Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Have Learned To Use Pencil

I like to have a plan. I like to write things down and then make them happen. I like to know the direction I am headed in. I used to believe that once I decided something all I had to do was work hard enough to make it so. I would write things on my calendar in pen all the time. I liked the permanence of pen. I liked that it was difficult to change something in pen. I was stubborn and wanted to decide something and then leave it that way until it was done.

HA! ..... HA-HA!! Two things have blown THAT theory out of the water... The birth of my first child and my relationship with Jesus. Neither of these things lead into a life written in pen. Both of them require a flexibility that only a pencil can provide. I now believe in the ability to adjust and reorganize my plan. I still like to work hard to make something happen, but I have learned that it might not be my original plan that is carried through to fruition.

One case in point, my plan to return to school for the second half of the first semester this fall. Once again it is my responsibility to my children and my obedience to Jesus that has caused me to rethink, erase, and rewrite my plan. I am fortunate enough to have a relationship with my Lord where he shares his thoughts and ideas with me. He does not keep me completely in the dark about the path He has laid out for me. And me, being me, sometimes hears his plans and then wants to run full steam ahead with them.

Well, in all His wisdom, He has thrown a couple of speed bumps in my way to slow me down. And I, all of a sudden, remembered that this life is not all about me. I am not the only one in my traveling party. I am actually responsible for other travelers on the path along side me. Hmm, imagine that. Once I realized the effort it would take to re-coordinate our family's weekly routine with the new activities, new grade levels, new friends, and new challenges my kids now face, I quickly erased the original plan I had in my head and began to rework it into something that could work for my entire family. The new plan consists of me waiting until the winter semester starts in January and then jumping in at that point.

Ahhh, the joy of using a pencil. I can plan, rethink, erase, and rewrite the plan. I can have ideas and maybe even some divine intervention that sparks the planning process but then when I set down the pen and pick up the pencil, I have the freedom to change it up. A pencil is a tool of a learner, someone that is willing to try, to make mistakes, to fix them and then move on to a higher level of thinking. A pencil can be sharpened, made fresh again. A pencil can have fancy accessories like rubber grips and smiley face eraser toppers. When we are open to being people that use pencils we can also be sharpened, refreshed, by new ways of thinking. We can have fancy accessories like wisdom and discernment, that helps us work more efficiently.

So... set down your pen, pick up a pencil and begin to rethink, erase, and rewrite the plan of your life. Now is the perfect time. It may just be the exact time God had in mind for you. Reworking the plan does not have to mean erasing the entire thing and starting from scratch but it can mean working on small parts of the design a little bit at a time.

My prayer for today is that we are all open to hearing from God, following His call in our lives, and being flexible enough to reexamine the message and retool our response. I pray that God surrounds you with pencils and pencil sharpeners and that you are brave enough to utilize them. I pray that we are each humble enough to use the pencil eraser and obedient enough to allow God to help us redesign the plan of our life.

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Did I Do That?

Are you good at admitting your mistakes? I am not, just ask my hubby. I am nowhere near perfect so of course I make mistakes, I just have trouble letting other people see that I am human. But yesterday I had to do that very thing. I had to admit that I had misinterpreted something and had caused a little bit of drama due to my misunderstanding.

I felt really bad about the situation and tried really hard to explain my side of the story. At the end of the conversation we both walked away feeling better for having resolved it. I just wish it had not taken me so many days to figure out what was bothering me. And actually, truth be told, I did not figure it out on my own. I had to take a little quiet time, some time in prayer, a little time to get some distance and perspective, before I could see the forest for the trees.

The beautiful thing was that as I shared my story I could feel God smiling. I could sense His pleasure at my honesty, at my humility, at my faithfulness to rely on Him. And rely on Him I did. It is all too easy for me to be too busy, too scared, too unwilling to admit I made a mistake. But when I took the time to share what was bothering me, admit where I had let my emotions get the better of me, acknowledge where I felt vulnerable and exposed, I was able to name my concerns and deal with them instead of hiding behind fear and anxiety.

Jeez, that was NOT easy! But I feel so much better now. I feel a sense of relief, a renewed interest in the project at hand, and a deeper understanding of how God can work in our hearts, if only we let Him in. So... what are the things that are hard for you to admit, even to yourself? What are the mistakes that you wish you had the courage to admit to others? What are the challenges that you face as you try to lead an authentic and honest life?

My prayer for today is that we will find the strength to own up to the mistakes we have made. I pray that you will feel God's love surround you and fill you as you take the leap of faith to voice your inner fears. I pray that you will be gracious as others reveal their struggles with you. I pray that by sharing our experiences we will bond closer together and closer to God. I pray that through honesty, humility, and faithfulness we are able to grow closer to the heart of God and become a closer reflection of His love and grace

Until We Meet Again,


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Recognizing God's Grace

We all know that God extends Grace into our sin-filled lives. Many of us know that we can not earn it, it is a gift, freely given, by a God that loves us more than we love ourselves. Some of us are aware that Grace touches every aspect of our daily lives. Few of us are present enough to recognize it when it happens.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you KNOW that what just happened was not of your making but could only have happened through Divine intervention? Have you ever had a change of heart that you KNOW you were not prepared to have but then suddenly something changed and there you sat, feeling differently about the situation? Have you ever been so far away from the heart of God that you felt totally isolated and alone, then slowly you began to see the small wonders that surrounded you?

Have you ever taken time to think about what the Grace of God looks like in YOUR life? Have you been patient enough, quiet enough, expectant enough to have you heart, eyes, and mind open to the work of God's hands in the world around you? Have you been obedient enough to prepare your mind with the Word and prepare your heart with Love?

The beautiful thing is that God DOES extend Grace to everyone that believes in Him and follows His Son. There is no special handshake, no member's card you have to carry, no coupon coming in the mail that will make you able to receive God's Grace. There is nothing you can DO to earn Grace, to request Grace, to bring about Grace. Once you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior then the deal is sealed, you are now a receiver of Grace.

Once we realize that we can not control God's Grace then we are freed to become familiar with it and begin to look for it in our life and in lives around us. Just as we know we can not make a maple tree out of thin air, we are freed to be able to see one in our front yard and appreciate it's autumnal beauty of reds, oranges, and yellows. We did nothing to create the beauty but we are the beneficiaries of the majesty that brings about the seasonal change.

So.....(you know I always have a so... ;-) )... What stage are you in when it comes to God's Grace? Are you aware that it exists or are you still working through that stage? Are you aware that you can not earn it or do you need more time to be sure of that? Are you aware of how often God's Grace touches your daily life or are your eyes being cleansed so that you may see? Are you aware of God's Grace in a tangible way so that you recognize it when it happens or do other people point it out, as God works in your life?

My prayer for today is that you may know God's Grace, accept God's Grace, feel God's Grace and embrace God's Grace in your life. I pray that when times are challenging, you will turn to God. I pray that when times are joyful, you will turn to God. I pray that when times are uncertain, you will turn to God. I pray that when times are peaceful, you will turn to God. I pray that when you turn to God you will feel His loving arms surround you, His quiet strength fill you, and His beautiful Grace cover you.

Until We Meet Again,


p.s. - Did you notice all the questions in today's blog? You need to think, be an active participant, on your journey with God. He will not give you all the answers or accept a mindless drone that does not come to Him freely and of their own accord. You must decide for yourself what you believe, what you will receive. You must be willing to ask yourself tough questions, grapple with them for a while, and then come out the other side being willing to question some more. God is a BIG God, we can not learn all there is to know about Him in one day, one week, one month, one year, one decade, one life time. But we must be willing to continue to explore. Blessings for the journey!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I have been fortunate to know some special people over the course of my life. My grandfather tops the list. He was THE most special person in my life as I was growing up. He taught me how to be my own unique person in a world that wants to make us cookie-cutter act-a-likes. He taught me how to respect the individual while protecting the group. He taught me what it means to fully devout yourself to sacrificial work, for the benefit of others.

I was blessed yesterday to be in the company of six special people that hold the same beliefs as my grandfather did. The team of PlantVentura. Jen and T.D. Oakes, Jodi and Mike Hickerson, and Dynell and Jim Sheldon are taking a MAJOR leap of faith; leaving comfortable lives, successful careers, happy homes, and a healthy church in order to plant a new church in the heart of rocky soil, Ventura CA.

I was part of a group that was honored to hear the story of obedience and devotion from the PlantVentura team. They shared their journey from feeling the first rumblings in their hearts to the joining of forces, to the creation of partnerships, to the three year strategic plan that will make this calling from God a reality.

After sharing their story they asked for three things in return: Partner. Pray. Promote.

Pray: A no-brainer. God is clearly up to big time Kingdom work through this team and it will be both an honor and a blessing to pray for their success and favor as they move forward with this important project.

Promote: Super simple! Getting the word out has never been a trouble for me. I like to share my thoughts with others, especially when it is about something as worthwhile and impacting as this is. Who knows where one conversation might lead, what providential relationships might be brought to light. I have family all up and down the CA coast, some just a few miles away from where the team is headed. What about you? How many family and friends do you know that live in Southern CA (the Ventura County area is east of Santa Barbara and west of Los Angeles)?

Partner: They have several levels for people to become involved with supporting the team through financial resources. The most intriguing to me was the 36 for 36. People make investments of $36 a month for 36 months. TOTALLY doable, right!?!

But hey, don't just take my word for it. Check it out for yourself. Go to and see what all the excitement is about. Even if you are not in a place to be able to Partner with the team, Praying and Promoting cost you nothing and can only bring about great rewards for both you and the PlantVentura Team!

My prayer for today is that you may think outside your own life and be moved by the life changing work God is calling other people to. I pray that you are so moved that you begin to feel a stirring in your heart to make a difference in the lives of others. I pray that by opening yourself up to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, you will be drawn closer to the heart of our Creator and know that you are a beloved child of the Most High God. I pray that your life will be wrecked by the passions of God's heart and that you will have the courage to Partner, Pray, and Promote the work of the Lord.

Until We Meet Again,


Friday, September 24, 2010

As They Grow

Children..... Either you have some or you know some. My sister-in-law, who does not have any children of her own, has the BEST role in my kids lives. She gets to be the "all fun, all the time" person in their lives. Few rules, great adventures, lots of junk food and staying up late. They love it when they get to sleepover at her house or when she takes them out shopping, one-on-one. She is the first person they run to at family gatherings and the last person they want to leave. I love it that they have someone like that in their lives.

My role in their lives is a little more authoritative. My husband and I have to maintain order, provide direction, cast long-term vision. We have to work at building household unity and positive sibling relations. We are the keepers of the checkbook (jeez are they expensive little buggers) and the taxi drivers that never turn the meter on. This is a role we take very seriously and one that is just as important for our children as their fun-loving aunt's role is in their lives.

I am reflecting on this because my "baby" is having his birthday today. He has lost both of his two front teeth this past week and since the start of 1st grade just a few weeks ago, he is blowing me away with the amount of knowledge he carries around in that little head of his. My older two, who have also had birthdays in the last month and a half, are also taking huge steps up the maturity ladder. I feel like I need to move, and increase, the safety nets under them so that they will still be alright when they fall from their new heights. But I also know that they will grow from each new experience and I can not protect them from everything. Our greatest life lessons usually come from our failures. It is just as important to learn how to pick yourself up and try again.

My role is changing. As much as my husband and I need to continue doing the things I said previously, we need to adjust our expectations to fit where the kids are now. We need to help them extend their knowledge and experiences and begin to move from the "little kid" to the "maturing child" roles they now face. My sister-in-law will need to adjust to their new roles too. Her role will still be as vital in their lives, and maybe even more so, as their father and I have to continually raise the bar of expectations, and as they strive to reach it, and hopefully exceed it.

Being the adult carries a lot of responsibility. I am not quite sure how I became the "one in charge." It feels like it was not so long ago when I was able to live for myself, test my own waters, learn from my own mistakes. Then somewhere along the way that changed. It didn't happen over night, not even on the night my first baby was born. I think it snuck up on me as she has grown. The older she gets (she is an "official" teenager now) the more attentive I have to be about the things I say and the example I am being. She has begin to scrutinize every thing I do. I know she is developing her understanding of the mothering role and it will shape the mother she becomes. It may help to shape the "fun aunt" role she may have the privilege of playing some day.

So I sit here in the quiet early morning hours, moments away from breaking the silence that has settled over my house and I am thankful. I am thankful for the blessing of children. My children, my nephews, the children I have helped raise over the years I have been in education. I am thankful for the parents that work so hard to provide a good life for their children. I am thankful for the single parents that work extra hard. I am thankful for the aunts and uncles, the single adults, the couples without children, that play significant roles in the lives of so many children.

My prayer today is that God will continue to bless my healthy, happy, growing children. I pray that I will be the mother they need me to be. I pray that they will forgive me when I screw up. I pray that we will have strong relationships as they get older. I pray that every adult that plays an important role in the life of a child knows how much they are needed and appreciated. I pray that we will all look to our Heavenly Father for direction and as a role model for quality parenting: Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Guidance, High Expectations supported through Grace.

Until We Meet Again,


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Waking Up Late

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you woke up late and you knew from the minute your eyes hit the clock that you were going to be behind the proverbial 8 ball all day? Today is that kind of day for me. I stayed up later than I should have last night and when I woke up at my normal 4:15 am I thought I would roll over, close my eyes for a few more minutes and wake up slowly. Ha! I woke up a hour and 15 minutes later! Now I am running way late on my daily routine.

When I reach the end of today I know it will be in the hands of God. I have the choice to be frustrated and grouchy or to be accepting and humble about my situation. My humanity has created a challenge for me today and first I will put myself in the hands of my Lord. Then I will choose a positive attitude. I will remember to pray throughout the day and ask for God's guidance and intervention, and I will try not to move faster than my guardian angel can fly (I love that visor clip reminder).

My prayer for today is that we will all remember that we are in God's hands, EVERYDAY, we never reach the end of a day without being carried in His loving hands at some point. I pray that our attitudes will be ones of positive, accepting, humble service. I pray that we are able to be deeply moved by some experience we have and can see the Glory of God revealed in our lives today. I pray that I can get my butt moving and out the door on time this morning.

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Seeing the Fruit

No, I am not getting ready to do a still life painting of a bowl fruit. And I am not on a starvation diet where everything I see looks like food. I am beginning to see the "fruits of my labor" and I am in awe!

When I first decided to make changes in my life, a little over a month ago now, I knew I was making the right choice, following God's calling. What I didn't know was why, or what exactly He was asking me to do. I foolishly thought it had more to do with me and what He wanted to do inside of me than what He had planned for others. I was wrong again.

I was stopped dead in my tracks yesterday when it finally hit me, when I could see a small piece of the beautiful puzzle God is creating through my life. I am not a puzzle person, I don't have the patience to find a home for 500 tiny pieces without feeling a well of frustration bubble over inside me. I can totally appreciate the hard work that people put in on creating an intricate design and am amazed at how some people find it relaxing. I am more of a "let me ooh and ahh over your masterpiece' kind of puzzle admirer.

But yesterday I could see the bowl of fruit starting to take shape in the puzzle picture, and it was because of work I had done. I am doing what God has asked me, even though I may not fully understand why, and He is blessing me with glimpses of the impact it is making. He is revealing more of His majesty and power, not for His benefit, but in order to keep me motivated and focused.

It is a humbling thing to realize your efforts are making a difference. It is even more humbling to realize that you could not have done it alone, under your own power. Sure I can make a difference in my life by tying my own shoe, under my own power, so that I will not trip and fall on my face and risk injury or embarrassment. It is a totally different thing to walk out the door with both your shoes untied, make it safely down the front steps, into work, and through your entire day without stepping on your own laces, or having someone else step on them, and you landing on your backside with a firm thump. Walking around like that takes extra effort and a watchful eye to make sure you do not come to harm. I can tie my shoes, God can keep me from falling on my face on the days I forget to.

So I ask you, have you slowed down enough lately to see the bowl of fruit being created in the puzzle of your life? Have you experienced the joy of getting through your day without injury or embarrassment and even better realizing it was a day you were highly effective and productive? Have you acknowledged the work God is doing in you and through you? If not, I hope you take the time to think about it. It will rock the socks right out of your untied shoes!

My prayer for today is that you may know the fullness of the Glory of God. I pray that you will be humbled by His power and the work He is doing in the world around you. I pray that you will be open to the calling God has placed on your life and you will courageously take steps to follow Him. I pray that you will be able to see the fruits of your labor and you will be amazed at how God is including you in His plans.

Until We Meet Again,


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Go Up One Block and Take a Left

How are you with directions? Are you a competent co-pilot or do you get lost easily? Do you give directions with pin-point details or general landmark references? What tools do you use; a map, internet directions, a GPS, celestial navigation?

Do you take directions well from others or do you prefer to find your own way? Are you a "get there by quickest route" or a "take scenic route" kind of person? Does it frustrate you when you run into a detour or do you go with the flow?

What about me? My hubby says I am a good co-pilot, I have a good sense of direction and I pay attention to my surroundings. I use multiple tools, never really trusting just one to be accurate, and I love the "scenic route." Detours and construction do frustrate me. I have to be honest though, I am not very good at taking directions from other people, I prefer to find my own way, or at least research my own way to get somewhere.

Driving is one thing, but what about life? How well do we accept or give directions when it comes to more substantial things like relationships, helping others, or finding our true calling? Do we use the same strategies as when we are driving or do we throw the atlas out the window and try to navigate life all on our own?

I certainly have had periods of my life when I was in the driver's seat, no one riding shot-gun and I had one headlight out. I thought I knew where I was going but I was only getting a part of the picture. I was not aware of the huge detour ahead as I was blissfully rolling on with the windows down and the music cranked up. Thinking back on those times, I am grateful to have survived the journey. I can not begin to count how many near-misses and close calls I had.

I have also had periods of my life where I was in the passenger seat, letting someone else take control. This is not a natural position for me, I usually have to be out-and-out asked to sit in the right hand seat, but once I am there I do enjoy the ride. As you can imagine, I am quite the vocal co-pilot and offer my suggestions and opinions often. But when I am confident with the driver's capabilities I am usually able to sit back and relax.

I wonder though, how is it all decided? These positions of giving and taking directions in our lives. I think by default I typically start out in the driver' seat until I get myself so lost that I have to pull over and ask for help. But I know that there are also times that I am asked to take the lead, I am the point car in a long caravan, and am expected to guide others to safety. So I wonder, how is it all decided?

The high-controller in me likes to think that I decide when I give and when I take directions, and to a degree I do have the choice. But I think if we were honest we would admit that we usually have to be hit on the head by the large green and white reflective highway sign before we realize that living life in the co-pilot's seat is what we are meant to do. From the right hand seat we can still help others in the back of the vehicle, we have a responsibility to communicate with the driver, we set the tone for the environment (volume of music, air temperature, calling out interesting views outside the windows). There is a lot of important work to be done from the shot-gun seat.

So why then, is it so hard for us to sit there? Why do we insist on grabbing onto the wheel and turning our car in the opposite direction of where we are supposed to be? And why does it take us so dang long to realize we are going the wrong way? And how do we "save-face" once we have to admit that we need to pull over and ask for directions?

I think the key to a successful journey is to look at life like one of those long road races. Each team has a group of drivers and co-pilots that trade off roles. They also have an amazing pit crew that helps them if they have trouble. Their game plan is not to win the race in a few hours, or even in one day. They realize the strategy that is needed in order to prevail in the long run. They understand the endurance and the stamina that it takes to complete the event. They have vehicles that are built for rugged terrain and harsh conditions. They wear special suits to protect themselves from the elements and they take breaks in order to rest and be refreshed for their next turn behind the wheel. It is a full team effort, no one person can win it on their own.

So who is on your team? Do you have a good mix of drivers and co-pilots and pit crew members (you, your spouse, your family, your friends, your co-workers, God)? Are you willing to pull over and ask for help, for directions, to get repairs, or to take a rest? When you are not in the driver's seat are you still paying attention to your surroundings, do you still care for the comfort of those in the vehicle with you? Are you preparing yourself for the detour you can not yet see ahead of you?

My prayer for today is that God works in our hearts to make us both good direction givers and takers. I pray that we slow down enough to hear His direction and then brave enough to follow it. I pray that as we share directions with others that we are respectful and considerate of their needs and the road they are on. I pray that we remember to get off the road, rest, and refuel so that once we get back on we are prepared to continue on this journey God has set us on.

Until We Meet Again,


Monday, September 20, 2010

My Warm Blanket

I do not want to get out of my warm blanket today. I am comfy and cozy and it is starting to get chilly out there. We are moving into that time of year when the temperature changes can mean a 20 degree difference from morning to afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I love fall with all its beautiful colors and smells of pumpkin and burning leaves, but the older I get the harder it is for me to adjust to temp changes. Jeez, I sound 80 now but its true.

There is a certain joy I experience in autumn when I first wake up, roll over, and snuggle down a little further under my warm blanket. I don't get that kind of joy in the summer when I have just a light sheet and the fan going to keep me cool. And I don't get that same joy in the dead of winter when it gets so cold I wish I had my heated water bed back. And by spring I am ready to throw the covers off. But for today, and for the next few weeks, under my blanket is the perfect place to linger a bit longer.

My morning prayers changed today, under my blanket. They moved to thinking about others that may not have the luxury of a warm blanket. They included wishes for fall family fun. They challenged me to not get too comfortable. They reminded me that I am called to be a comforting place for others.

So now I am ready to stick my toes out from under the blanket. I am ready to take my comfort and to share it. I am ready to bring warmth and joy to a world that is in great need of both. I am thankful for having experienced all of these so that I can pour them out onto others.

What kind of comfort and joy can you bring to the world today? How can you help someone else to feel the warmth you experienced under your blanket this morning? Who do you know that is in need of a change?

My prayer for you today is that you are able to experience comfort, and warmth, and joy so that you know how wonderful they are and you can not help but to share them with others. I pray that simple things begin to take on deeper meaning for you and that your life will be transformed by the new revelations God is bringing to your life. I pray that your life today will be different, that you will change with the seasons and become the beautiful creation that God has been working on all summer.

Until We Meet Again,


Friday, September 17, 2010

The Return of My Routine

If you read the blog yesterday you know that I started off having a "Too Much" kind of day. I felt overwhelmed by everything I had to do. After some time of reflection and prayer I was able to remember that I am not the one in control and when I give it up to God, he is able to do amazing things with my life.

That realization did not make my day any less busy, but it did help to give me perspective and it opened my mind and my heart to looking at things differently. I was talking to a friend in the afternoon and he said that he has been under a great deal of spiritual warfare this past week. For the first few days he was feeling intense frustration because he did not realize what was going on. Then after he had a chance to be still with God for a while he realized that he was under attack. Once he was aware of that it changed his perspective. It has not changed the fact that he continues to be going through a very challenging time, in fact it has increased since, but knowing what is happening is helping him realize what the big picture implications are and his attitude about it is now one of love and humility. He knows that his suffering is for the glory and honor of God.

When I woke up this morning I instantly realized that my attitude was much improved over what it had been yesterday morning. Once I reminded myself that I am here for God and not to serve my own interests, I was freed from the anxiety of being a "know-it-all." I was able to move on with the rest of my day yesterday with joy. I actually began to enjoy the Return of My Routine. Until mid-day yesterday I didn't even realize that I had been missing it, I mean REALLY missing it.

As a mom of three kids I try to make summers fun for them. They are in a few activities but I make every effort to have it be a relaxing and stress free time. We allow our schedules to become more relaxed and we take time to enjoy the small moments. At the beginning of summer that is exactly what we need. But by the end, we are all needing a return to our routines and schedules. It is nice to get a break from them but they also ground us, anchor us, keep us rotating in the same orbit.

There is a discombobulated time, it is between the first few weeks of school and the start of the fall activities, that always sets me silly. We are starting to get back into a routine but we are not fully there yet. We are finding our new groove for the new school year, new activities, new time frames, new responsibilities, new friends. And then sometime in mid-September it all jells. I never really see it coming, and now that I think about it, it usually happens a day or two after I get extremely frustrated with the "adjustment weeks," and then it all settles into place.

I am there now. That settled place of knowing what our fall schedule is, well for the most part anyway, and I know what other people need from me and what I am able to provide. I am comfortable enough with the foundation of our new routine that I will be able to adjust to what might change. I am reminded that my responsibility, in the grand scheme, is to make myself available to serve in the areas God needs me to, and many of those areas will be where God has already positioned me according to the schedule and routine He has laid out for me.

So what does your schedule and routine have you doing? How are you using it to glorify God? What impact are you making on your family, on others, on yourself as you move through your activities and responsibilities? What is your attitude as you are out in the world being "busy?" Are you showing, not just saying, you are a Christ-follower?

My prayer for today is for each of us to find the joy in our routines. I pray that we are able to allow God to direct our schedule and to place us in the areas He needs us to be. I pray that we are able to recognize the work He is asking us to do and that we serve Him with love and humility. I pray that when life feels overwhelming, we are able to get quiet with God and ask Him to help us right-size our priorities. I pray that we are mindful of our time and create schedules and routines that leave time for God, our family, and ourselves.

Until We Meet Again,


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Too Much!

Today is feeling like a Too Much! kind of day. I have too much to do, too many places to be, too many people to connect with. Thursdays are typically like this for me.

Mondays bring a fresh start to a week, I am able to organize and prioritize what needs to happen. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are very effective days for me, lots of work getting done. Fridays are filled with anticipation for the weekend. Saturdays and Sundays and family fun days. But Thursdays are my nemesis, always have been. I run out of steam, I feel like there is too much to do before the weekend, and not not enough time to do it. I feel tired from everything else I have done earlier in the week. I tend to comfort eat myself through the day (not such a healthy choice).


I don't know.


I don't know!


Ummm... Well maybe it's because by Thursday I have forgotten that I am NOT in control. Maybe I have spent the last three days doing things MY way and now I am tired. Maybe I am thinking forward to all the things I think have to be done and I am not focusing on all GOD wants me to do. Maybe I have been highly effective in a few small areas and Satan is trying to throw me off course. Maybe I need to return to the heart of worship and release all my anxieties and tensions on the One who can bear it all.

Yeah, maybe that's it.

Ok, so how do I do that?

Well, I need to stop thinking about all that stuff that feels like Too Much. I need to refocus my mind on Who God Is, What He Can Do, and How Much He Loves Me. With all that in my mind there is no room for irritability, weariness, or anxiety. Focusing on God helps me relax and remember that I am in the passenger seat, HE is in the drives seat. I do not need to figure out where I am going I just need to be prepared to do His work once we get there. I need to enjoy the ride and listen to His direction, His comforting words, His praises and love for me. I need to be the beloved child of the Most High God and I need Him to fill my cup to overflowing so that I am ready to share His majesty with others, once we reach the destination of HIS choosing.

Well, alright then.

Remember these words, lock them deep in your heart:
"Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me." Psalm 86:17

My prayer for today is that we will each feel comforted by God, that He will show us a sign of His goodness, and we will be renewed by His faithfulness and love for us. I pray that whatever is keeping us from reaching an intimate relationship with our LORD today, will be removed. I pray that we will each find a new energy that will carry us through today and I pray that God will give us the strength to do the work HE needs us to do.

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I am really excited for today!

Today marks the return of one of my all time favorite activities: Delta/Engage Wednesday Nights! I truly L-O-V-E the church we attend and one of the best things about it is the Student Ministries. We are blessed to have a great group of students that are passionately seeking out what a relationship with Jesus looks like. We also have a dedicated group of adults that deeply understand the value and responsibility of faithfully walking along side those students on their journey.

I have to be honest, in June I was ready to take a break. Every experience has a life cycle and the Wednesday night experience for student ministries, at least at our church, follows the school calendar. So once school was out, we were done. At that point I was 'spent,' I had cashed in all my chips, left it all on the table for those students, and I needed time to rest and rejuvenate.

We took a few weeks break and then began planning for this school year, we did a few Summer Service Projects, and as a leadership team we struggled with the challenge of how to make our Wednesday night experience less about the "program" and more about the students active and purpose-filled relationship with Jesus. We discussed changing the format of the evening, the teaching style we use, the name of our small groups, we threw it all out there and lifted it all up to God.

And guess what, He showed up!!! Like always, once we release our need to control situations, God can move in and do the work He wants and needs to do. When we step back and are obedient to Him then He can lead us down the path He desires us to take. And What A Path God is leading us down this year! I am so excited about what is ahead that I can hardly stand it.

My anticipation has been growing the last few days. I was excited as we planned over the summer, but that was just talk and ideas. This past Sunday it really hit home, the reason we do what we do week in and week out on Wednesday nights during the school year, why we plan and adjust over the summer, why I spend valuable time away from my family in order to pour into the lives of these students.

This past Sunday was the kick-off of our Delta/Engage fall run and we did it in grand style, we held our annual Scavenger Hunt. We had six teams of students each with two adults (the pilot and co-pilot) that went out around our community to find items, take pictures, record sounds, and generally have a great time bonding and having fun.

Seeing all of those excited students and adults reminded me why I love student ministries so much and it got my heart pumping to get back in the game. The summer had been relaxing and it was a good time of planning but the action, the real life blood of our ministry, is in the hearts and minds of those students. It is in the hearts and minds of the adults that take time to pour into them. It is in the hearts and minds of the parents and families that care for them, raise them, provide for them, and get them to church on Wednesday nights.

So here I sit, anticipating the start of our Wednesday night experience tonight. I am excited to reconnect with students I did not see over the summer. I am excited to assist the Life Group Leaders as they develop relationships with the students, I am excited to be offering teaching and insights to the students in ways that will be relevant to them. I know they have lots of "activities" to choose from and I am excited to help show them how special it is to take time to have a personal relationship with the Living Christ.

What are you sitting in anticipation about? What are you excited about? What new venture is God calling you to? What old venture is He calling you back to? What lives does God need you to touch in order to show His majesty and glory? What activities and relationships bring you closer to seeing and feeling the heart of God? What sacrifices is God asking you to make for the good of His kingdom?

What will your answer be when He taps you on the shoulder and whispers "Follow Me?"

My prayer for today is that we will have the courage and faith to follow Jesus when he calls us. I pray that we each have something that excites us and brings us into a closer relationship with our LORD. I pray that we actively participate, in a meaningful way, in something that brings Glory and Honor to God. And I pray that our lives are transformed because of it.

Until We Meet Again,


P.S. - If you have a middle school or high school student, or know anyone in that category, make sure they are plugged into a student ministry group. The teen years can be hard enough and we as parents can only have so much influence with them. Make it a priority to to get them involved with a healthy and supportive group of friends that will lead them closer to Jesus. Not just the Sunday School Jesus that loves them no matter what (which He really, really does) but the living, active, purpose-filled Jesus that calls them into a personal relationship of growth and service. Oh, and make sure YOU are hanging out with a healthy and supportive group of Christ-followers too!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Power of One

Last night I was able to show and share God's love in one of my favorite ways. The community where I live has joined together to provide a weekly supper for people in need. Some people are in need of a hot meal. Some people are in need of companionship. Some people are in need of doing something different with their life.

On Monday nights we come together to share a meal, fellowship, and Christ centered service. Various community organizations and businesses take turns providing the food and the volunteers each week. My church is part of this event every other month. It is truly the highlight of my week. It is a time when I can put aside everything else and spend a few hours loving on some people that really need it.

At the beginning of each Sunshine Supper the coordinator starts with a brief meeting for the volunteers and shares some statistics and an inspirational quote. They are always motivational and help us remember why we are there and what a difference we can make. Last night's quote was an especially good one. It was "The Power of One" poem.

As I looked around the dinning room I saw one life touching another life over and over again. The beauty of shared experiences and comfort that were able to happen because ONE person decided to take time out of their busy schedule to serve another human being. And the most wonderful thing was that each volunteer was not able to touch just one life but they actually made an impact on several lives over the course of the evening. One life touching another life became one life touching five or ten lives.

Last night was the fifth time our church has helped provide and serve the dinner and because of the poem that was shared I experienced it in a whole new way. I could see the words of that poem come to life before my eyes. I could see the power of God move through the lives of both the volunteers and the dinner guests. I was in awe of the sacrifice each volunteer made and the trust each dinner guest placed in those serving them. I was moved by the unity and harmony that was alive in that room. One small room, One simple meal, One quiet night.

I went online this morning to find the poem so I could share it with you. As I was searching I found that someone actually took the poem and turned it into a video. I am a visual learner and when I can see something it sticks with me even more. The power of last night's experience for me came from hearing the poem and seeing it lived out right before my eyes. Since you were not able to be there I want to give you a glimpse into The Power of One. Take a look:

My prayer for today is that you can feel God's presence in your life and because of that you are able to realize your power to affect the world around you. I pray that your life, and my life, will touch another life, which will touch another life, which will touch another life. I pray that you will be changed by the experience and you will see, know and feel the power of your impact on the world. I pray that as you serve others you will remember the power of God's work in your life and that you will be eternally thankful that He is with you, always.

Until We Meet Again,


Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Morning Coffee

I don't know about you but for some reason my Monday Morning Coffee is the BEST pot of coffee, each and every week. There is just something about the way it greets me with its comforting aroma and holds my hand as I walk into a new week.

I know, I just gave my coffee human characteristics and powers, but sometimes, on a Monday morning, my cup of coffee is the only friendly thing in my house. Getting three kids up and ready for school can be a challenge. Looking at my calendar of activities for the week can make me want to run and hide. And sometimes it feels like it's me and my coffee against the world.

Today I have an additional challenge to overcome, there is no coffee ready and waiting for me. I forgot to get my pot prepared last night. I was at an all-day event and by the time I got home, got the kids in bed and finished a load of laundry (there ALWAYS seems to be a load in) I was drop dead tired and just went to bed.

Now here I am on the dawn of my Monday morning without my fresh pot of coffee to welcome me into a new week. Whatever shall I do?!?!

Well, I decided to start with my blog first this morning, maybe expressing my feelings will help me deal with them ;-) maybe help me get a little perspective.

Yep, it's working...

Perspective is a funny thing. If we were all to sit in a circle with a piping hot cup of coffee in the center, we would all have different things to say about it, different perspectives to offer. Our perspective would be colored by our history, our expectations, our hopes and our fears. Our perspective creates our attitude and determines our response.

Take that simple cup of coffee in the middle of our circle, what might some of you say about it:
Too Hot
Not Hot Enough
Just Right
Too Strong
Too Weak
Just Right
Not Enough Creamer
Too Much Creamer
Just Right
Too Big of a Cup (by the way there is no such thing)
Too Small of a Cup
Just Right

What is it we are looking for that cup of coffee to do for us? What void are we asking it to fill? Do we have realistic expectations for that cup of coffee? And how on earth can we become one of those people that always says "Just Right?"

I want my perspective to be one of "Just Right!" I want to be satisfied with the life I have. I want to know that things will turn out ok. I want to trust others and different situations. But first I have to release my need to control. I have to stop holding everyone else to an unreachable high standard. I have to have FAITH that things will turn out alright. And I have to be willing to accept the end result when maybe things do not go my way.

I also have to prepare my life for a "Just Right" attitude. I need to look for the positive. I have to understand that life is not Burger King and I will not always "have it MY way." I have to find the joy in the sorrow and the peace in the pain. I have to stop looking to others for my fulfillment. I have to become comfortable with the person I am, not the one I wish I was.

So here I sit, rethinking about the power my Monday Morning Coffee has. While I still enjoy starting my day with a warm cup of liquid comfort, I understand that it can only get me so far. I understand that my perspective, my attitude, my gratitude will be the things that move me forward or hold me back. I understand that I have the power to look at a situation and feel either frustration or believe the best. I do not need to do any special thing to become one of those "Just Right" people, I can make that mental switch anytime, it is all within me.

My prayer today is to be the person I want to be, not to work towards it or to plan for it, but to DO IT. I pray that my life can be a beacon of hope to others, to show them they can feel "Just Right" too. I pray that when I stumble, God will be there to pick me up, dust me off and send me back out there. I pray that you too will join me in this prayer and in a renewed perspective.

Until We Meet Again,


Sunday, September 12, 2010

1 Peter, Chapter 5

God and I are spending time together extra early today (it is 3:40 am as I write this). I am thankful. I am thankful for the opportunity that God gives me, everyday, to choose to spend time with Him. I am thankful that God values a relationship with me so much that He is willing to take the time to share His Word with me. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit that gives me knowledge and understanding. I am truly blessed.

And here we are on our last day in the book of 1 Peter. Let's dig right in and see how Peter closes up this short but powerful letter. Go ahead and open your Bible or head on over to

1 Peter, chapter 5:
I love how Peter throws a wide net here at the end. He is clearly talking to everyone, not just a select few, by addressing this final part of his letter to the elders AND the young men. He is covering all the bases by saying that each of us has an important part to play in this unfolding story.

To the leaders, the seasoned and steadfast members of the group, he is giving the charge to serve others, be an example and to do so with willing and humble hearts. For those of us that have been in a relationship with our LORD for quite some time now, secure in our faith and ready for more, this is a call to us! WE are the ones that God is asking to step-up and lead.

Some churches have a model of Elder Leadership and some are lead by a Senior Pastor and a Board of Directors. But Peter is not just talking about a governance system here. He is talking to anyone, in a place in their relationship with Jesus, that is ready to share their faith with those who are just beginning their walk.

And to the young men, those that are just stepping out in faith, Peter says "be submissive" or in other words, listen to, follow, be willing to learn from those that are more mature in their faith. Many times when we are new to a venture we will take one of two paths. We will either be quiet and sit back to observe and learn before we act, or we will jump in head first and try to prove that we are worthy to be a part of the experience. Peter is calling for the first of these options.

And to everyone he is saying, Be Humble.
The dictionary defines humble as: not proud or arrogant; modest; having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience; low in rank, importance, status, quality; courteously respectful.
Seems pretty clear to me, how we are to behave toward each other. In verse 6 Peter says "
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." I think all to often we expect our 'reward' or our recognition for good deeds to be immediate. We like that pat on the back or that instant gratification for a job well done. But instead we see that if we are humble and follow God's authority that we may be lifted up, praised, in due time. Patience is required here.

And then in verses 7 through 9 we are reminded to cast all our anxiety on to God because he cares for us (good because I am tired of worrying about them), to be self-controlled and alert (this one takes some practice, for me), to avoid temptation and evil ways (again, practice), and to stand firm in our faith with our brothers in Christ who are suffering the same fate (it is comforting to know we are not alone). Now that is a rally cry if ever I heard one!

And our 'reward,' our recognition, given in due time, is that God himself will restore us. He will make us strong, firm and steadfast. Can you imagine?! To be made whole by the Creator of the universe! I, for one, want to live a life that is worthy of such a gift. A gift that can not be earned but a gift that is freely given.

Well I don't know about you but the past five days have been a time of growth and reflection for me. I feel closer to God and have a deeper understanding of what He desires my life to be. I am so honored to have been able to share this experience with you.

My prayer for today is that we are now a changed people. I pray that our lives today will be different in comparison to our lives just one week ago. I pray that we will go forward with faith, humility, purpose, and love to make a difference in the world around us. I pray that others will see a difference in us and that they will wonder what is the cause. I pray that they will have the courage to ask and we will have to courage to answer, and give all the Glory back to God!

Until We Meet Again,


Saturday, September 11, 2010

1 Peter, Chapter 4

So many times over the course of a weekend I am tempted to "take a break" from my normal weekly routine. In the past that has included my daily devotional time in the mornings. On Saturdays I like to sleep in and on Sundays I figure I am heading to church anyway so I will 'get what I need' when I get there.

Deciding to do this mini-study on the book of 1 Peter has revealed many different things to me, not the least of which has been a realization that God wants to have time with me EVERY morning. He does not just show up on the weekdays but He is here with me when I get up later on Saturday and when I come from home from church on Sundays. My weekend devotional time may look different than my weekday time but that is God being God, meeting me where I am and loving me for being me.

So here I am on a Saturday morning, digging deep into the book of 1 Peter, today it is in chapter 4. And thanks to the beauty of technology I am able to read my Bible at

Again, Again, and Again: small chapter = big stuff! In the NIV translation I am reading the two sub-chapter titles are 'Living for God' and 'Suffering for Being a Christian.' When you think about it, what more could we really hope for than to do these two things. At the beginning of the chapter we are called to arm ourselves with the same attitude Christ Jesus did when he suffered in order to follow the will of God. Christ did not live for earthly pleasures and we are called to live in the same way, to throw off things like lust (but I only look, I don't touch), and drunkenness (but what's a few beers with my buddies), and detestable idolatry (our culture 'idolizes' too many things - money, movie stars, the hottest electronic gadget); and all of this is encouraged and supported and acceptable to the world we live in.

But at some point we will ALL have to give an account to God for the lives we have lived. We will have to answer to Him in regards to the choices we made and the sacrifices (our comfort) we lovingly gave up in order to live in accordance to His will.

Verses 7 through 11 are each packed with direct messages on how we are called to 'Live for God.'
  • Be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.
  • Above all, love each other deeply.
  • Offer hospitality without grumbling.
  • Faithfully use what gifts you have received to serve others.
  • Speak as though you are speaking the very words of God.
  • Serve with the strength God provides, so that in ALL things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
A life filled with prayer, love, hospitality, service, conviction and praise; now THAT is the kind of life I want to live!

I love how in the second half of this chapter we are reminded that we should not be surprised when we suffer for living a life for God. Rather, we are called to rejoice in our shared experience with Christ Jesus and can look forward to the joy that will come when His Glory is revealed. We are called to wear our badge of "Christian" with honor and to praise God that we are called to His family. In the time we have left, before our day of judgment arrives, we are to obey the Gospel and continue to do good, as we commit our lives to our faithful Creator.

I don't know about you but I am really feeling God's voice loud and clear throughout this entire book. There are some pretty clear messages and directions that I guess God has wanted me to slow down and actually hear this time.

My prayer for today is one of humble obedience. I pray that we are all able to hear God's whispers and loving follow His calling for our lives. I pray that by living our lives for Him that our lives will be radically transformed and He will be Glorified!

Until We Meet Again,


Friday, September 10, 2010

1 Peter, Chapter 3

We are rolling on through the book of 1 Peter. Today we are in Chapter 3. You can open your Bible or go to if you would like.

As I am reading I am realizing what a little gem 1 Peter is! I have not 'studied' the book before but I recognize many of the key elements. This may be a small book but it is filled with tons of wisdom and clear directions for faith-filled living.

Remember yesterday when I said I have a hard time submitting to others (I am constantly trying to improve on that), well the same goes for me relationship as a wife. The first paragraph of chapter 3 is talking directly to me. So loudly that at first reading I skim right over it and do not let it sink in too deep. But God, who is always intentional in what He does, wants me to dig in and fully understand.

I am a "modern" wife that enjoys her own freedoms, makes her own way in the world, defines herself in the singular before the plural. I am sure some of that come from being an only child of a single mother. The early parts of my life were filled with strong, independent 'I am woman hear me roar' kinds of thinking. But in the beginning of this chapter I am clearly called to be submissive to my husband and not just for my sake but more importantly for his. Through the "the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight," I am to show my husband the Glory of God.

The second half of verse six is like a gun shot through a silent wilderness, "...if you do what is right and do not give way to fear." I have never thought of my actions being a result of fear. I try my very best to not live in fear and to put all FAITH in God, but maybe I am missing the mark on this one. Maybe I am fearful of losing my identity. Fearful of having decisions made for me. Fearful of trusting someone else, only to be left open for pain and disappointment. Fearful of following someone down a path and then finding out we are both lost.

But after I read the end of verse six I went back up to verses one and two and reread them. Now I focused my thoughts, not on my fears but on what God is calling me to DO " that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives."

Well, ok then!
My actions can lead to my husband being a believer or can be a deterrent to his relationship with Christ. Now all of a sudden it is not about my personal fears, it is about the thoughts and feelings of someone else. I am partly responsible for how my husband views what a relationship with God is like.

Being that I am not a husband I can not speak to verse seven other than to say that I pray that when my husband reads it he is filled with the same sense of responsibility and reverence for our relationship as I now am.

The second half of the chapter goes into more detail on the beauty of suffering for doing good. Yes, I said the beauty of, because in verse twelve it says "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer." What could be more beautiful than that. We are called to be sympathetic, compassionate, humble and because of living in such a way we may inherit blessings from God. An inheritance is something of value, something we desire to receive. And to receive such a gift from God is a beautiful thing.

My prayer for today is that we may all consider our role in the relationships we are in. I pray that we begin to understand how we bring other people closer to God and that we are open to God using us in ways we did not think possible. I pray for husbands and wives and our intimately interwoven lives that were designed by God to bring Glory to Him.

Until We Meet Again,


Thursday, September 9, 2010

1 Peter, Chapter 2

This morning I went to and decided to read this chapter from the NIV, the NLT and the Amplified translations. You can click on any of these and be taken right to them.

I enjoy the Amplified Bible translation because it adds other words in ( ) to help me understand bigger thoughts and concepts. I am a language junkie and I love the variety of words we have at our disposal in which we can use to communicate with each other. But as I stated yesterday, for the purpose of this study, I will be using the NIV translation.

Anyway... Moving on into 1 Peter, chapter 2 today:

The first three verses of this chapter are again, very direct and clear. We are called to throw off some pretty unhealthy things: malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander. That covers ALL the bases for things we could feel and or do that would hurt others. God does not need to go through the laundry list of nasty deeds or unacceptable behavior, all of that is caught up in one of these underlying reasons.

Growing up one of my favorite songs in church had a line from this chapter, "The stone the which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." I love the imagery of that statement. How something that was looked upon as being unworthy had become the base of the foundation for something beautiful and strong. There have been many times in my life that I have felt unworthy but I try and remember that, through Christ, I can be useful and necessary, like a cornerstone. I feel a closer to connection to Jesus through our shared experience.

I also love the idea that it is not through anything I do, but ONLY through what Christ has done, that makes me a part of the family of God. And in that I am called to share this Good News with others. And not just to share the news but to live it out before unbelievers, not in a way that makes me look good, but in such a way that brings Glory to God.

I am forever thankful that mercy has been extended to me and in return, not as a 'duty' but as a privilege, I am able to extend it to others.

The last part of this chapter has always been a mixed-bag for me. I have a hard time submitting to other people. I was raised to be a strong, confident person that could handle almost anything on her own. While I fully understand my need to depend completely on God, I have a harder time listening to my fellow man/woman, especially those in authority. I like to think that I know better than them and if they would just listen to me then things would be easier for all of us.

But... that is clearly NOT what God is calling me to in the last verses of this chapter. Here, God is saying that by my peaceful and willing submission I am able to bring Glory and Honor to Him. It says nothing about my comfort and recognition. In fact, it says that when I am unjustly judged or treated unfairly by others, and I answer them with kindness and love, THAT is when I bring the greatest Glory and Honor to God.

He goes on to say that even though I am to love my brothers and sisters in Christ, I am expected to also love the harsh, cruel, ignorant and unbelievers with just as much kindness and compassion. And in doing so I am able to show God's mercy and again share in an experience that Christ Jesus also suffered. Again I am drawn closer to Him through the commonality. He does not ask me to do anything He himself has not gone through, and in doing so He can assure me of it's power and purpose.

And finally Peter reminds us that even as Christ suffered, He did so with out complaint, without contempt, without threats or judgment and we are called to do the same. As much as I like complaining about my suffering, I am to follow my shepherds lead and die to sins and live for righteousness.

LOTS to think about as I move through my day.

My prayer today is that we are all able to set aside the sins of our past, and those of our present, and be fully released to love others, accept our value and the authority of others, and to remember the price Jesus paid for us.

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1 Peter, Chapter 1 (NIV)

Are you ready?

Do you have your coffee and your Bible in front of you?

For the purpose of this study I am choosing to use the NIV or New International Version translation.

I am reading from, which I encourage you to check out. They offer many different translations and some great search tools. I also read the NLT and Message versions of this chapter this morning. It is always amazing how each translation brings deeper insight and meaning because of the words used to translate the original manuscripts.

I suggest that you read the chapter first and then read further on here. If you are using your computer for your Bible reading as well, you can have two tabs open, one for BibleGateway and one for the blog. That way you can switch back and forth between the two.

Ok, here we go... 1 Peter, chapter 1...

The first to verses set me at ease right a way. I know that this book is written for me, I totally feel like a stranger in this world sometimes. And it might as well say 'scattered throughout Sun Prairie, Marshall, Madison, Columbus, DeForest, Northern WI, Illinois, Colorado, Alaska' (he is speaking to US too).

"Grace and peace be yours in abundance." What a wonderful blessing! I could not hope to start my day with a more heartfelt gift.

In verses 3 - 9, Peter is reminding us of Who has laid this life before us and why He has chosen to do so. He is acknowledging our part in the story because of our FAITH to believe in things we have not personally witnessed. And he is reminding us that this life is not one of ease and comfort but of struggles, brought on by our faith and used to prove our faith. I know I can get grouchy when things do not go my way, are not easy, but this is reminding us that when we follow God's plan for our lives, He will build our faith through our struggles. Through the power of the Holy Spirit these trials will prove beneficial.

And verse 9 blows me away!!! "for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls." We are a goal oriented people, and we love to reach our goals. I am so excited to know that even through the challenges and rough roads, I am making progress. I am receiving the goal of my faith, not just something earned but something given freely, like a gift. And what better gift than the salvation of my soul!

Verses 10 - 12 go on to say that not only you or me or the original readers of this letter are wondering about this salvation but even the prophets (really, really smart and Heaven sent guys) and the angels (the very army of God) wonder about it too. We are in good company here. We should not feel discouraged that we do not fully understand it, yet. We should actually feel encouraged that we are on the right path and following in wonderful footsteps.

Living a Holy Life, verses 13 - 25 speak to this, the how and the why this is so important. The HOW: "prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." It couldn't be any clearer. I love it when God makes things clear for me.

And then we receive the good news that we do not have to "be holy" all on our own. We are holy because God is holy. Like a parent that teaches their child how to acquire a new skill, God is showing us how to be holy, through His holiness. We don't have to guess or go it a lone, He is with us, modeling it for us all the way.

And like I was talking about yesterday, because you are now accepting of your worth and holiness in and through Christ, you are able to fully love others as your brothers and sisters. "For you have been born again... through the living... word of God. For the word of the Lord stands forever." In that, you do not need to worry, He will be with you always, through His Word and through the power of the Holy Spirit, who gives us the insight into His Word.

WOW!!! Who knew 25 little verses could rock our socks in such a way. Now I can see why we were issued the challenge to dig deeper into this book. This first chapter alone if full of some comforting and encouraging stuff. I, for one, can't wait to see what tomorrow's reading will bring. I hope you join me!

My prayer for all of us today is that we are able to lock God's words deep into our hearts. That we will be able to pull them out and use them in our lives, or in the lives of those in our world, in order to bring Glory to God. I pray that we are changed by our experience and that even though we are strangers in this land we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to make a difference in the lives around us so that they may know and love God too.

Until We Meet Again,


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Accept Your Worth

Raise your hand if you've ever felt a moment of self-doubt. Raise your hand if you've ever wondered "What on earth am I doing here?!" Raise your hand if you are really good at noticing strengths in others but areas for improvement in your self.

Why do we do that?! Why do we put more value on others than we do ourselves?! I know that Christ calls us to to "love our neighbor as ourselves," but sometimes it feels like we love our neighbor more than ourselves. We will bring them a meal when they are in need, but we will starve ourselves because we think we are too fat. We will let them plan the next family gathering because they were unhappy last year, but we will keep our mouth shut because we fear it may ruffle feathers. We will give them every advantage in life we never had growing up, but we will sacrifice our hopes and dreams in order to fulfill theirs.

Even as Christ calls us to make sacrifices, I challenge the idea that some of us have changed the His command to "love your neighbor better than yourself." This is an unhealthy and unwise way to live. How can you possibly give to others what you do not have yourself? You must first seek to love the LORD, then love yourself, and THEN you can be strong enough to love on others.

But what does that look like? What does it mean to first seek to love the LORD? It means that you accept the love He extends to you through His death and resurrection. It means you spend time with Him daily by being in His Word and being in prayer. It means you begin to seek the meaning He has placed on your life, the value He has placed on your head.

And what does it mean to love ourselves? What does that feel like? For some of us it may feel very foreign. It may feel forced. It may feel way out of our comfort zone. But it begins with accepting who God made you to be. He made you to be a witness of His love and grace. In Jeremiah 29:11 He says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." That sounds to me like God has a purpose for each of us and we need to believe in Him and feel confident in ourselves in order to live out that purpose.

Accepting who God made you to be means that you do not wish you were someone else or somehow better (thinner, smarter, taller, more athletic, etc...) than you already are. It means you embrace the unique person God designed you to be, the unique path He set you on, the unique purpose He has placed before you, and only you. It means that YOU are a beloved child of the Most High God and that alone gives you value and worth. No need to keep searching for your meaning or your purpose or your worth. He has given it to you, therefore it is yours!

That may take a while to sink in.

Let it.

Let it go down deep into your soul.

Let it find a comfortable place of acceptance and let it take root there. Let it begin to fill you from that deep place. Let it begin to give you a new comfort and strength. Let it begin to well up within you. Let it begin to bubble out from you. Then, and ONLY then, will you be able to "love your neighbor as yourself!"

Once you understand the love God has for you, you will be able to understand how to love yourself and then how to share that with others. God has designed our paths to cross with each other. We are meant for relational living. And in doing so we must strive to know God, know ourselves, and know our neighbors. When we understand, when we know, when we can share in God's love, it can release a power so mighty that it can change the world. YOUR value, YOUR worth can change the world.

My prayer for you today is that you feel God's love for you deep down in your soul. I pray that whatever is keeping you from knowing His peace is released from your life. I pray that His love will wash over you like a flood and you will find comfort and strength from His warm embrace. I pray that as God's love fills your life that you will begin to love yourself. I pray that you will discover your purpose and that you will take hold of it with all your might. And I pray that as you begin to overflow with God's love that you will not be able to help it but to spill it out onto others.

Until We Meet Again,


p.s - For my regular followers:
I have decided that I will be posting on "in FAITH...with Coffee" each weekday and taking a break on the weekends.
However this week we received a challenge in church to walk through the book of 1st Peter. The book has 5 chapters and so I am going to read and explore one chapter a day here in the blog. Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, and going through Sunday morning. I hope you will join me as I study what God has to say through this small but powerful book.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Be Who God Created You to Bee

I am guessing, if you are anything like me, that if someone gave you a piece of paper and told you to write all the things you like about yourself on one side and then all the things you did not like about yourself on the other side, you would have one full side and one side with lots of room left over.

We are all very capable of listing the things we would like to improve about ourselves or the things we know others would like us to improve. We know exactly how much weight we would like to loose, how we would like to change our hair style, how we would like to be a better parent, sibling, child. We know we need to "fix" the way we spend money, how often we eat out, how long we wait to start organizing our taxes each year.

We have good intentions of being closer with our friends, of spending more time with our family, of deepening our relationship with God. But somehow we always end up sabotaging our own efforts. Somewhere along the way we decide that there is just too much to improve upon and it will take too much work so we give up and accept the fact that we will only be a small glimmer of who we really could be.

What if we changed our mind-set? What if we looked at life as a process and not a product? What if we accepted Who We Are, shortcomings and all, and realized that we are exactly as God made us to be! God, the infinite designer that created more species of vegetation, insects, and animals than we humans have even been able to discover yet. The God who decided that bees, you know the buzz-buzz, honey making guys, would have the ability to cross pollinate plants AND sting predators in order to protect themselves.

I have seen some beautiful flowers that would not be possible with out those busy little bees. I also know many people that carry epi-pens in case they get stung by a bee. Talk about a good side / bad side to your life. In all that the bee does, he is just living out who God created him to be. He is not on a quest of self-discovery or hanging out in the hive reading the newest "How to Be the Best Bee You Can Be" book. He understands who and what God made him to be and he lives out his life building relationships between plants and making delicious ooey-gooey sweetness to share with others.

Hmm...building relationships and sharing with others, sounds a lot like what God calls US to do everyday as well. God knows that we are not "perfect," that we each have a pollination (potentially helpful) and a stinger (potentially harmful) side to our natures. He created us. He knows us. He accepts us. He loves us. He patiently waits for us to "get it" and step out of His way. God is willing to let us run the show AND He is willing to walk back into our lives and comfort us as He fixes what we have allowed to become broken in our own hearts.

So how can we, higher level thinking humans, learn a lesson from the bees and begin to accept who we are, who God made us to be, and start to love ourselves as much as God loves us? What baggage do we need to throw off, what mind-sets need to change, what do we need to ask for forgiveness for and then move past? What new habits do we need to adopt, what new group do we need to being hanging around with, what new words do we need to fill our heart and our mind with?

OR, How can we be quiet, alone with God, and let Him heal us. No to-do list on our part other than making time to Be With God. He knows what we need. He will direct our path. He will heal the scars that run so deep we forget where they started. And all we have to do is begin to fly out from the hive, each day a little bit further, feeling secure in who God created us to be. We can build relationships and share a part of our selves each day, but we must always return to the hive each night in order to relax our weary bodies, build community within the hive, and spend time with The One that designed the entire thing.

My prayer for you today is that you can throw away your "what I like about me / what I don't like about me" list. I pray that you can begin to feel comfortable in who God created you to bee. I pray that you will build relationships and share yourself with others today. I pray that as you return home tonight you will feel tired, after a good days work, and will be able to relax with The One that created you, The One who loves you, The One that knows you and is growing you, From the Inside Out.

Until We Meet Again,


Thursday, September 2, 2010

From the Inside Out

One of the ways I connect with God is through music. I seem to have a different 'anthem' for different seasons of my life. Right now I am in a season of change and I actually have several songs that are reminding me of how God calls me to live my life.

This morning I woke up with "From the Inside Out" by Hillsong on my mind. There are several versions of it on YouTube but my favorite one has a simple black background and the lyrics scroll by on the screen. I love the message of this song and I did not want to be distracted by other images. I am actually listening to it right now as I am typing. The message so clearly says what I am feeling right now.

With my life in transition, my desire is to be wholly obedient to God and to serve Him. It would be easy for me to start thinking about running my own show, to start making my own choices, to think more about my comfort over what God has planned for my life. One of the beautiful things about God is that He loves me enough to let me do that, if I really want to. He will let me make my own choices; I have free will. I have the ability to make a mess of my own life and He will still love me, pick me up and carry me to safety.

Of course it is always better when I realize that His plan is far superior to mine. It saves me a lot of heartache and struggle to surrender my life to His direction. It is NOT always easier. It is NOT always more comfortable. But is IS always more rewarding. It IS always more fulfilling. When I surrender to His plan, my life takes on a purpose, a significance, that I can not achieve on my own.

Rather than trying to retell the sentiments of that wonderful song by Hillsong, how about I just let you experience it yourself.

My prayer for you today is that you feel God's love for you in such a deep way that you can not help but to love Him in return 'from the inside out.'

Until We Meet Again,


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just to Be With God

Sounds easy, right? We know how to Be With someone else. You sit with them, you talk with them, you share parts of yourself and they share parts in return. When you've been with someone long enough you begin to finish each others sentences, you understand the meaning behind the tone of voice used, you can communicate without even saying a word.

Sometimes we have to call our friends, or family, and let them know we need to be with them. We need something from them; encouragement, support, trust, patience, understanding, space. We have a meaningful relationship with them that allows us to ask for such things and to expect a response. We know that by expressing our need they may give us what we are looking for, and with some relationships we know that we may not receive what we are looking for but we make the ask anyway, one more time.

And in return we respond to them when they need us. We may not be able to give them exactly what they are looking for but we make every effort to be there for them to the degree that is appropriate based on our relationship. We factor in history, our opinion, comments from others in determining what level of response is necessary. But all-in-all we know how to Be With each person in our lives. We have an understanding of what we offer and what we take away from each relationship.

But do we know how to Be With God? The God of the Universe. The God that is always with us. The God that already knows exactly what we need. The God that does not need a thing from us in return. The God that knows our inner most thoughts, fears, joys, sorrows. The God that can communicate with us through any means He chooses. The God that created rainbows, insects, the ocean, a single grain of sand. The God that knows the exact number of hairs on your head. Do you know how to BE WITH a God like that?

We can not offer Him anything in return, other than our love and devotion. And with that knowledge comes freedom. The freedom of not needing to "keep up appearances." The freedom from passing judgment and from searching for the ulterior motive. God is who God is and He is the same with you and with me and with the person down the street.

So how can you Be With someone as all encompassing as God? If you're looking for a clean-cut answer, you're not going to get one from me. I am wondering the same thing. I am just wondering and processing it out loud. Being With God is a deeply personal thing and will look different, on our part, than anyone else's relationship with God. We all have a unique history with God and He uses that history to reveal Himself to us and to teach us new things.

But what I do know is that He makes some specific requests of what He is looking for from us. In Micah 6:8 it says "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly WITH your God." (NIV - emphasis added).

Do you notice that all of these things are active. They are not passive requests. They are a call to Be With our God in very real ways that will impact both our lives and the lives around us. We can Be With God, we can grow closer to God, we can share an intimate relationship with God by doing the things God loves to do. We can come to know more about who God is by living, in some small way, as God does. And part of the beauty is that He is not asking us to do anything He Himself is not willing to do or has not already done. So we know it is a winning strategy, we know we will have success.

SO how are YOU going to Be With God today? How can you act justly, love mercy, walk humbly? How can your life be a reflection of your relationship with God? How can your relationship with God become more powerful, more meaning-filled, as a result of your willingness to do as God does?

My prayer for you today is that you are able to find a quiet time to be alone with God. I pray that He will speak clearly to your heart and that you will hear His message. I pray that because of your personal relationship with Him you are able to share His love with others. I pray that your life will be radically changed because of the time you choose to Be With God.

Until We Meet Again,
