Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I am really excited for today!

Today marks the return of one of my all time favorite activities: Delta/Engage Wednesday Nights! I truly L-O-V-E the church we attend and one of the best things about it is the Student Ministries. We are blessed to have a great group of students that are passionately seeking out what a relationship with Jesus looks like. We also have a dedicated group of adults that deeply understand the value and responsibility of faithfully walking along side those students on their journey.

I have to be honest, in June I was ready to take a break. Every experience has a life cycle and the Wednesday night experience for student ministries, at least at our church, follows the school calendar. So once school was out, we were done. At that point I was 'spent,' I had cashed in all my chips, left it all on the table for those students, and I needed time to rest and rejuvenate.

We took a few weeks break and then began planning for this school year, we did a few Summer Service Projects, and as a leadership team we struggled with the challenge of how to make our Wednesday night experience less about the "program" and more about the students active and purpose-filled relationship with Jesus. We discussed changing the format of the evening, the teaching style we use, the name of our small groups, we threw it all out there and lifted it all up to God.

And guess what, He showed up!!! Like always, once we release our need to control situations, God can move in and do the work He wants and needs to do. When we step back and are obedient to Him then He can lead us down the path He desires us to take. And What A Path God is leading us down this year! I am so excited about what is ahead that I can hardly stand it.

My anticipation has been growing the last few days. I was excited as we planned over the summer, but that was just talk and ideas. This past Sunday it really hit home, the reason we do what we do week in and week out on Wednesday nights during the school year, why we plan and adjust over the summer, why I spend valuable time away from my family in order to pour into the lives of these students.

This past Sunday was the kick-off of our Delta/Engage fall run and we did it in grand style, we held our annual Scavenger Hunt. We had six teams of students each with two adults (the pilot and co-pilot) that went out around our community to find items, take pictures, record sounds, and generally have a great time bonding and having fun.

Seeing all of those excited students and adults reminded me why I love student ministries so much and it got my heart pumping to get back in the game. The summer had been relaxing and it was a good time of planning but the action, the real life blood of our ministry, is in the hearts and minds of those students. It is in the hearts and minds of the adults that take time to pour into them. It is in the hearts and minds of the parents and families that care for them, raise them, provide for them, and get them to church on Wednesday nights.

So here I sit, anticipating the start of our Wednesday night experience tonight. I am excited to reconnect with students I did not see over the summer. I am excited to assist the Life Group Leaders as they develop relationships with the students, I am excited to be offering teaching and insights to the students in ways that will be relevant to them. I know they have lots of "activities" to choose from and I am excited to help show them how special it is to take time to have a personal relationship with the Living Christ.

What are you sitting in anticipation about? What are you excited about? What new venture is God calling you to? What old venture is He calling you back to? What lives does God need you to touch in order to show His majesty and glory? What activities and relationships bring you closer to seeing and feeling the heart of God? What sacrifices is God asking you to make for the good of His kingdom?

What will your answer be when He taps you on the shoulder and whispers "Follow Me?"

My prayer for today is that we will have the courage and faith to follow Jesus when he calls us. I pray that we each have something that excites us and brings us into a closer relationship with our LORD. I pray that we actively participate, in a meaningful way, in something that brings Glory and Honor to God. And I pray that our lives are transformed because of it.

Until We Meet Again,


P.S. - If you have a middle school or high school student, or know anyone in that category, make sure they are plugged into a student ministry group. The teen years can be hard enough and we as parents can only have so much influence with them. Make it a priority to to get them involved with a healthy and supportive group of friends that will lead them closer to Jesus. Not just the Sunday School Jesus that loves them no matter what (which He really, really does) but the living, active, purpose-filled Jesus that calls them into a personal relationship of growth and service. Oh, and make sure YOU are hanging out with a healthy and supportive group of Christ-followers too!

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