Friday, October 8, 2010


Our town is buzzing with Homecoming excitement. Windows have been painted, powder-puff games have been played, bonfires have been lit, floats have been decorated and parades have been walked. The game is tonight and the dance is tomorrow. Even the elementary students are getting in the spirit by wearing red and white to school today. You can not drive through our town or visit a school in our district without seeing some sign of the anticipation of "HomeComing" today.

And, as you know is my style, it got me thinking. I began to wonder about the hype, the pep, the pride that rides along side an event like this. The conversion of our town, the support of our residents, the creativity of the activities. We crown kings and queens, we refer to the playing field as hallowed ground, we treat the players like mini-celebrities. And all of this for a football game.

A game. Something that seems HUGE right now, but in a month, a year, a lifetime, it will be just a memory. The time, the energy, the money spent will be forgotten. For some they will look back fondly, for others there will be pain associated. There is always a winner and a loser. There is always drama and pageantry. There are beautiful girls and dashing gentleman that feel like THIS is the highlight of their lives.

But there is another HomeComing that is far more important. One that receives far less attention. One that hardly sees the hype, the pep, the pride that a mere football game does. Now don't get me wrong, some understand the significance of the HomeComing of which I speak. Some know the importance of the conversion, the support, the creativity that is required. Some believe in The King, feel the honor of walking on His hallowed ground. And for those of us that DO get it, why don't we make a bigger fuss? Why don't we paint our faces, wave pom-poms, or any number of other crazy things to attract attention to the The One that can change the world?!

I, for one, am really excited about the eternal HomeComing that I will one day experience. And I want my life to be "a-buzz" with anticipation for THAT. I want everyone that comes into my life to know that something wonderful is happening. I want them to see the pride with which I call myself a Christ-follower. I want them to know that I am on the life-long plan, not just the weekly bandwagon. I want to "wear my colors" everyday.

So..... How about you? What do you want your life to be about? What joy do you want others to recognize? What excitement do you want to share with others? What moves you, motivates you, brings about conversion and support in your life? What do you do to put that out there for the world to see?

My prayer for today is for those young high school students that feel like the events of this week are the most important things in their lives. I pray that God shows up in their lives and shares with them the wider view of the world. I pray for their parents, that they are able to witness to their children the significance of a life built, not on fleeting moments, but on eternal happiness. I pray for our community as we rally together around a common cause, for the relationships that can grow out of the shared experience. I pray that each of us will enjoy the small moments, the simple pleasures, while always keeping our eye on the important goal; our Heavenly HomeComing.

Until We Meet Again,


p.s. - Go Cards!

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