Deciding to do this mini-study on the book of 1 Peter has revealed many different things to me, not the least of which has been a realization that God wants to have time with me EVERY morning. He does not just show up on the weekdays but He is here with me when I get up later on Saturday and when I come from home from church on Sundays. My weekend devotional time may look different than my weekday time but that is God being God, meeting me where I am and loving me for being me.
So here I am on a Saturday morning, digging deep into the book of 1 Peter, today it is in chapter 4. And thanks to the beauty of technology I am able to read my Bible at
Again, Again, and Again: small chapter = big stuff! In the NIV translation I am reading the two sub-chapter titles are 'Living for God' and 'Suffering for Being a Christian.' When you think about it, what more could we really hope for than to do these two things. At the beginning of the chapter we are called to arm ourselves with the same attitude Christ Jesus did when he suffered in order to follow the will of God. Christ did not live for earthly pleasures and we are called to live in the same way, to throw off things like lust (but I only look, I don't touch), and drunkenness (but what's a few beers with my buddies), and detestable idolatry (our culture 'idolizes' too many things - money, movie stars, the hottest electronic gadget); and all of this is encouraged and supported and acceptable to the world we live in.
But at some point we will ALL have to give an account to God for the lives we have lived. We will have to answer to Him in regards to the choices we made and the sacrifices (our comfort) we lovingly gave up in order to live in accordance to His will.
Verses 7 through 11 are each packed with direct messages on how we are called to 'Live for God.'
- Be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.
- Above all, love each other deeply.
- Offer hospitality without grumbling.
- Faithfully use what gifts you have received to serve others.
- Speak as though you are speaking the very words of God.
- Serve with the strength God provides, so that in ALL things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
I love how in the second half of this chapter we are reminded that we should not be surprised when we suffer for living a life for God. Rather, we are called to rejoice in our shared experience with Christ Jesus and can look forward to the joy that will come when His Glory is revealed. We are called to wear our badge of "Christian" with honor and to praise God that we are called to His family. In the time we have left, before our day of judgment arrives, we are to obey the Gospel and continue to do good, as we commit our lives to our faithful Creator.
I don't know about you but I am really feeling God's voice loud and clear throughout this entire book. There are some pretty clear messages and directions that I guess God has wanted me to slow down and actually hear this time.
My prayer for today is one of humble obedience. I pray that we are all able to hear God's whispers and loving follow His calling for our lives. I pray that by living our lives for Him that our lives will be radically transformed and He will be Glorified!
Until We Meet Again,
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