Thursday, September 16, 2010

Too Much!

Today is feeling like a Too Much! kind of day. I have too much to do, too many places to be, too many people to connect with. Thursdays are typically like this for me.

Mondays bring a fresh start to a week, I am able to organize and prioritize what needs to happen. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are very effective days for me, lots of work getting done. Fridays are filled with anticipation for the weekend. Saturdays and Sundays and family fun days. But Thursdays are my nemesis, always have been. I run out of steam, I feel like there is too much to do before the weekend, and not not enough time to do it. I feel tired from everything else I have done earlier in the week. I tend to comfort eat myself through the day (not such a healthy choice).


I don't know.


I don't know!


Ummm... Well maybe it's because by Thursday I have forgotten that I am NOT in control. Maybe I have spent the last three days doing things MY way and now I am tired. Maybe I am thinking forward to all the things I think have to be done and I am not focusing on all GOD wants me to do. Maybe I have been highly effective in a few small areas and Satan is trying to throw me off course. Maybe I need to return to the heart of worship and release all my anxieties and tensions on the One who can bear it all.

Yeah, maybe that's it.

Ok, so how do I do that?

Well, I need to stop thinking about all that stuff that feels like Too Much. I need to refocus my mind on Who God Is, What He Can Do, and How Much He Loves Me. With all that in my mind there is no room for irritability, weariness, or anxiety. Focusing on God helps me relax and remember that I am in the passenger seat, HE is in the drives seat. I do not need to figure out where I am going I just need to be prepared to do His work once we get there. I need to enjoy the ride and listen to His direction, His comforting words, His praises and love for me. I need to be the beloved child of the Most High God and I need Him to fill my cup to overflowing so that I am ready to share His majesty with others, once we reach the destination of HIS choosing.

Well, alright then.

Remember these words, lock them deep in your heart:
"Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me." Psalm 86:17

My prayer for today is that we will each feel comforted by God, that He will show us a sign of His goodness, and we will be renewed by His faithfulness and love for us. I pray that whatever is keeping us from reaching an intimate relationship with our LORD today, will be removed. I pray that we will each find a new energy that will carry us through today and I pray that God will give us the strength to do the work HE needs us to do.

Until We Meet Again,


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