This morning I went to and decided to read this chapter from the NIV, the NLT and the Amplified translations. You can click on any of these and be taken right to them.
I enjoy the Amplified Bible translation because it adds other words in ( ) to help me understand bigger thoughts and concepts. I am a language junkie and I love the variety of words we have at our disposal in which we can use to communicate with each other. But as I stated yesterday, for the purpose of this study, I will be using the NIV translation.
Anyway... Moving on into 1 Peter, chapter 2 today:
The first three verses of this chapter are again, very direct and clear. We are called to throw off some pretty unhealthy things: malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander. That covers ALL the bases for things we could feel and or do that would hurt others. God does not need to go through the laundry list of nasty deeds or unacceptable behavior, all of that is caught up in one of these underlying reasons.
Growing up one of my favorite songs in church had a line from this chapter, "The stone the which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." I love the imagery of that statement. How something that was looked upon as being unworthy had become the base of the foundation for something beautiful and strong. There have been many times in my life that I have felt unworthy but I try and remember that, through Christ, I can be useful and necessary, like a cornerstone. I feel a closer to connection to Jesus through our shared experience.
I also love the idea that it is not through anything I do, but ONLY through what Christ has done, that makes me a part of the family of God. And in that I am called to share this Good News with others. And not just to share the news but to live it out before unbelievers, not in a way that makes me look good, but in such a way that brings Glory to God.
I am forever thankful that mercy has been extended to me and in return, not as a 'duty' but as a privilege, I am able to extend it to others.
The last part of this chapter has always been a mixed-bag for me. I have a hard time submitting to other people. I was raised to be a strong, confident person that could handle almost anything on her own. While I fully understand my need to depend completely on God, I have a harder time listening to my fellow man/woman, especially those in authority. I like to think that I know better than them and if they would just listen to me then things would be easier for all of us.
But... that is clearly NOT what God is calling me to in the last verses of this chapter. Here, God is saying that by my peaceful and willing submission I am able to bring Glory and Honor to Him. It says nothing about my comfort and recognition. In fact, it says that when I am unjustly judged or treated unfairly by others, and I answer them with kindness and love, THAT is when I bring the greatest Glory and Honor to God.
He goes on to say that even though I am to love my brothers and sisters in Christ, I am expected to also love the harsh, cruel, ignorant and unbelievers with just as much kindness and compassion. And in doing so I am able to show God's mercy and again share in an experience that Christ Jesus also suffered. Again I am drawn closer to Him through the commonality. He does not ask me to do anything He himself has not gone through, and in doing so He can assure me of it's power and purpose.
And finally Peter reminds us that even as Christ suffered, He did so with out complaint, without contempt, without threats or judgment and we are called to do the same. As much as I like complaining about my suffering, I am to follow my shepherds lead and die to sins and live for righteousness.
LOTS to think about as I move through my day.
My prayer today is that we are all able to set aside the sins of our past, and those of our present, and be fully released to love others, accept our value and the authority of others, and to remember the price Jesus paid for us.
Until We Meet Again,
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