Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just to Be With God

Sounds easy, right? We know how to Be With someone else. You sit with them, you talk with them, you share parts of yourself and they share parts in return. When you've been with someone long enough you begin to finish each others sentences, you understand the meaning behind the tone of voice used, you can communicate without even saying a word.

Sometimes we have to call our friends, or family, and let them know we need to be with them. We need something from them; encouragement, support, trust, patience, understanding, space. We have a meaningful relationship with them that allows us to ask for such things and to expect a response. We know that by expressing our need they may give us what we are looking for, and with some relationships we know that we may not receive what we are looking for but we make the ask anyway, one more time.

And in return we respond to them when they need us. We may not be able to give them exactly what they are looking for but we make every effort to be there for them to the degree that is appropriate based on our relationship. We factor in history, our opinion, comments from others in determining what level of response is necessary. But all-in-all we know how to Be With each person in our lives. We have an understanding of what we offer and what we take away from each relationship.

But do we know how to Be With God? The God of the Universe. The God that is always with us. The God that already knows exactly what we need. The God that does not need a thing from us in return. The God that knows our inner most thoughts, fears, joys, sorrows. The God that can communicate with us through any means He chooses. The God that created rainbows, insects, the ocean, a single grain of sand. The God that knows the exact number of hairs on your head. Do you know how to BE WITH a God like that?

We can not offer Him anything in return, other than our love and devotion. And with that knowledge comes freedom. The freedom of not needing to "keep up appearances." The freedom from passing judgment and from searching for the ulterior motive. God is who God is and He is the same with you and with me and with the person down the street.

So how can you Be With someone as all encompassing as God? If you're looking for a clean-cut answer, you're not going to get one from me. I am wondering the same thing. I am just wondering and processing it out loud. Being With God is a deeply personal thing and will look different, on our part, than anyone else's relationship with God. We all have a unique history with God and He uses that history to reveal Himself to us and to teach us new things.

But what I do know is that He makes some specific requests of what He is looking for from us. In Micah 6:8 it says "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly WITH your God." (NIV - emphasis added).

Do you notice that all of these things are active. They are not passive requests. They are a call to Be With our God in very real ways that will impact both our lives and the lives around us. We can Be With God, we can grow closer to God, we can share an intimate relationship with God by doing the things God loves to do. We can come to know more about who God is by living, in some small way, as God does. And part of the beauty is that He is not asking us to do anything He Himself is not willing to do or has not already done. So we know it is a winning strategy, we know we will have success.

SO how are YOU going to Be With God today? How can you act justly, love mercy, walk humbly? How can your life be a reflection of your relationship with God? How can your relationship with God become more powerful, more meaning-filled, as a result of your willingness to do as God does?

My prayer for you today is that you are able to find a quiet time to be alone with God. I pray that He will speak clearly to your heart and that you will hear His message. I pray that because of your personal relationship with Him you are able to share His love with others. I pray that your life will be radically changed because of the time you choose to Be With God.

Until We Meet Again,


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