Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Did I Do That?

Are you good at admitting your mistakes? I am not, just ask my hubby. I am nowhere near perfect so of course I make mistakes, I just have trouble letting other people see that I am human. But yesterday I had to do that very thing. I had to admit that I had misinterpreted something and had caused a little bit of drama due to my misunderstanding.

I felt really bad about the situation and tried really hard to explain my side of the story. At the end of the conversation we both walked away feeling better for having resolved it. I just wish it had not taken me so many days to figure out what was bothering me. And actually, truth be told, I did not figure it out on my own. I had to take a little quiet time, some time in prayer, a little time to get some distance and perspective, before I could see the forest for the trees.

The beautiful thing was that as I shared my story I could feel God smiling. I could sense His pleasure at my honesty, at my humility, at my faithfulness to rely on Him. And rely on Him I did. It is all too easy for me to be too busy, too scared, too unwilling to admit I made a mistake. But when I took the time to share what was bothering me, admit where I had let my emotions get the better of me, acknowledge where I felt vulnerable and exposed, I was able to name my concerns and deal with them instead of hiding behind fear and anxiety.

Jeez, that was NOT easy! But I feel so much better now. I feel a sense of relief, a renewed interest in the project at hand, and a deeper understanding of how God can work in our hearts, if only we let Him in. So... what are the things that are hard for you to admit, even to yourself? What are the mistakes that you wish you had the courage to admit to others? What are the challenges that you face as you try to lead an authentic and honest life?

My prayer for today is that we will find the strength to own up to the mistakes we have made. I pray that you will feel God's love surround you and fill you as you take the leap of faith to voice your inner fears. I pray that you will be gracious as others reveal their struggles with you. I pray that by sharing our experiences we will bond closer together and closer to God. I pray that through honesty, humility, and faithfulness we are able to grow closer to the heart of God and become a closer reflection of His love and grace

Until We Meet Again,


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