Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Blessing of Great Friends

Growing up I was an only child, well technically I still am, but anyway... I got really good at making friends. I had to, otherwise I would have no one to play with. I got really good at making lots of surface friendships but very few deep, lasting friendships. I was into the friend making business for selfish reasons and wanted to "collect" as many as I could.

As I got a little older I began to realize the importance of making stronger connections with people but I still had a hard time staying close to people after they moved on. If they were in my everyday world, good, if they were not, well then we would probably not stay in touch, at least for my part.

It has taken me a lot of years to understand the full scope and meaning of true friendship. God created us to be social people, to have a strong desire to be around other people, to find strength and support from a close community of people. He also created us in His image and in doing so He created us to be obedient to one another, responsible for one another, willing to make sacrifices for one another, and willing to go the extra mile to put other people before ourselves.

I have been blessed in recent years to begin to form deep, lasting, supportive relationships with other people. And each one of my closest friends has played a significant role in my life this past week. They have provided counsel, guidance, challenge, encouragement, support, unconditional love, and allowed me to see the face of God through their eyes. I finally understand the Blessing of Great Friends. I get it now; the joy, the peace, the comfort that comes from being connected to another person in a way that is mutually beneficial and pleasing and one that honors God's true intentions for our lives.

I know that my "lighter" relationships will benefit from the strength of my deeper ones. I know that my family will benefit from the support of my loving friendships. I know that my perspective and attitude will be improved because of the time and energy my best friends put into my life. And for that I am TRULY THANKFUL!

So..... What is your friendship "status?" What are you looking for in a great friend? What can you offer someone else? What things in your past are keeping you from making deep connections with people? And on the flip side, What are some of the closest relationships you have now? In what ways do you let your friends know that you appreciate the role they play in your life? How are you supportive and loving in return? Who do you need to call, text, or email today to let them know they are important to you and that you thank God that they are in your life?

My prayer for today is that we each allow God the time and the space to work in our lives. I pray that we are open to whatever means He deems necessary to get through to us. I pray that we are willing to form deep, lasting relationships with other people so that we can feel the love and support of Jesus Christ through them. I pray that we remember that our greatest friend is Jesus and that we should turn to Him daily, no hourly, even moment by moment, for guidance and peace.

Until We Meet Again,


1 comment:

  1. Drea, this is definitely one of my favorite blogs of yours! When you wrote, "I finally understand the Blessing of Great Friends. I get it now; the joy, the peace, the comfort that comes from being connected to another person in a way that is mutually beneficial and pleasing and one that honors God's true intentions for our lives." I have to say, "YES, I finally 'get it' too!" These friends, who infinitely enrich our lives through a common desire to grow in Faith and daily surrendering to God's will, these are the friendships that will make every other 'lighter' friendship and family relationship that much better. What a blessing those friendships are indeed. Thank you for being one of those deeply impacting friends of mine!

