One of the ways I connect with God is through music. I seem to have a different 'anthem' for different seasons of my life. Right now I am in a season of change and I actually have several songs that are reminding me of how God calls me to live my life.
This morning I woke up with "From the Inside Out" by Hillsong on my mind. There are several versions of it on YouTube but my favorite one has a simple black background and the lyrics scroll by on the screen. I love the message of this song and I did not want to be distracted by other images. I am actually listening to it right now as I am typing. The message so clearly says what I am feeling right now.
With my life in transition, my desire is to be wholly obedient to God and to serve Him. It would be easy for me to start thinking about running my own show, to start making my own choices, to think more about my comfort over what God has planned for my life. One of the beautiful things about God is that He loves me enough to let me do that, if I really want to. He will let me make my own choices; I have free will. I have the ability to make a mess of my own life and He will still love me, pick me up and carry me to safety.
Of course it is always better when I realize that His plan is far superior to mine. It saves me a lot of heartache and struggle to surrender my life to His direction. It is NOT always easier. It is NOT always more comfortable. But is IS always more rewarding. It IS always more fulfilling. When I surrender to His plan, my life takes on a purpose, a significance, that I can not achieve on my own.
Rather than trying to retell the sentiments of that wonderful song by Hillsong, how about I just let you experience it yourself.
My prayer for you today is that you feel God's love for you in such a deep way that you can not help but to love Him in return 'from the inside out.'
Until We Meet Again,
I just watched the video again to make sure it posted correctly and I am in tears. I am so honored and blessed by a God who loves me enough to make me an important part of His plan. A plan that is all abut reaching the lost and bringing them hope. I pray that God uses me today to make a difference in this world. I pray that He uses YOU too!