed in various ways. Quality can be easy to achieve and it can be difficult to attain, it depends on your perspective. The common thread of quality is that is announces to the world that you are a caring, thoughtful person that pays attention, looks for ways to make a difference, and then most importantly, you act upon that.

So..... How can you show that you value quality today? Not just in what you expect from others but more importantly in how you treat others. How can you change someone's day by providing them with a quality service, product or time? Are you ready to have YOUR life transformed by putting your best foot forward and providing quality experiences to those around you?

My prayer for today is that we all value someone else more than ourselves. I pray that we want better for them than we do for ourselves. I pray that we strive to put quality out into the world in such a way that it can not help but make things better. I pray that we grow in our understanding and appreciation for things of quality so that we can recognize when someone loves us enough to offer it to us. I pray that all that quality bouncing around will make a positive impact and show Christ's love to a waiting world.

Until We Meet Again,


Monday, November 1, 2010

The Pleasure of Pressing PAUSE

I have always enjoyed the "PAUSE" button on my remote. As a control freak I love the power it gives me to stop the action, walk away and do what I want to do, and then return to the exact point I stopped and pick up the story when I am ready.

This past weekend I exercised my right to press the "PAUSE" button on my life. I have to say, the pleasure was the same! The kids and I were off of school on Thursday and Friday so we had a four day weekend! On Wednesday afternoon we all went into "vaca-mode." Everyone slept in on Thursday morning and by mid-day my sister-in-law had picked up all three kids for a sleepover. John and I started a long overdue deep discussion and then ended up going out for a late-night date-night.

Friday morning was another "catch-up on sleep" session then lunch with one of my best friends! The kids were home by 6 pm but Evan and I ditched the girls in favor of a B-day party for one of his best friends. The party was at the home of one of my best, best friends so of course I "had" to stay and help her test a bottle of wine while the kids played.

Saturday morning, more sleeping in, by now we were starting to get used to it. Saturday was an official jammie day but Em and I did venture out to do grocery shopping, 4 days home will put a huge dent in your reserves! By Saturday night we were ready for some fun! All five of us went to a costume party and had a blast. Evan even won a ribbon for Most Original Costume. He was a vampire with his own set of fangs (he has lost his two front teeth on top and two bottom teeth on either side of his front ones - he either had to be a vampire or a jack-o-lantern and "j-o-ls are too babyish mom.").

Sunday morning was a bit of a return to a normal schedule. We had church and I was scheduled to do Worship and Bree was doing tech in Carbon, our 4th and 5th grade ministry. After that we dropped Bree off at a friend's house for a party and the rest of us went to my in-laws for the the Packer game and to watch the race. Emily and Evan were antsy all afternoon, waiting "for-ev-er" to go trick-or-treating. Finally time came for John and I to walk them around for one of the most bizarre but sweet holiday traditions we have in this country.

We all arrived back home by 8:30 pm. Emily and Evan spread out their candy and made the all important trades. Bree had already done that with her friends so she began to pack for her Mackenzie Nature Center overnight fieldtrip (she goes to school this morning and I won't see her again until tomorrow afternoon). And by 9 pm the pause button was pressed again and we were back in full-speed of life mode once more.

As I sit here this morning with the comforting scent of Highlander Grogg filling my kitchen I am ready to jump into life again. It was a pleasure and a joy to slow down, take a break, and enjoy the simple things in life when I pressed "pause" on my world for just a little while. We all need to remember to move back and breath before we get ready to move ahead. November and December promise to be just as busy, if not more so, than September and October so I am thankful that God offered me a little respite in the journey.

So..... Are you in need of a "PAUSE" button moment? How can you find a way to take a break from your busy life? Who do you need to pause with? Are you just in need of a quick "time-out" or do you need an extended "caution flag?" Be prepared and plan ahead so you can maximize your minimized schedule. The pleasure you will experience from pressing "PAUSE" will out-weigh any frustrations you may have to deal with when you return to full-speed. Trust me! A refreshed you is far more capable of handling life than a worn-out, worn-down you. Start planning now for your "PAUSE" moment in the VERY near future.

My prayer for today is that we are all able to recognize when we NEED to press the "PAUSE" button on our life. I pray that we take time for ourselves and time to be alone with God. I pray that we allow Him to do a work in us and heal us from the inside out. I pray that we take time and make time to be with the special people in our lives. I pray that we remember what is truly important and allow the things of this world to melt away.

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Gift of Teaching is Learning

I am a big fan of education. I think learning new things is the breath of life. I think we can improve our situation, our understanding, and our compassion by simply learning something new each day.

I think those that teach are a special breed, chosen by God to do good works for the benefit of us all. I think teachers work in challenging circumstances, with challenging people, under challenging funding restrictions. I think far too may of us take teachers for granted and the huge impact they have had on all of our lives.

I also believe that teachers reap greater rewards than any of us will ever know. The joy of teaching someone something new is one of the most fulfilling experiences ever. As a teacher you have the benefit of slowly examining a subject, wrestling around with it's deeper meanings and operations, then you must break it down into understandable bites so that you can give that knowledge to someone else. What a blessing it is to have the depth of insight and wisdom AND the ability to share what you know with others!

The gift of teaching is learning and the beauty is that it happens for both the student and the teacher. Students are blessed with new information and insights. The teacher is blessed with connecting with others in a way that can change their lives. In my life I have had chances to be taught and to teach. I have to say, for me, my times of greatest growth have come when I had to learn something to the point that I could teach it to someone else.

Our schools, our churches, our communities need dedicated teachers to help raise up the next generation. The wonderful part is that you do not have to know everything to become a teacher, you just have to be willing to learn. All you need is the appreciation of a hard days work, the understanding that not everyone learns in the same way, and the willingness to be open and honest with the people in front of you.

Teachers come in all different shapes and sizes. Some teach in classrooms, some in auditoriums, some in living rooms. Some teachers use text books, some use Bibles, some use knowledge stored away in the hearts. Some teachers have training, some follow a script, some just wing it and pray for the best. Some teachers have no idea they ARE teachers until someone else points it out to them. And if you are a parent, then you received your invisible teaching license the day they handed you that beautiful baby.

So..... Who do you teach? How do you teach? What are your areas of expertise? Where could you put your talents to work? What strategies do you use to help other people acquire new information? How could you use your skills and knowledge to improve the quality of life for someone else? Who is that special teacher that you need to go back and thank? Who is the new student that you need to connect with and bring under your wing?

My prayer for today is that we all take a moment to thank a teacher that was instrumental in our life. I pray that we acknowledge the importance of teachers and the game changing work they offer us. I pray that we are each courageous enough to see where we could help someone else by stepping into a teaching role. I pray that our lives are enriched by the experience and we become addicted to helping others grow. I pray that our situations, our understanding, and our compassion is stretched and improved by our willingness to teach, and to be taught.

Until We Meet Again,


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord

And the Winner IS..... (drum roll please)..... Katie A!

Congratulations to Katie for winning the coffee house gift certificate from our recent Comment Contest for the blog post "Excuse Me, But I Think I Live Here."

Her winning comment was:
"i love the title of this! i have a few things i do when i am running low option 1: extra long hot shower with locked bathroom door, like to pray in the shower 2. a big cup of hot tea 3. out with a girlfriend and for crazy days at home 4. curl up in little ball on the floor and beg God to help me be nice to my children and be patient on days they are making me crazy."
Katie A.

Thank you Katie for your honesty and humor as you shared with us how you get through some of the more challenging days! I heard several comments about your comment, like "Glad to know I am not the only one!" :-) I will be in touch about delivery of your gift certificate!

Moving on...

I was blessed this past Saturday to have the opportunity to attend a "Life In The Spirit" seminar. My mom asked me if I would like to go and after trying to make up excuses why I was too busy to take a Saturday out of my life for the Holy Spirit I finally realized that I was actually in desperate need of that exact thing. So I said yes, and off my mom and I went for our day long retreat.

When we first arrived I was made acutely aware of the fact that I was the youngest in the room, by at least 15 or more years. I said a quick pray and asked God to show up for me in a way I was not expecting. And without fail, He did. He chose an Irish grandfather figure to speak through that day. Deacon Mike Cullen artfully weaved a message of charismatic renewal with funny stories of his youth, life changing moments from his early adulthood, and recent times when the Holy Spirit has shown up in his life.

Over time I will share little tid-bits of things I learned from that day, some about the Holy Spirit, some about my mother, and lots about myself, but for today I am working through "Being in the Flow of the Spirit." Deacon Mike started out early in the morning session with a scripture reference from Ezekiel about the river by which the exiles stayed. Mike explained the significance of this river and how it represented the Holy Spirit. He went on to explain how each of us is in different parts of the river. Some of us are just wading in to test the waters. Many of us have witnessed what the Holy Spirit has dine in the life of someone else so we are willing to wade in up to our knees. Still more of us have had an encounter with the Holy Spirit and we are in up to our waist and beginning to let the river move us. There a some that are faith-filled to the point that they are up to their neck, yet they are still unwilling to give up full control to the Holy Spirit and so you can still see their head bobbing above the water. And then there are the few that have made a full abandonment of their earthly lives and have submerged themselves fully in the Living Waters of the Holy Spirit.

As I began to think about where I was in the river I realized I am that person that is up to my neck but still trying to keep my head above water. There have been times when I have allowed my body to become fully submerged but then my human survival instinct kicks in and I make my way to the surface. I am neck deep in a phase of my life where I am treading water, fast, just to keep my head above water. And what I really need to do is take a deep breath and dive into the refreshing and healing water of the Holy Spirit.

Since Saturday I have had a song rolling through my mind, no-stop. See if it stirs in you anything like it has been working on me:

I desire to be able to close my eyes, slip under the surface and look at a new life, through the eyes of my Lord. There is a different world in the River of Life that is offered through the Spirit. One where I do not need to be in control, one where I can release all the pain and struggles of this life. I long for a relationship with my Heavenly Father where He is truly in control and I am merely the beneficiary of His goodness, mercy, and grace.

I have a long way to go, yet I am so very close. Doesn't it feel like that sometimes. We feel like we will never make it, yet all we have to do is stop and accept it. It seems like the hardest challenge, yet it is there for the taking. All we have to do is ask and it shall be given, knock and the door shall be opened, take a deep breath and allow ourselves to be pulled under, into the flow of the Holy Spirit.

So..... Where are you in the river? Are you just wading in? Are you up to your knees? Are you up to your waist and just beginning to be moved for the first time? Are you neck deep but still in control? Have you allowed yourself to be taken under and filled with a new life? What are you struggling with? What keeps you in control? Where have you given up control and allowed the Spirit to take the lead?

My prayer for today is for weak knees. Knees that bend. Knees that go weak and allow us to hit the floor. Knees that go weak and allow us to fall under the surface of the water. And once we are on our knees, and under the surface, I pray that we are humbled and open to the work of the Holy Spirit. I pray that we are able to give up control and allow our LORD to do a work in us, one that we can not possible do for ourselves. I pray that through surrender we are able to find a new life in Christ Jesus.

Until We Meet Again,


Friday, October 22, 2010

The Beauty of My Spider Web

Ok, I have to say that spiders creep me out a little bit but no where near as bad as they freak my daughter out. The moment she sees one she runs for the hills. I on the other hand have to walk into the face of danger and rescue her from her eight legged terror. We live in an older home, surrounded by mature trees and bushes, so we see a lot of spiders. The routine is almost comical now, except for the fact that my younger two are beginning to follow suit.

The other day as I was "taking care of" a rather large spider in the down stairs bathroom I got to thinking about spiders (I know, I know, my brain never shuts off...) and why God would create them, and what I could learn from them. There were two main reasons I could come up with why spiders are useful in my life: one, they collect and eat bugs, two: they make beautiful webs.

Now I do not plan on ever being a contestant on a crazy game show so I don't think I am going to add "bug eating" to my to-do list. I am comfortable leaving that one to the spider. And as much as I wish I could spin silk from my back side, I don't think I will be making an intricate weaving between branch and limb anytime soon. But that idea did get me to think. I began to think about the intricate weaving of my life and how it resembles the delicate work of the spider.

Standing back and looking at the time and effort a spider puts into her web reminded me of the time and effort I put into my life. I started with one little idea to jump from a life lived with my mother to a life lived with my husband (the anchor strand of my web). That first jump is always the scariest. Then we chose to make our own family and with that came more jumping in and out, from our center to a new branch, to make the base for our family's web. And now we are down to the detailed work of weaving our lives in and out, up and down, round and round with each other.

Building a spider web takes a long time, just ask Charlotte and Wilbur, and many things can go wrong. A careless person can walk into it and take out half your work. A strong wind can come and blow several anchor lines off their branches. A heavy rain can wash away everything and you have to start again. But that is what spiders do. They spin webs in the hopes of catching something they need to live inside it's beautiful design. Challenges and adversity do not stop them from doing what they are designed to do. A broken web just means they have to get busy at making repairs.

A broken life does not mean that it should be scrapped and left to dangle in the breeze. It should be repaired and made whole again. And when your web is completely broken it is ok to grieve and then start over again on a new one. And yes, it will take time, but any work of beauty does. Take a look at this to be reminded of the beauty of a life's work spent on building a strong web:

As I sit back and look at my web I can see the places where I have had to make repairs. I can see the part that is still unfinished and I dream about what it will look like when it is completed. I can only hope that others will look at my web, glistening in the morning dew, and see a life well spent. I hope it pleases God and He is able to rejoice in the effort I have put forth and the care I have taken.

So..... What does YOUR spider web look like? Where did it start (that first scary jump)? And how are you weaving it together? Who and what else is part of your web, either as an anchor or a co-weaver? Can you see areas where your web needs repair? Can you recognize the successful repairs of past injuries? Does your web glisten in the sun or is it hiding in a dark corner? Has a gale force wind taken you out and you need to make a new first jump and begin spinning and weaving again?

My prayer for today is that we are each able to see the beauty of our individual lives. I pray that we put in extreme care and consideration as to where we anchor ourselves and what we spin around. I pray that we are resilient and hard working so that we can finish the masterpiece we have started. I pray that when times get tough, we are wounded, things look hopeless, that we turn to God for the strength and the encouragement to continue on. I pray that no matter what chases us or tries to destroy us, we hold fast to our faith in Christ Jesus and know that he has us safely in the palm of his hand.

Until We Meet Again,


Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Blessing of Great Friends

Growing up I was an only child, well technically I still am, but anyway... I got really good at making friends. I had to, otherwise I would have no one to play with. I got really good at making lots of surface friendships but very few deep, lasting friendships. I was into the friend making business for selfish reasons and wanted to "collect" as many as I could.

As I got a little older I began to realize the importance of making stronger connections with people but I still had a hard time staying close to people after they moved on. If they were in my everyday world, good, if they were not, well then we would probably not stay in touch, at least for my part.

It has taken me a lot of years to understand the full scope and meaning of true friendship. God created us to be social people, to have a strong desire to be around other people, to find strength and support from a close community of people. He also created us in His image and in doing so He created us to be obedient to one another, responsible for one another, willing to make sacrifices for one another, and willing to go the extra mile to put other people before ourselves.

I have been blessed in recent years to begin to form deep, lasting, supportive relationships with other people. And each one of my closest friends has played a significant role in my life this past week. They have provided counsel, guidance, challenge, encouragement, support, unconditional love, and allowed me to see the face of God through their eyes. I finally understand the Blessing of Great Friends. I get it now; the joy, the peace, the comfort that comes from being connected to another person in a way that is mutually beneficial and pleasing and one that honors God's true intentions for our lives.

I know that my "lighter" relationships will benefit from the strength of my deeper ones. I know that my family will benefit from the support of my loving friendships. I know that my perspective and attitude will be improved because of the time and energy my best friends put into my life. And for that I am TRULY THANKFUL!

So..... What is your friendship "status?" What are you looking for in a great friend? What can you offer someone else? What things in your past are keeping you from making deep connections with people? And on the flip side, What are some of the closest relationships you have now? In what ways do you let your friends know that you appreciate the role they play in your life? How are you supportive and loving in return? Who do you need to call, text, or email today to let them know they are important to you and that you thank God that they are in your life?

My prayer for today is that we each allow God the time and the space to work in our lives. I pray that we are open to whatever means He deems necessary to get through to us. I pray that we are willing to form deep, lasting relationships with other people so that we can feel the love and support of Jesus Christ through them. I pray that we remember that our greatest friend is Jesus and that we should turn to Him daily, no hourly, even moment by moment, for guidance and peace.

Until We Meet Again,


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Everything Is Fine, But Something Doesn't Feel Right

*** Be sure to read the post from Friday, Oct 15th and enter the Comment Contest. One lucky contributor will be selected later on this week for a coffee house gift card! ***

Have you ever been in one of those "in between" places where life has you in transition from one thing to the next? Maybe you have been in between jobs, in between houses, in between relationships. Life is basically good but somehow you just feel slightly off balance.

Maybe it is my high-controller nature that has me feeling like this right now. Maybe other people are able to breath and relax when they are at an "in between" place in their life. Maybe I am making something out of nothing in order to create an urgency that is not really there. Maybe I need to learn how to relax and enjoy living in the calm.

I am a high capacity person and when things get too quiet, I get nervous; or at the very least, antsy. I have plenty to keep me "busy" right now but I am feeling this odd sensation of not having a "life's work" kind of project in front of me. I know that I made a wise choice to put my kid's needs before my own when I decided to hold off on returning to school until the winter semester. But, you knew that was coming, didn't ya, I am beginning to feel like my life is becoming more about taking care of others and less about what I need.

Oh, hold on, I just heard that out loud. Wait a minute while I reread that....

Ok, bear with me, because I am processing this on the spot and I hope you can extend me a little grace as I do so.

I think I actually just complained about living the life, to a degree, that I am called to live. I know that God calls me to put others before myself. I know that God asks me to lay my life down in order to help another. I know that God extended His grace and mercy to me, and as a sign of gratitude and devotion I am called to show them to others. But I am human and I make mistakes, I am selfish, I get lost. Right now, at this moment, I am feeling like I am sacrificing too much and getting too little in return. As much as I know that is the wrong way of looking at things, I am having a hard time renewing my mind to the proper perspective.

Life is good: the kids are healthy, we have a roof over our heads, John and I both have jobs, there is food in our cupboards. Why am I focusing on what is not going the way I expected it too? And yet, those things, the challenging things, are still a real part of my life. Ignoring them will not make them go away. So what is a person to do when everything is fine, but something doesn't feel right?

Well I know the first answer: Turn To God. I have been in prayer, have asked for prayer, and have signed up to attend a Spiritual Retreat this upcoming weekend. The one thing I have not been as good about is keeping in the Word. I am falling back on the verses that are already locked in my heart, which is a good thing, but I am not actively cracking open the pages of my Bible to receive new insight from God. Ok, that one is easy, I can do that.

Second, I need to think through what is bothering me and get to the root issue. I am probably focusing on the surface issue, the effect of what is really going on, instead of the actually cause of the problem. This one is a little more challenging because it causes me to pause (which I am not the best at doing), reflect (which I can do), and be honest (well that can be scary) in order to process through the surface stuff and get down to the bottom of the situation(s).

Third, I need to deal with the root issue and be honest with the people in my world; my husband, my kids, my friends, my co-workers, about what is going on with me. I realize that I do not need to release on them in a way that takes the stress and the pain off of me and puts it onto them, but I need to let them know what I am struggling with so that they can pray for me, offer wisdom and discernment, reflect on how their actions effect others, and so that they can be a part of the solution.

And finally, I need to Turn To God, again, for healing, perspective, guidance and unconditional love. I need to remember that I am a beloved child of the Most High God and He cares about what is going on in my life. I am NOT walking this life alone, with no one that understands what I am going through. I actually have a personal and intimate relationship with a very real and close God who can reveal the secrets of the universe, if only I would slow down and listen.

So..... What are the things in your life that are churning just beneath the surface? What are the top layer problems and what are the real underlying issues? What is GOOD in your life? What is so good and common place that it has become invisible in your life? What is God trying to communicate to you? How is He trying to get through? Who has He placed in your path to offer wisdom and discernment into your life? What scripture passage is fitting for your life right now? Are you committed to memorizing it, locking it away in your heart and letting it fill you from the inside out?

My prayer for today is for courage. The courage to take a hard and honest look at my life. The courage to see where I have made mistakes and where I have accepted less than what God has planned for my life. The courage to trust God to work all things out for His good and perfect plan. I also pray for healing. My heart is wounded right now and I pray that God's healing love will mend it. And I pray for you. I pray that no matter what challenges you are experiencing in life that you will be able to call on God and put your faith and trust in Him. I pray that you are able to see the joy and peace that is in your life and embrace that to the fullest. I pray that we are each able to be a support to one another as fellow travelers on the road.

Until We Meet Again,


Friday, October 15, 2010

Excuse Me, But I Think I Live Here?

I have not been home very much this week. Thankfully my van knows the way and can just go into autopilot mode. The trouble is it never stays in the driveway for very long. I am not complaining, just lamenting the fact that fact that after posting my reflective blog on Monday about spending time "with" my family instead of "for" my family, it seems I have been doing more of the later verses the former this week.

Almost everything I have done this week has been "for" my family, and some of it has been "with," but the "with" parts have been small and have mostly included driving one of my children from place to place, activity to activity. We are spending a little time "with" each other in the van but it is difficult to get into deep conversations in the five minutes it takes to drive across town. I have actually found myself wishing for red lights when my teenager and I are alone (and I do NOT like to have to wait for red lights)! But I need to find a way to make more time to be "with" her or I need to get better at going deeper in the small amounts of time we do actually have together.

And then on top of all of that, I miss being home. Not so much my house, but the comfort and rejuvenation I find from my home; snuggling with the kids on the couch, eating dinner together (at a table even), putting on my cozy jammies and reading a good book, heck, I would even like to help my kids with their homework. I am an extrovert that has deeply introverted needs. I am able to give the best of myself when my own tank has been filled. I need to refresh and renew every so often in order to keep going. I am feeling my tank dip into the low levels and I think my gas light is about to turn on.

So..... I am looking for help, advice, suggestions... What creative ways do YOU have for refilling your tank? How do you keep your perspective and energy when times are busy or tough? What is your favorite "small moment" activity to keep your head on straight? Does time with friends help? Do you have a favorite inspirational book? Have you found a new, yummy, coffee flavor? How about a great crock-pot recipe (even I have a hard time screwing those up)? What is your favorite Bible story of God refreshing someone who really needed it?

And Now Here Is The Exciting Part: We are going to have a Comment Contest!!! Post your ideas, advice and suggestions here all next week. Then next Friday, Oct 22, I will award one lucky person a gift certificate to their favorite local coffee house!!! Buying you a few warm cups of soothing comfort is the best way I can think of to Thank You for sharing your ideas, advice and suggestions. If you are interested in finding out what everyone else has to offer when they comment, go ahead and subscribe to the blog. That way you can receive an email when there are updates.

My prayer for today is that we are all able to find an inner peace. I pray that we are able to slow down and hit the "refresh" button on our lives. I pray that we are able to refill our tanks before they run dry. I pray that I am able to spend some time at home, in my jammies, reading a good book while sipping a big cup of coffee at some point this weekend. I pray that you find your way into God's Word to find the peace and comfort only He can provide, I know I will.

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

3 Degrees Off Center

I am a pretty focused and driven person. I have shared before that I like to have a plan and see if carried out. I am getting better at recognizing that I need to give up MY plan and be open to following the plan GOD has for my life. The struggle I have with living out any plan is when Satan rears his nasty head and tries to distract me. He can be very subtle and he never has to make a big move, he only has to push me a little, and things start to fall apart pretty quickly.

Not to boast, but I am a pretty good person to have around in an emergency. I keep my wits about me, I can problem solve and think of solutions, I am good at keeping others calm. But when I begin to fall apart is when the little things go wrong; I'm sick, I'm tired, a vehicle is not working, a fight with my husband, someone ate the last Nutty Bar and now I do not have a sweet treat to pack in my lunch. Or the biggest tragedy of all... I am out of coffee!!! Oh, the horror!!! But seriously, it is in the small moments, the little things, the areas that are just 3 degrees off center, that can send my life into a tizzy.

And why do I let it happen over and over again?! I get so frustrated with myself! But then I remember that Satan's only goal is to mess with the lives of those that follow Christ. He has no other hobby or interest. He is wholly focused on making a mess of this world and bringing ciaos to the hearts of those that love Jesus. So really, I am not so special and unique. My sturggles are no greater than anyone else. Sure my 3 degrees off center may be different than yours but we each have our "sweet spot" and our "calamity central" zones. Once we realize that, accept it and begin to deal with it, we take away a little of the power Satan tries to hold over us. And when we lay it down at the feet of our LORD and let Him take care of it, we can be freed.

2 Samuel 7:28 says "O Sovereign LORD, you are God! Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant." God loves us and wants good things for us. I, for one, need to remember this passage and remind myself that when times get tough I need to turn to God's Word for strength against the forces of the one that tries to destroy all.

Or how about Psalm 36:5 "Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." And who better than Third Day to remind us of the beauty of this verse:

So..... What are the tings that get you 3 degrees off of center? How do you deal with them? Are you ready to lay them down at the feet of Jesus and walk away a free person? Are you finding your strength in the LORD? Do you feel secure in His love for you, so much so that you are able to fight off the attacks of the spirit that will surely come your way?

My prayer for today is that we are able to keep our eyes on the prize, a life with Jesus. I pray that when we are pushed 3 degrees off center that we remember to fall to our knees and call on the LORD to rescue us. I pray that we are able to recognize the ways Satan tries to distract us and by recognizing them we are able to give them up to God. I pray that our Heavenly Father will fill our hearts with love and peace so that we can share those very things with others.

Until We Meet Again,


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Witnessing Democracy In Action

Last night I had a new experience, I attended my first School District Annual Meeting. Now hold on, (I can hear your growns and see your eye rolls from here) just hear me out. Truth be told, I was expecting to make it about a half an hour before I would be board out of my mind and looking for the nearest exit. I am a staunch supporter of public education and have been a part of several school's parent group organization boards, but I have always shied away from getting involved on the school board level.

Over the past few years I have been involved with a district parent leadership group and the facilitator has urged the members to attend the annual meeting. I have always had conflicts on the nights of the meeting, honestly I did not try very hard to not have a conflict on those evenings, but this year was different. Decisions were made at last years meeting that caught my attention and I wanted to witness the Annual Meeting process for myself. When I first walked in there was a table with 2 handouts and a 54 page meeting booklet, I almost turned around and walked out, but then I recognized two student's faces on the front cover of the booklet. I was reminded that the decisions made at this meeting would effect both of them, as well as my own three children, so I decided to tough it out.

I found several people I knew and decided to sit with them. It was interesting to hear the different reasons why each of them were there; one was a teacher and a parent of four, one a guidance counselor and a parent of three, one a principal and a parent of two, one was "just" a parent (ha, like there is anything "just" about that job, that is the most important role in the teachers, guidance counselors, and principals lives too). Anyway, we all had something we were there for, and at the outset the tax levy seemed like the most important component that would be discussed.

I quickly found out that witnessing and participating in democracy, true local representation of the people, was the most important component of the meeting! At first there the School Board President welcomed everyone, read the legal notice of the meeting, and presented a few awards to outstanding citizens that served on Board Committees last year, then he turned the meeting over to the electorate. This was not a School Board meeting, it was a meeting of the Electorate of the School District, a very big and meaningful difference. The first order of business was to elect a Chairperson to run the meeting. The chairperson came from the audience, from those of us out in the cheap seats and was elected by the same. My voice vote mattered.

The guy that was elected Chairperson wore a t-shirt and cargo shorts and the first thing he said after getting on stage, behind the mic, was "Ok, I have never done THIS before." I was instantly put at ease, I would be learning this process right along with him. Now, he had school board experience and had attended this meeting in the past as a member of the board but he was flying into new territory as the chairperson. The next thing that caught my attention was the District's lawyer (oh hum) and parliamentarian (zzzzzz) who I actually found to be very interesting. Following Robert's Rules proved to be far more intriguing, at least in this setting, than I had expected it to be.

The budget was discussed, the impact on the district and students, the effects of changes in enrollment, and the resulting tax levy to fund it all. There was time for questions and comments form those in attendance. There was even a moment when a person from the audience made a motion to change the agenda and move the vote on the tax levy near the beginning of the new business section. Another example of when my voice vote mattered.

Happily the proposed tax levy passed, even garnering a few compliments to the School Board for their hard work. Many of the audience member left at this point and a few other items were discussed. Near the end of the meeting there was a group of parents that brought an issue on bussing to the table. A heated discussion followed and the parliamentarian pulled out his big book and referenced sections of law and rule that governed such things. It was decided that the issue would be postponed until the next meeting of the electorate. Once again my voice vote was counted.

In the end I walked away from the experience being amazed by the democratic process. The power of one voice joined with another voice, joined with another voice, etc... I was glad that I took the time out of my evening to participate in a healthy debate on the importance of school funding and quality of educational experiences for our next generation. I was pleased to see so many of my fellow neighbors and residence feeling the same. There was one gentleman there had has been at every School District Annual Meeting for the past 32 years! Talk about dedication to the next generation! I hope that by sharing our experiences we can interest more people to be involved throughout the year and especially at next year's Annual Meeting.

So..... What are you involved in? What things at first seemed mundane but now peak your interest? What are you so passionate about that you would be involved with it on a regular basis, for 32 years?! What are you doing to share those things with others?

My prayer for today is that each of us knows and understands the power of our individual voice. I pray that we feel empowered to share our thoughts and feelings with love and compassion. I pray that we strive to make the world a better place for those around us. I pray that we make ripples in our communities, ones that will reach farther than we can imagine.

Until We Meet Again,


Monday, October 11, 2010

Making Time

This weekend I decided that doing something WITH my family was more important than doing something FOR my family. I am classic at creating excuses that justify why I do things for my family, but not always with them, like: "It saves me time and money to do the grocery shopping on my own." While there is a lot of truth in that statement I also realize that the only way my children will learn to be savvy shoppers is to have experience making wise choices in the store.

And is as typically the case with me, "a little learning is good so more must be better..." I decided to include my family in all the shopping that had to be done on Saturday. One significant reason why I made this decision was that my hubby was willing to go along. He typically feels nauseated at the idea of shopping, much less a family trip to the store, but I think the combination of the beautiful weather and seeing his family all decked out in their Badger apparel made for a proud Dad that was willing to spend time with his family, no matter what. I of course had to jump on the chance. From the moment I suggested the shopping trip to the time we were out the door was less than four minutes, no time for him to change his mind.

Once we were on the road I revealed all the stops listed on my 'to-do list' for the day. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my husband reaching for the door handle and considering a tuck and roll move out of the vehicle, but when I turned to him he gave me a full smile and said "ok."

First was Kohl's, my husband and I had an anniversary gift to spend and new flannel sheets were calling my name. 45 minutes later we walked out with king size flannel sheet, a new Contour Memory Foam pillow for me, and some talking ninja toy animal for Evan (he had birthday $ burning a hole in his pocket), all for under $55. We saved $93 off the original prices because of the early bird specials, a $10 coupon I had, and John's discount. NICE!

Next we were on to Aldi's. I love taking the kids shopping there, usually I do it one-on-one so that we can really discuss wise shopping practices (looking at unit price, items that are good to buy in bulk, which foods are worth the "brand name" price and which ones are not), but on Saturday I was hoping that John and I could run a two-on-three zone defense. The kids did great, John on the other hand was hungry. Thankfully practice and wisdom were my guides and we were out of the store in 20 minutes and for less than $45. Nice #2!

Our final stop was Target. I knew I was taking a risk, that store has magical powers! Too many times I have gone in with a three to four item list and ended up walking out with a $100 less in my bank account. Thankfully one thing God has been working on in my heart is the way I spend money. I have an unhealthy relationship with money and usually feel the desire to spend more than I should (I am good at creating excuses to justify that too), but lately I am learning the joy of the bargain, the thrill of saving money when I go to the store. Now that I am saving money to go back to school (I decided to wait until the winter semester, too much going on with the kids right now and a desire to find alternative and creative funding sources), I am discovering new ways to stretch a dollar. My grandma would be so proud.

I was determined to only purchase the four items on my list for Target. I stacked the deck in my favor, only John and Evan came in the store with me. I told the girls there would be no "extra" shopping so they decided to wait in the van. Evan had already purchased his toy at Kohl's and he had one job, and one job only, at Target: find the perfect 1 year old birthday card. John was focused on keeping me on track and on budget. I am proud to say that we were in and out in 15 minutes and only purchased the items on the list. Of course John takes all the credit. It was a Hat-Trick of N-i-c-e!

On our way home I was thinking about how the morning took a lot longer than it would have had I gone out to run my errands on my own but I was happy and thankful , on several counts, that I had taken everyone with me. First, I was able to just spend time with them, we are constantly running here and there for some activity or another, it was nice to make time to be with each other. Second, it was a great time for John and I to teach into our children about wise financial choices and how saving $$ does not need to mean you sacrifice quality. Finally I was able to demonstrate to my kids that even adults are able to learn from past mistakes (spending too much) and choose to make wise choices (sticking to a realistic list). And all of this took place because I was willing to slow down and take the time to make time for them. A simple act that lead to meaningful shared experiences.

So..... What are the simple acts that you need to slow down and make the time for? What events are you rushing through or blowing past in an effort to make life easier but not as meaningful? What areas of your life could you take the time to teach something into someone else? What lessons are YOU missing and what is God trying to teach YOU?

My prayer for today is that we are all able to slow down and make the time to hear from our Heavenly Father. I pray that we are willing to make time for our earthly family as well. I pray that we are constantly reminded that it is far more important to "be with" than to "do for" our family and friends, any day. I pray that through our shared experiences we are transformed into the people God designed us to be. I pray that when we make time for others, we are in turn filled with the Holy Spirit and energized to repeat, and repeat, and repeat.

Until We Meet Again,


Friday, October 8, 2010


Our town is buzzing with Homecoming excitement. Windows have been painted, powder-puff games have been played, bonfires have been lit, floats have been decorated and parades have been walked. The game is tonight and the dance is tomorrow. Even the elementary students are getting in the spirit by wearing red and white to school today. You can not drive through our town or visit a school in our district without seeing some sign of the anticipation of "HomeComing" today.

And, as you know is my style, it got me thinking. I began to wonder about the hype, the pep, the pride that rides along side an event like this. The conversion of our town, the support of our residents, the creativity of the activities. We crown kings and queens, we refer to the playing field as hallowed ground, we treat the players like mini-celebrities. And all of this for a football game.

A game. Something that seems HUGE right now, but in a month, a year, a lifetime, it will be just a memory. The time, the energy, the money spent will be forgotten. For some they will look back fondly, for others there will be pain associated. There is always a winner and a loser. There is always drama and pageantry. There are beautiful girls and dashing gentleman that feel like THIS is the highlight of their lives.

But there is another HomeComing that is far more important. One that receives far less attention. One that hardly sees the hype, the pep, the pride that a mere football game does. Now don't get me wrong, some understand the significance of the HomeComing of which I speak. Some know the importance of the conversion, the support, the creativity that is required. Some believe in The King, feel the honor of walking on His hallowed ground. And for those of us that DO get it, why don't we make a bigger fuss? Why don't we paint our faces, wave pom-poms, or any number of other crazy things to attract attention to the The One that can change the world?!

I, for one, am really excited about the eternal HomeComing that I will one day experience. And I want my life to be "a-buzz" with anticipation for THAT. I want everyone that comes into my life to know that something wonderful is happening. I want them to see the pride with which I call myself a Christ-follower. I want them to know that I am on the life-long plan, not just the weekly bandwagon. I want to "wear my colors" everyday.

So..... How about you? What do you want your life to be about? What joy do you want others to recognize? What excitement do you want to share with others? What moves you, motivates you, brings about conversion and support in your life? What do you do to put that out there for the world to see?

My prayer for today is for those young high school students that feel like the events of this week are the most important things in their lives. I pray that God shows up in their lives and shares with them the wider view of the world. I pray for their parents, that they are able to witness to their children the significance of a life built, not on fleeting moments, but on eternal happiness. I pray for our community as we rally together around a common cause, for the relationships that can grow out of the shared experience. I pray that each of us will enjoy the small moments, the simple pleasures, while always keeping our eye on the important goal; our Heavenly HomeComing.

Until We Meet Again,


p.s. - Go Cards!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Growing Up In The Media Age

Last night, as I was getting ready for bed, my teenage popped her head in my bedroom and told me she needed the computer in the morning because she has to finish a project for French class.
After I rolled my eyes, and thanked her, sarcastically, for not procrastinating, I got to thinking about how much life has changed in 100 years. My great-grandmother never had to worry about my grandmother having a 7th grade French project to complete. My grandma was too busy learning life skill lessons in school and was not fortunate enough to be exposed to a foreign language "class." She learned German and Norwegian from neighbors and family members that spoke it as part of their everyday world.

My grandmother never had to worry about my mother popping her head in late at night and telling her about a project that was due the next day. Education was a privilege that most post-war, "baby boomers" did not take for granted. My mother was the first in her family to go to college and she took her education seriously. She would not have waited so long that a grade was in jeopardy because she had not completed some work. The respect my mother's generation had for adults, especially teachers, is something I desperately wish we could return to.

My mother never had to share the computer with me. If I had a project to finish for school I had better be at the library, hitting the books. It was not until I was in high school that I had regular, weekly, NOT daily, access to a computer. When my mom was "doing her thing" in the morning, which was probably doing a load of dishes or laundry, she did not have to worry about sharing any of her electronics with me (not even an automatic dishwasher in our house).

And here I sit this morning, trying to process through my blog post quickly so that I can share the computer with my daughter. I wonder what things will be different for her and her daughter. I wonder what new challenges they will encounter and how their mother/daughter relationship will be different from what Bree and I experienced.

So..... How have things changed in your family? What is different today for you that your great-grandparents never even thought of worrying about? What has the "forward progress" been and where have we taken steps back in the wrong direction? How can we help the next generation have an appreciation of where we have come from AND be prepared for where they are headed?

My prayer for today is that we are mindful of the sacrifices of our ancestors and hopeful for the experiences of our children. I pray that God uses each of us to keep our family's history alive and that we learn from the hard fought battles of the past. I pray that the next generation is better off for their access to technology. I pray that I am able to parent a teenager growing up in the media age.

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


One of my favorite experiences each week is having the opportunity to Fuel Relationships with God and Others on Wednesday nights at our church's student ministry events. I really look forward to growing in my faith and building lasting friendships with the students and other adult volunteers. I am fortunate enough to be on the Delta/Engage teaching team and I can not tell you how many times God has done a work in me through a message I have been preparing to share with the students. Our current series is no exception.

Tonight we will be wrapping up the three weeks of "Learn It" for the Unlikely series. We have been talking about how God calls Unlikely People, from Unlikely Places, to make Unlikely Responses. As I was working on my message the other day I really got to thinking about what this means in my life. Sometimes it is all too easy for me to think about how things might be meaningful for other people but I miss what God is wanting to have happen inside of ME. But this time I am conscious of what this idea of being an unlikely person, from and unlikely place, called to make an unlikely response means in MY life.

Looking back on my life, I would have to say that I am a pretty Unlikely Person to be sharing the message of God with a bunch of students. When I was in middle and high school I walked, no I ran, away from anything that had to do with God. I had been raised in a religious home and had attended Catholic school, but rebelled, hard, during my teen years. Anyone that knew me then would roll on the floor laughing now if they heard I was active in a church much less sharing the Good News of God's love with a bunch of people.

But thankfully God knows what He is doing and He had a plan for taking my rebellion and using it for the glory of His Kingdom. I am an unlikely person, but I just might be the right unlikely person to reach someone that no one else can.

And talk about Unlikely so close to Madison; the liberal, Freedom From Religion, do what feels good to you, party hard city, is not the easiest of soil to prepare for the seed of God's Word. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot rockier places to live, life is actually pretty darn good around here. But sometimes I wonder, is life too good, are things too easy, have we grown too complacent? What elements of change does God desire to have take hold around here?

Then there is the Unlikely Response that God asks us to give. I would like to stay safe and warm inside my comfortable little bubble. I do not really look to rock the boat, or make waves, or stir up trouble; but sometimes God calls me to take a stand, make a response that is outside of my comfort zone. God knows that by bursting my bubble I am free to breath the fresh air of hope and promise that only He can offer.

So..... How are YOU an Unlikely Person, from an Unlikely Place, called to make an Unlikely Response for the Glory of God? Maybe you are the right person to reach a coworker who has questions about God. Maybe you are living in the right place to connect with a tough neighbor that just needs a warm smile or a helping hand to melt their heart. Maybe you are being called to respond to someone in need that you might otherwise walk past without a second glance.

God does not call the perfect, the prepared, or the proud. He quietly taps the shoulders of those who are willing, available, and humble. He looks for an open heart and an open mind. For those that are seeking, He offers open arms where we can run and find comfort. He offers open invitations that we are free to accept. God is looking to YOU, a part of His plan rests on YOU, to be the The Right Person, from The Right Place, for The Right Response that will change the game for one life. Are you ready?!?!

My prayer for today is that we will each feel the love of God pour over us and fill us in such ways that we can not help but to share it with others. I pray that you will know, without a shadow of a doubt, that YOU, yes YOU, are the right unlikely person, from the right unlikely place, to make the right unlikely response that will make a difference in the life of another person. I pray that you realize that over and over again. I pray that your life and the lives of so many around you will be forever changed by the love of Jesus Christ.

Until We Meet Again,


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lessons of Autumn

I am lucky enough to live in a part of the country that experiences all the splendor of each passing season. At one point in my life I wanted to move So. Cal. and live by the beach. The sun, the sand, the surf, aahhhhh.....But now I am happy that God kept me firmly planted where I am. I need the hot days of summer, the changing leaves in the fall, the snow at Christmas, and the rebirth of spring. Don't get me wrong, I still try and get to the ocean at least once a year but like they say "a nice place to visit but wouldn't want to live there" (not yet anyway, maybe someday when I'm old and cold).

This week though, I have been enjoying the lessons that are to be learned from the wonderful season of Autumn. The one that has stuck me the most this time around is the beauty, the majesty, and humility of trees. First of all trees are very utilitarian, they provide food and shelter for a host of creatures. They are easy on the eyes, they are clothed in ever changing fashion and colors that somehow always seem to match the latest seasonal trends. They are, they just are. They blend into the background of a forest, they take center stage in a landscape, they come in all shapes and sizes. Trees are amazingly flexible, with branches that blow in the wind. But they can also be uprooted if the storm of life becomes too much for them to take.

Trees are beautiful in every season:

Do you remember the joy you feel when you see the first buds popping at the dawn of spring. And how about that magical week when every bud seems to pop and suddenly those bumpy branches are filled with young, delicate green leaves. The whole world seems fresh and new.

How about the large, shade giving leaves of summer. Many a hot day has been spent under the shady covering of a towering oak or maple or weeping willow tree.

Then comes the season where the tress can display their true majesty as they change colors in the fall. Slowly the greens turn to yellow and red and orange. Some trees display shades of purple and burgundy that could hardly be imagined in the human mind.

And winter, don't forget about the beauty of the trees in winter. Some of them are lucky enough to stay ever green. These trees continue to feed and shelter animals throughout the year. Other trees become a magical canvas where snow and ice can hang and glisten in the sun.

Have you ever stopped to think about how humble the mighty tree must be. To have all of this change and beauty take place on its own branches yet to be in control of none of it. A tree can not move to find its optimal living spot. It can not go out and find itself nourishment or friendly creatures to live around it. It has to accept that someday it may be chopped down to make some human a house or be turned into paper, or be deemed "too old" and made into firewood or wood chips. And yet the majestic tree continues to bud and blossom and grow and change and all of this for The King that created it to be so. Without complaint, without trying to change anything, without giving up. The tree is what the tree is. The tree accepts it's role in this world and does it's job to the glory of God and the benefit of every creature around it.

So..... How about you? How do you display the beauty, majesty, and humility that God created you with? How do you make this world a better place to live in? How do you provide for others, bring beauty into the lives of others, put others needs before your own? Are you sending down roots; deep, healthy roots that will keep you firmly planted where God calls you to be? Are you flexible and willing enough to change with the seasons and show the many splendors of God through your life, as an example for others?

My prayer for today is that we will each be able to take a moment to reflect on the wonder that is a tree. I pray that you are able to step outside of your busy life and spend time looking, really looking, at a beautiful autumn tree today. Think about the sacrifices that tree makes. Think about the protecting that tree provides. Think about the creator that loves it so much that He includes it in His master plan. Then pray. Pray about how your life can mirror that of the humble tree. Pray about the sacrifices God may be calling you to make. Pray about the comfort and protection you can provide to others. Pray about your place in God's master plan. I will be praying the same things too and for the Spirit to move within us as we lift our prayers up to heaven.

Until We Meet Again,


Monday, October 4, 2010

For Better Or For Worse

This weekend my husband and I had our 17th wedding anniversary. We dated for three years before we were married so we have actually been together for 20 years. How in the world did I get so old?!?! I was 16 when we met and even though a recent glance in the mirror reminds me I am not THAT young anymore, I certainly do not feel old enough to have a teenage daughter and a husband that just turned 40!

But time HAS marched on from that first fall day back in 1989 when I met John. He was 20 at the time and was a friend of a friend of mine. I was sick the day we met, and looked terrible. My nickname in junior high and high school was Andi (I was in a rebellious stage and wanted to drive my mother crazy, taking a "boy" named seemed a good way to go), so JD (as was his nickname at the time, there were four other "Johns" in the group he hung out with) thought he was stopping by another guys house when our friend Chris told him he needed to help me close a storm window that was stuck in my bedroom.

JD says he remembers thinking, "why can't this guy Andy muscle his own window closed?" When he got to my house he realized why "Andi" could not. I remember thinking, when I first saw him standing in my living room, "hmm, he is kind of cute. Not the out of my league too cute but the right amount of cute that maybe one day I could marry a guy like that." I know, I KNOW!!! I was 16, teenage girls are crazy (why do you think I am so scared to have one in my house).

So anyway I knew how bad I was looking, cause I was feeling worse, so I wrote him off and figured I would never see him again. A few days later when I was feeling better and returned to school, my friend Chris said that JD had asked about me, and more than once over the past few days. I was shocked, but I told Chris that it was ok to give him my number and he could call me. Little did I know where that would lead!

17 years of marriage, 3 children, and a lifetime of for better's and for worse's. Marriage is a blessing and a challenge, a union and a dividing line, a long journey and a short sprint. A blessing because the two of you are now under a Holy Covenant of God, a challenge because it takes a lot of hard work and compromise to make it work. A union because two have now been made one, a dividing line because you are both now separated from the plight of the single man (married couples have few single friends and vice-versa, two different sets of life experiences). A long journey because this marriage deal is supposed to be for life, and a short sprint because it takes small burst of energy to get over the tough hills or through the rough valleys in the course of a marriage.

John and I did not spend our 17th wedding anniversary together this year. If you noticed at the top I said we "had" it but did not say "celebrated" it. John was in Kansas at a NASCAR race and I had a house full of children as my kids each invited a friend for a sleepover. John and I will do something special next weekend, when we celebrate our years together, but this past weekend was about doing things that make us each personally happy so that we can come together again and be happy together. We understand the idea that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Honestly, I was ready for him to be gone this weekend and I am more than ready for him to come home later on today. And I know after spending the weekend with his friend, he is going to be very ready to see me again too.

I do not have any wisdom-filled thoughts to share on how to make your marriage out of this world happy and last forever, but I can tell you that I have learned there will be moments of great joy and love, moments of great sorrow and frustration, and moments when you will question it all. In every one of those moments you must be on your knees in thanksgiving, in humility, and in prayer to our LORD. He is the only One I know that can carry a marriage through all the For Better's and For Worse's that life can throw us. A marriage is truly a blending of three lives and I for one am overjoyed that God is a part of my husband's and my marriage.

So..... what have been some of the "for better's" and some of the "for worse's" in your relationships. We have all been in relationships, not just ones of marriage, but also ones where we were/are partners with someone else. What have been the blessings and the challenges? When have you felt unity and when have you felt division? What has the scenery looked like as you pass along on your long journey and what about those short sprints that took your breath away (some in a good way and some, not so much)? When we take time to reflect, we realize that we are all filled with wisdom and understanding of what it takes to make a relationship work. Sometimes our judgment may become clouded but when we stop, really stop and think, we can remember what we have already learned.

My prayer for today is that we all take time to stop and reflect on the blessing and the challenge of relationships. I pray that we are moved with love for the one(s) we are in relationship with. I pray for marriages, and engagements, and budding relationships. I pray for warm hearts, loving words, and encouraging embraces. I pray for my husband and me, and the next 17 years or our marriage.

Until We Meet Again,


Friday, October 1, 2010

Revisiting a Memory

Today I had the privilege of chaperoning my daughter's 5th grade class to American Players Theater for a performance of "As You Like It," by William Shakespeare. APT is an outdoor, stadium theater, seated in the half round, and the actors use the aisles and steps as part of the show. Our group was fortunate enough to be seated in the front row! We were a mere three to four feet away from the actors at certain points in the performance.

I was seated between my daughter and a male student. The boy next to me has a reputation for being a bit of a tough guy. He has a hard shell that protects him from getting to close to anybody. He uses humor, sometimes inappropriately, to "keep life interesting." He was seated next to me because I am known as a "fun" mom but also a "strict" educator. I have high standards, one that would probably make some of MY former teachers laugh uncontrollably (that boy reminds me a lot of myself at that age).

Anyway..... What I was able to witness in both my daughter and in this boy was nothing short of a beautiful miracle. Art became reality to them. Fiction and drama became interactive. Humor and theatricality became tools they understood and appreciated. For the past three weeks their class has been studying this play and the life and times in which it was written. They staged their own mini-production of it in the classroom and arrived at the theater today versed in the language and story line. What they were not expecting was the intimate setting, the palpable drama, and the raw emotion of actors that were right in front of them.

Honestly, I am not sure if some of their classmates would even be able to say they had the same intense experience as they did today. We had a large group, four classes of 20-22 students a piece plus teachers and chaperons, so some of the adults and students were several rows behind us and further away from the action. But as for the two students on either side of me, we had a up-close and personal connection with everything that was happening around us.

As a mother and an educator I was moved by the pure enjoyment of the classic that these students were experiencing. It was magical to see their faces when they remembered something from their personal experience with the material at school. It was inspiring to see them make connections with actors that were playing the parts they themselves had portrayed. It was fun to understand just a little more than they did and laugh at a few elements that went over their young heads. It was to cool to hear them laugh at things I was not expecting them to understand.

At the same time all of this was happening I was having an incredible rush of a childhood memory. When I had been in sixth or seventh grade I had attended a play at American Players Theater. I do not remember what exact play we saw but I do remember that it was also by Shakespeare. As I sat there today I could remember my own youthful excitement of being at my first professional performance. I remembered understanding some things and not really getting some of it. I remembered being spellbound by the location (the theater is at the top of a hill, in the middle of a wooded area, surrounded by sounds of nature and the blue sky above).

I remember coming home and being interested in drama and performing, for many years after that. And as I watched my daughter and the young boy next to me I could feel their excitement and engagement grow. I began to feel a special joy of having had a shared experience with my daughter. I began to realize that she is growing out of her young childhood stage and into her life as a young adult. I began to think about how my role, my position in life, has drastically changed since my day as a student watching my first Shakespeare play. I was filled with awe, and a little trepidation, as I realized my responsibility in helping my daughter on her journey from innocence to maturity.

On the ride home I started to process the day's events. I was happy that I had not tried to rush through a different blog post this morning as I was already thinking of what I wanted to share here. I guess this blog has become the most recent avenue for my creativity and dramatic side to show itself to the world. I am thankful that a teacher in my past had thought it important enough to introduce me to the performing arts and that a teacher today still values that same experience enough to bring it forth in my daughter's life.

So..... What do you value? What experiences do you deem worthy to share with others? What memories do you have that you wish you could relive? What realizations have you come to as you reflect back on your life? What old passions or interests are ready to return to the surface again?

My prayer for today is for the strength to be a courageous person, an inspiring educator, a supportive and playful mother, a dedicated spouse, a caring daughter, and a faithful and obedient servant of the Most High God. I pray these same things for you and for the loved ones in our lives.

Until We Meet Again,
